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Relational Algebra in Python: expression tree visualization, type validation, and query execution

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This library implements Relational Algebra syntax in Python.

  • expression tree visualization
  • type validation
  • query execution


Consider the simple database signature

 PERSON / (person_id, name, age)
STUDENT / (person_id, guardian_id)

where each student has at least one guardian.

Suppose we wanted a query to find the IDs of all students who have one or more guardians not yet 18 years old. We could express this in relational algebra as

$$ \mathrm{elim}\!\left( \pi_{\#1}\!\left( \texttt{STUDENT} \bowtie_{\#1 = \#2\ell} \sigma_{\#3 < 18}\!\left(\texttt{PERSON}\right) \right) \right) \tag{1} $$


$$ \mathrm{elim}\!\left( \pi_{\#5}\!\left( \sigma_{\#1 > \#4, \#2 = \#6}\!\left( 18 \times \texttt{PERSON} \times \texttt{STUDENT} \right) \right) \right) \tag{2} $$

and so on.

On the other hand, expression $(3)$ below differs from $(1)$ by a single character, but it is invalid because it joins the wrong attributes.

$$ \mathrm{elim}\!\left( \pi_{\#1}\!\left( \texttt{STUDENT} \bowtie_{\textcolor{red}{\#1 = \#1\ell}} \sigma_{\#3 < 18}\!\left(\texttt{PERSON}\right) \right) \right) \tag{3} $$

Meanwhile, expression $(4)$ below is perfectly legal, but still produces an incorrect result:

$$ \begin{aligned} &\mathrm{elim}\!\left( \pi_{\#1}\!\left( \texttt{STUDENT} \right) \right) \\ &- \mathrm{elim}\!\left( \pi_{\#1}\!\left( \texttt{STUDENT} \bowtie_{\#1 = \#2\ell} \sigma_{\#3 \geq 18}\!\left(\texttt{PERSON}\right) \right) \right) \end{aligned} \tag{4} $$

Even though this example is meant to be simple, it is already difficult to tell the difference between a correct and incorrect relational algebra expression!

This library is born out of a desire to automatically verify arbitrary relational algebra queries.


First, we convert the above schema into Python code.


Each attribute is represented by a list of string type names. Type names are semantic. For example, even though student IDs and guardian IDs are just person IDs, we specifically name those as types.

student_id = Attribute("sid")
guardian_id = Attribute("gid")
person_id = Attribute("pid") | student_id | guardian_id
name = Attribute("name")
age = Attribute("age")


A relation combines a sequence of attributes with some example elements of that relation. We specifically set up the elements to test our query:

PERSON = Relation(
    attributes=(person_id, name, age),
        (1, "S_1", 11), # has G<18
        (2, "S_2", 12), # has both guardians
        (3, "S_3", 13), # has G=18
        (4, "G<18", 17),
        (5, "G=18", 18),
# ( pid|sid|gid , name , age )
#   1           , S_1  , 11
#   2           , S_2  , 12
#   3           , S_3  , 13
#   4           , G<18 , 17
#   5           , G=18 , 18

STUDENT = Relation(
    attributes=(student_id, guardian_id),
        (1, 4),
        (2, 4),
        (2, 5),
        (3, 5),
# ( sid , gid )
#   1   , 4
#   2   , 4
#   2   , 5
#   3   , 5


In our query, we deal with the age constant 18. To prevent this constant from being compared with non-age numbers, we build a single-attribute (age) relation with 18 as the only value.

AGE_OF_MAJORITY = ConstantRelation(age, 18)

We can also define the expected result of our query:

expected = Relation(
# ( sid )
#   1
#   2

Relational Algebra in Python

The following code demonstrates various relational algebra operations using examples.

Selection ($\sigma$)

All people under the age of majority:

$$ \sigma_{\#3 \leq 18}\!\left(\texttt{PERSON}\right) $$

where $\#3$ refers to the third attribute of PERSON.

