GitHub related topic
2014 Depth Map Prediction from a Single Image using a Multi-Scale Deep Network
Authors: David Eigen, Christian Puhrsch and Rob Fergus
first one to use CNN for monocular image depth estimation
2016 Deeper depth prediction with fully convolutional residual networks
Authors: Iro Laina, Christian Rupprecht, Vasileios Belagiannis, Federico Tombari, Nassir Navab
improved with a fully convolutional model incorporating efficient residual up-sampling blocks
2017 Monocular Depth Estimation with Hierarchical Fusion of Dilated CNNs and Soft-Weighted-Sum Inference
Authors: Bo Li, Yuchao Dai, Mingyi He
propose a deep end-to-end learning framework to tackle these challenges, which learns the direct mapping from a color image to the corresponding depth map
2017 Unsupervised monocular depth estimation with left-right consistency
Authors: C. Godard, O. Mac Aodha, and G. J. Brostow.
enables convolutional neural network to learn to perform single image depth estimation, despite the absence of ground truth depth data
2017 A Compromise Principle in Deep Monocular Depth Estimation
Authors: Huan Fu, Mingming Gong, Chaohui Wang, Dacheng Tao
propose a regression-classification cascaded network (RCCN), which consists of a regression branch predicting a low spatial resolution continuous depth map and a classification branch predicting a high spatial resolution discrete depth map
2018 Deep Ordinal Regression Network for Monocular Depth Estimation
Authors: Huan Fu, Mingming Gong, Chaohui Wang, Kayhan Batmanghelich, Dacheng Tao
To eliminate or at least largely reduce these problems, introduce a spacing-increasing discretization (SID) strategy to discretize depth and recast depth network learning as an ordinal regression problem
2018 Revisiting Single Image Depth Estimation: Toward Higher Resolution Maps with Accurate Object Boundaries.
Authors: Junjie Hu, Mete Ozay, Yan Zhang, Takayuki Okatani
toward more accurate estimation with a focus on depth maps with higher spatial resolution, propose an improved network architecture consisting of four modules: an encoder, decoder, multi-scale feature fusion module, and refinement module. Another is refined loss function.
2018 Deep attention-based classification network for robust depth prediction
Authors: Ruibo Li, Ke Xian, Chunhua Shen, Zhiguo Cao, Hao Lu, Lingxiao Hang
present deep attention-based classification (DABC) network for robust single image depth prediction
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