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Hytils Reborn

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User Guide


What is Hytils Reborn?

Hytils Reborn is a Hypixel focused Forge 1.8.9 mod based on Sk1er LLC's Hytilities, adding tons of Quality of Life features that you would want while on Hypixel, such as an Advertisement-Blocker, AutoQueue, AutoGL, Height Overlay, Game Status Restyle, AutoComplete for /play and plenty others to discover on your own!

How do I use Hytils Reborn?

Hytils Reborn is installed just like any other Forge mod.

If you do not know how to install a Forge mod, then we recommend following this step-by-step guide.




  • Auto Start - Join Hypixel immediately once the client has loaded to the main menu.
  • Auto Queue - Automatically queues for another game once you win or die. (This will require you to interact with the game in a way to prevent abuse)
  • Auto-Complete Play Commands - Allows tab completion of /play commands.
  • Limbo Play Helper - When a /play command is run in Limbo, this runs /l first and then the command.
  • Automatically Check GEXP - Automatically check your GEXP after you win a Hypixel game.
  • Automatically Check Winstreak - Automatically check your winstreak after you win a Hypixel game.
  • Notify Mining Fatigue - Send a notification when you get mining fatigue.
  • Disable Mining Fatigue Notification in SkyBlock - Disable the mining fatigue notification in SkyBlock.


  • Auto GL - Send a message 5 seconds before a Hypixel game starts.
  • Anti GL - Remove all GL messages from chat.
  • Auto Friend - Automatically accept friend requests.
  • Auto Chat Report Confirm - Automatically confirms chat reports.
  • Auto Party Warp Confirm - Automatically confirms party warps.
  • Game Status Restyle - Replace common game status messages with a new style.
  • Player Count Before Player Name - Put the player count before the player name in game join/leave messages.
  • Player Count on Player Leave - Include the player count when players leave.
  • Player Count Padding - Place zeros at the beginning of the player count to align with the max player count.
  • Trim Line Separators - Prevent separators from overflowing onto the next chat line.
  • Clean Line Separators - Change all line separator to become smoother.
  • White Chat - Make nons' chat messages appear as the normal chat message color.
  • White Private Messages - Make private messages appear as the normal chat message color.
  • Colored Friend/Guild Statuses - Colors the join/leave status of friends and guild members.
  • Cleaner Start Counter - Compacts counting announcements.
  • Short Channel Names - Abbreviate chat channel names.
  • Party Chat Swapper - Automatically change to and out of a party channel when joining/leaving a party.
  • Swap Chatting Tab With Chat Swapper - Automatically switch your Chatting chat tab when chat swapper swaps your chat channel.
  • Remove All Chat Message - Hide the "You are now in the ALL channel" message when auto-switching.
  • Notify When Kicked From Game - Notify in party chat when you are kicked from the game due to a connection issue.
  • Guild Welcome Message - Send a friendly welcome message when a player joins your guild.
  • Broadcast Achievements - Announce in Guild chat when you get an achievement.
  • Broadcast Levelup - Announce in Guild chat when you level up.
  • Thank Watchdog - Compliment Watchdog when someone is banned, or a Watchdog announcement is sent.
  • Shout Cooldown - Show the amount of time remaining until /shout can be reused.
  • Non Speech Cooldown - Show the amount of time remaining until you can speak if you are a non.
  • Hide Locraw Messages - Hide locraw messages in chat.
  • Remove Lobby Statuses - Remove lobby join messages from chat.
  • Remove Mystery Box Rewards - Remove others mystery box messages from chat and only show your own.
  • Remove Soul Well Announcements - Remove soul well announcements from chat.
  • Remove Game Announcements - Remove game announcements from chat.
  • Remove Hype Limit Reminder - Remove Hype limit reminders from chat.
  • Player AdBlocker - Remove spam messages from players, usually advertising something or begging for ranks.
  • Remove BedWars Advertisements - Remove player messages asking to join BedWars parties.
  • Remove Friend/Guild Statuses - Remove join/quit messages from friend/guild members.
  • Remove Guild MOTD - Remove the guild Message Of The Day.
  • Remove Chat Emojis - Remove MVP++ chat emojis.
  • Remove Server Connected Messages - Remove messages informing you of the lobby name you've just joined, or what lobby you're being sent to.
  • Remove Game Tips Messages - Remove messages informing you of how to play the game you're currently in.
  • Remove Auto Activated Quest Messages - Remove automatically activated quest messages.
  • Remove Stats Messages - Remove messages informing you if you want to view your stats after a game.
  • Remove Curse of Spam Messages - Hides the constant spam of Kali's curse of spam.
  • Remove Bridge Self Goal Death Messages - Hides the death message when you jump into your own goal in Bridge.
  • Remove Duels No Stats Change Messages - Hides the message explaining that your stats did not change for dueling through /duel or within in a party.
  • Remove Block Trail Disabled Messages - Hides the message explaining that your duel's block trail cosmetic was disabled in specific gamemodes.
  • Remove SkyBlock Welcome Messages - Removes "Welcome to Hypixel SkyBlock!" messages from chat.
  • Remove Gift Message - Removes "They have gifted x so far!" messages from chat.
  • Remove Seasonal Simulator Collection Messages - Removes personal and global collected messages from chat for the Easter, Christmas, and Halloween variants.
  • Remove Earned Coins and Experience Messages - Removes the earned coins and experience messages from chat.
  • Remove Replay Messages - Removes replay messages from chat.
  • Remove Tip Messages - Removes tip messages from chat.
  • Remove Online Status Messages - Removes the online status messages from chat.
  • AutoWB - Says configurable message to your friends/guild when they join.