Attributes are one-indexed. This allows us to do something nifty later on...

select[3 |lt| AGE_OF_MAJORITY](PERSON)
# ( pid|sid|gid , name , age )
#   1           , S_1  , 11
#   2           , S_2  , 12
#   3           , S_3  , 13
#   4           , G<18 , 17

3 |lt| AGE_OF_MAJORITY is an example of using the bitwise OR operation in Python to simulate custom infix operators such as lt here. For more details on this method, see Tomer Filiba's blog.

Projection ($\pi$)

All names:

$$ \pi_{\#2}\!\left(\texttt{PERSON}\right) $$

# ( name )
#   S_1
#   S_2
#   S_3
#   G<18
#   G=18

Elimination ($\mathrm{elim}$)

All distinct student IDs:

$$ \mathrm{elim}\!\left(\pi_{\#1}\!\left(\texttt{STUDENT}\right)\right) $$

# ( sid )
#   1
#   2
#   3

Product ($\times$)

All possible pairs of elements from the relations STUDENT and PERSON:

$$ \texttt{STUDENT} \times \texttt{PERSON} $$

# ( sid , gid , pid|sid|gid , name , age )
#   1   , 4   , 1           , S_1  , 11
#   1   , 4   , 2           , S_2  , 12
#   1   , 4   , 3           , S_3  , 13
#   1   , 4   , 4           , G<18 , 17
#   1   , 4   , 5           , G=18 , 18
#   2   , 4   , 1           , S_1  , 11
#   2   , 4   , 2           , S_2  , 12
#   2   , 4   , 3           , S_3  , 13
#   2   , 4   , 4           , G<18 , 17
#   2   , 4   , 5           , G=18 , 18
#   2   , 5   , 1           , S_1  , 11
#   2   , 5   , 2           , S_2  , 12
#   2   , 5   , 3           , S_3  , 13
#   2   , 5   , 4           , G<18 , 17
#   2   , 5   , 5           , G=18 , 18
#   3   , 5   , 1           , S_1  , 11
#   3   , 5   , 2           , S_2  , 12
#   3   , 5   , 3           , S_3  , 13
#   3   , 5   , 4           , G<18 , 17
#   3   , 5   , 5           , G=18 , 18

Join ($\bowtie$)

A join is equivalent to a product ($\times$) followed by a selection ($\sigma$). For example, we could filter the product between STUDENT and PERSON on matching guardian ID:

$$ \sigma_{\#2 = \#3}\!\left(\texttt{STUDENT} \times \texttt{PERSON}\right) $$

or we could implement this as a join:

$$ \texttt{STUDENT} \bowtie_{\#1 = \#2\ell} \texttt{PERSON} $$

Where $\ell$ indicates an attribute index belonging to the relation on the left, while the absence of $\ell$ indicates an attribute index belonging to the relation on the right. In this case, the index $\#1 = \#2\ell$ refers to

  • $\#1$: the first attribute of PERSON
  • $\#2\ell$: the second attribute of STUDENT

To express this in code, we use negative indices (e.g., $\#2\ell \to \texttt{-2}$) to indicate the left argument.

STUDENT |join[1 |eq| -2]| PERSON
# ( sid , gid , gid , name , age )
#   1   , 4   , 4   , G<18 , 17
#   2   , 4   , 4   , G<18 , 17
#   2   , 5   , 5   , G=18 , 18
#   3   , 5   , 5   , G=18 , 18

Notice that the type of the first column of PERSON changed following the join. This library is smart enough to figure out that an equality-based selection condition (like $\#1 = \#2\ell$) will result in a type intersection between the participating columns.

Difference ($-$)

All ages other than 18:

$$ \pi_{\#3}\!\left(\texttt{PERSON}\right) - 18 $$

project[3](PERSON) |difference| AGE_OF_MAJORITY
# ( age )
#   11
#   12
#   13
#   17

Union ($\cup$)

All students or guardians:

$$ \pi_{\#1}\!\left(\texttt{STUDENT}\right) \cup \pi_{\#2}\!\left(\texttt{STUDENT}\right) $$

project[1](STUDENT) |union| project[2](STUDENT)
# ( sid|gid )
#   1
#   2
#   2
#   3
#   4
#   4
#   5
#   5

Note on Order of Operations

The custom infix operators used in this library are implemented by overloading the bitwise OR operation |, which is evaluated left to right.

