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LeetCode Algorithm

# Title Solution Tags Difficulty
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters c++-I String Medium
5 Longest Palindromic Substring c++-I,c++-II String Medium
6 ZigZag Conversion c++ String Medium
8 String to Integer (atoi) c++ String Medium
10 Regular Expression Matching c++ String Hard
12 Integer to Roman c++ String Medium
13 Roman to Integer c++ String Easy
14 Longest Common Prefix c++ String Easy
17 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number c++ String Medium
20 Valid Parentheses c++ String Easy
22 Generate Parentheses c++ String Medium
28 Implement strStr() c++ String Easy
30 Substring with Concatenation of All Words c++ String Hard
32 Longest Valid Parentheses c++ String Hard
38 Count and Say c++ String Easy
43 Multiply Strings c++ String Medium
44 Wildcard Matching* c++ String Hard
49 Group Anagrams c++ String Medium
56 Merge Intervals c++,py Sort Medium
57 Insert Interval c++ Sort Hard
58 Length of Last Word c++ String Easy
65 Valid Number c++ String Hard
67 Add Binary c++ String Easy
68 Text Justification c++ String Hard
71 Simplify Path c++ String Medium
72 Edit Distance c++-I,c++-II String Hard
75 Sort Colors c++ Sort Medium
76 Minimum Window Substring c++ String Hard
87 Scramble String c++ String Hard
91 Decode Ways c++ String Medium
93 Restore IP Addresses c++ String Medium
97 Interleaving String c++ String Hard
115 Distinct Subsequences c++ String Hard
125 Valid Palindrome c++ String Easy
126 Word Ladder II c++ String Hard
147 Insertion Sort List c++ Sort Medium
148 Sort List c++ Sort Medium
151 Reverse Words in a String c++ String Medium
164 Maximum Gap c++ Sort Hard
165 Compare Version Numbers c++ String Medium
179 Largest Number c++ Sort Medium
242 Valid Anagram c++-I,c++-II Sort Easy
274 H-Index c++-I,c++-II Sort Medium
324 Wiggle Sort II c++-I,c++-II Sort Medium
349 Intersection of Two Arrays c++ Sort Easy
350 Intersection of Two Arrays II c++ Sort Easy
524 Longest Word in Dictionary through Deleting c++ Sort Medium


Algorithm implemented by several languages.






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