Because of this, we have limited control over the order of operations. For example, there is no way to give higher precedence to product ($\times$) than difference ($-$). When in doubt, use parentheses to enforce evaluation order.

Query Verification

To come full circle, we now implement all 4 example RA expressions.

The resolve function lets us trace the evaluation tree of the expression on our sample database instance.

Expression $(1)$: Correct

$$ \mathrm{elim}\!\left( \pi_{\#1}\!\left( \texttt{STUDENT} \bowtie_{\#1 = \#2\ell} \sigma_{\#3 < 18}\!\left(\texttt{PERSON}\right) \right) \right) $$

eliminate(project[1](STUDENT |join[1 |eq| -2]| select[3 |lt| AGE_OF_MAJORITY](PERSON)))
# ┌─
# │ ┌─
# │ │ ┌─
# │ │ ┤ ( sid , gid )                   = ( sid , gid )
# │ │ ┤                                     1   , 4
# │ │ ┤                                     2   , 4
# │ │ ┤                                     2   , 5
# │ │ ┤                                     3   , 5
# │ │ ╞═
# │ │ ├ ┌─
# │ │ ├ │ ( pid|sid|gid , name , age )  = ( pid|sid|gid , name , age )
# │ │ ├ │                                   1           , S_1  , 11
# │ │ ├ │                                   2           , S_2  , 12
# │ │ ├ │                                   3           , S_3  , 13
# │ │ ├ │                                   4           , G<18 , 17
# │ │ ├ │                                   5           , G=18 , 18
# │ │ ├ ├─
# │ │ ├ σ[#3<18]                        = ( pid|sid|gid , name , age )
# │ │ ├                                     1           , S_1  , 11
# │ │ ├                                     2           , S_2  , 12
# │ │ ├                                     3           , S_3  , 13
# │ │ ├                                     4           , G<18 , 17
# │ │ ├─
# │ │ × σ[#1=#2l]                       = ( sid , gid , gid , name , age )
# │ │                                       1   , 4   , 4   , G<18 , 17
# │ │                                       2   , 4   , 4   , G<18 , 17
# │ ├─
# │ π[#1]                               = ( sid )
# │                                         1
# │                                         2
# ├─
# elim                                  = ( sid )
#                                           1
#                                           2

Expression $(2)$: Correct

$$ \mathrm{elim}\!\left( \pi_{\#5}\!\left( \sigma_{\#1 > \#4, \#2 = \#6}\!\left( 18 \times \texttt{PERSON} \times \texttt{STUDENT} \right) \right) \right) $$

eliminate(project[5](select[1 |gt| 4, 2 |eq| 6](AGE_OF_MAJORITY |product| PERSON |product| STUDENT)))
# ┌─
# │ ┌─
# │ │ ┌─
# │ │ │ ┌─
# │ │ │ ┤ ┌─
# │ │ │ ┤ ┤ 18                            = 18
# │ │ │ ┤ ╞═
# │ │ │ ┤ ├ ( sid|pid|gid , name , age )  = ( sid|pid|gid , name , age )
# │ │ │ ┤ ├                                   1           , S_1  , 11
# │ │ │ ┤ ├                                   2           , S_2  , 12
# │ │ │ ┤ ├                                   3           , S_3  , 13
# │ │ │ ┤ ├                                   4           , G<18 , 17
# │ │ │ ┤ ├                                   5           , G=18 , 18
# │ │ │ ┤ ├─
# │ │ │ ┤ ×                               = ( age , sid|pid|gid , name , age )
# │ │ │ ┤                                     18  , 1           , S_1  , 11
# │ │ │ ┤                                     18  , 2           , S_2  , 12
# │ │ │ ┤                                     18  , 3           , S_3  , 13
# │ │ │ ┤                                     18  , 4           , G<18 , 17
# │ │ │ ┤                                     18  , 5           , G=18 , 18
# │ │ │ ╞═
# │ │ │ ├ ( sid , gid )                   = ( sid , gid )
# │ │ │ ├                                     1   , 4
# │ │ │ ├                                     2   , 4
# │ │ │ ├                                     2   , 5
# │ │ │ ├                                     3   , 5
# │ │ │ ├─
# │ │ │ ×                                 = ( age , sid|pid|gid , name , age , sid , gid )
# │ │ │                                       18  , 1           , S_1  , 11  , 1   , 4
# │ │ │                                       18  , 1           , S_1  , 11  , 2   , 4
# │ │ │                                       18  , 1           , S_1  , 11  , 2   , 5
# │ │ │                                       18  , 1           , S_1  , 11  , 3   , 5
# │ │ │                                       18  , 2           , S_2  , 12  , 1   , 4
# │ │ │                                       18  , 2           , S_2  , 12  , 2   , 4
# │ │ │                                       18  , 2           , S_2  , 12  , 2   , 5
# │ │ │                                       18  , 2           , S_2  , 12  , 3   , 5
# │ │ │                                       18  , 3           , S_3  , 13  , 1   , 4
# │ │ │                                       18  , 3           , S_3  , 13  , 2   , 4
# │ │ │                                       18  , 3           , S_3  , 13  , 2   , 5
# │ │ │                                       18  , 3           , S_3  , 13  , 3   , 5
# │ │ │                                       18  , 4           , G<18 , 17  , 1   , 4
# │ │ │                                       18  , 4           , G<18 , 17  , 2   , 4
# │ │ │                                       18  , 4           , G<18 , 17  , 2   , 5
# │ │ │                                       18  , 4           , G<18 , 17  , 3   , 5
# │ │ │                                       18  , 5           , G=18 , 18  , 1   , 4
# │ │ │                                       18  , 5           , G=18 , 18  , 2   , 4
# │ │ │                                       18  , 5           , G=18 , 18  , 2   , 5
# │ │ │                                       18  , 5           , G=18 , 18  , 3   , 5
# │ │ ├─
# │ │ σ[#1>#4,#2=#6]                      = ( age , gid , name , age , sid , gid )
# │ │                                         18  , 4   , G<18 , 17  , 1   , 4
# │ │                                         18  , 4   , G<18 , 17  , 2   , 4
# │ ├─
# │ π[#5]                                 = ( sid )
# │                                           1
# │                                           2
# ├─
# elim                                    = ( sid )
#                                             1
#                                             2

Expression $(3)$: Incorrect

$$ \mathrm{elim}\!\left( \pi_{\#1}\!\left( \texttt{STUDENT} \bowtie_{\textcolor{red}{\#1 = \#1\ell}} \sigma_{\#3 < 18}\!\left(\texttt{PERSON}\right) \right) \right) $$

eliminate(project[1](STUDENT |join[1 |eq| -1]| select[3 |lt| AGE_OF_MAJORITY](PERSON)))
# ┌─
# │ ┌─
# │ │ ┌─
# │ │ ┤ ( sid , gid )                   = ( sid , gid )
# │ │ ┤                                     1   , 4
# │ │ ┤                                     2   , 4
# │ │ ┤                                     2   , 5
# │ │ ┤                                     3   , 5
# │ │ ╞═
# │ │ ├ ┌─
# │ │ ├ │ ( sid|pid|gid , name , age )  = ( sid|pid|gid , name , age )
# │ │ ├ │                                   1           , S_1  , 11
# │ │ ├ │                                   2           , S_2  , 12
# │ │ ├ │                                   3           , S_3  , 13
# │ │ ├ │                                   4           , G<18 , 17
# │ │ ├ │                                   5           , G=18 , 18
# │ │ ├ ├─
# │ │ ├ σ[#3<18]                        = ( sid|pid|gid , name , age )
# │ │ ├                                     1           , S_1  , 11
# │ │ ├                                     2           , S_2  , 12
# │ │ ├                                     3           , S_3  , 13
# │ │ ├                                     4           , G<18 , 17
# │ │ ├─
# │ │ × σ[#1=#1ℓ]                       = ( sid , gid , sid , name , age )
# │ │                                       1   , 4   , 1   , S_1  , 11
# │ │                                       2   , 4   , 2   , S_2  , 12
# │ │                                       2   , 5   , 2   , S_2  , 12
# │ │                                       3   , 5   , 3   , S_3  , 13
# │ ├─
# │ π[#1]                               = ( sid )
# │                                         1
# │                                         2
# │                                         2
# │                                         3
# ├─
# elim                                  = ( sid )
#                                           1
#                                           2
#                                           3

Expression $(4)$: Incorrect

$$ \begin{aligned} &\mathrm{elim}\!\left( \pi_{\#1}\!\left( \texttt{STUDENT} \right) \right) \\ &- \mathrm{elim}\!\left( \pi_{\#1}\!\left( \texttt{STUDENT} \bowtie_{\#1 = \#2\ell} \sigma_{\#3 \geq 18}\!\left(\texttt{PERSON}\right) \right) \right) \end{aligned} $$

|difference| eliminate(project[1](STUDENT |join[1 |eq| -2]| select[3 |ge| AGE_OF_MAJORITY](PERSON)))
# ┌─
# ┤ ┌─
# ┤ │ ┌─
# ┤ │ │ ( sid , gid )                     = ( sid , gid )
# ┤ │ │                                       1   , 4
# ┤ │ │                                       2   , 4
# ┤ │ │                                       2   , 5
# ┤ │ │                                       3   , 5
# ┤ │ ├─
# ┤ │ π[#1]                               = ( sid )
# ┤ │                                         1
# ┤ │                                         2
# ┤ │                                         2
# ┤ │                                         3
# ┤ ├─
# ┤ elim                                  = ( sid )
# ┤                                           1
# ┤                                           2
# ┤                                           3
# ╞═
# ├ ┌─
# ├ │ ┌─
# ├ │ │ ┌─
# ├ │ │ ┤ ( sid , gid )                   = ( sid , gid )
# ├ │ │ ┤                                     1   , 4
# ├ │ │ ┤                                     2   , 4
# ├ │ │ ┤                                     2   , 5
# ├ │ │ ┤                                     3   , 5
# ├ │ │ ╞═
# ├ │ │ ├ ┌─
# ├ │ │ ├ │ ( sid|pid|gid , name , age )  = ( sid|pid|gid , name , age )
# ├ │ │ ├ │                                   1           , S_1  , 11
# ├ │ │ ├ │                                   2           , S_2  , 12
# ├ │ │ ├ │                                   3           , S_3  , 13
# ├ │ │ ├ │                                   4           , G<18 , 17
# ├ │ │ ├ │                                   5           , G=18 , 18
# ├ │ │ ├ ├─
# ├ │ │ ├ σ[#3≥18]                        = ( sid|pid|gid , name , age )
# ├ │ │ ├                                     5           , G=18 , 18
# ├ │ │ ├─
# ├ │ │ × σ[#1=#2ℓ]                       = ( sid , gid , gid , name , age )
# ├ │ │                                       2   , 5   , 5   , G=18 , 18
# ├ │ │                                       3   , 5   , 5   , G=18 , 18
# ├ │ ├─
# ├ │ π[#1]                               = ( sid )
# ├ │                                         2
# ├ │                                         3
# ├ ├─
# ├ elim                                  = ( sid )
# ├                                           2
# ├                                           3
# ├─
# −                                       = ( sid )
#                                             1


Relational Algebra in Python: expression tree visualization, type validation, and query execution