  • Highlight Friends In Tab - Add a star to the names of your Hypixel friends in tab.
  • Highlight Self In Tab - Add a star to your name in tab.
  • Hide NPCs In Tab - Prevent NPCs from showing up in tab.
  • Don't Hide Important NPCs - Keeps NPCs in tab in gamemodes like SkyBlock and Replay.
  • Hide Guild Tags in Tab - Prevent Guild tags from showing up in tab.
  • Hide Player Ranks in Tab - Prevent player ranks from showing up in tab.
  • Hide Ping in Tab - Prevent ping from showing up in tab while playing games, since the value is misleading. Ping will remain visible in lobbies.
  • Cleaner Tab in SkyBlock - Doesn't render player heads or ping for tab entries that aren't players in SkyBlock.
  • Hide Advertisements in Tab - Prevent Hypixel's advertisements from showing up in tab.


  • Hide HUD Elements - Hide HUD elements such as health, hunger, and armor bars where they are the same.
  • Hide Advertisements in Bossbars - Hide bossbars that advertise Hypixel.
  • Hardcore Hearts - When your bed is broken/wither is killed in Bedwars/MiniWalls, set the heart style to Hardcore.
  • Hide Game Starting Titles - Hide titles such as the countdown when a game is about to begin and gamemode names.
  • Hide Game Ending Titles - Hide titles that signify when the game has ended.
  • Hide Game Ending Countdown Titles - Hide titles that signify the time left in a game.
  • Hide Armor - Hide armor in games where armor is always the same.
  • Hide Useless Game Nametags - Hides unnecessary nametags such as those that say "RIGHT CLICK" or "CLICK" in SkyBlock, BedWars, SkyWars, and Duels, as well as other useless ones.
  • Notify When Blocks Run Out - Pings you via a sound when your blocks are running out.
  • Middle Waypoint Beacon in MiniWalls - Adds a beacon at (0,0) when your MiniWither is dead in MiniWalls.
  • Hide Arcade Cosmetics - Hide Arcade Cosmetics in Hypixel.
  • Colored Beds - Make beds a different color depending on the team they are on.
  • Height Overlay - Make blocks that are in the Hypixel height limit a different color.
  • Hide Actionbar in Dropper - Hide the Actionbar in Dropper.
  • Lower Render Distance in Sumo - Lowers render distance to your desired value in Sumo Duels.
  • Hide Duels Cosmetics - Hide Duels Cosmetics in Hypixel.
  • Mute Housing Music - Prevent the Housing songs from being heard.
  • Hide Actionbar in Housing - Hide the Actionbar in Housing.
  • Pit Lag Reducer - Hide entities at spawn while you are in the PVP area.
  • Remove Non-NPCs in SkyBlock - Remove entities that are not NPCs in SkyBlock.
  • Highlight Opened Chests - Highlight chests that have been opened.
  • UHC Overlay - Increase the size of dropped apples, golden apples, golden ingots, and player heads in UHC Champions and Speed UHC.
  • UHC Middle Waypoint - Adds a waypoint to signify (0,0).


  • Hide Lobby NPCs - Hide NPCs in the lobby.
  • Hide Useless Lobby Nametags - Hides unnecessary nametags such as those that say "RIGHT CLICK" or "CLICK TO PLAY" in a lobby, as well as other useless ones.
  • Hide Lobby Bossbars - Hide the bossbar in the lobby.
  • Mystery Box Star - Shows what star a mystery box is in the Mystery Box Vault, Orange stars are special boxes.
  • Remove Limbo AFK Title - Remove the AFK title when you get sent to limbo for being AFK.
  • Limbo Limiter - While in Limbo, limit your framerate to reduce the load of the game on your computer.
  • Limbo PM Ding - While in Limbo, play the ding sound if you get a PM. Currently, Hypixel's option does not work in Limbo.

Links and support


Hypixel-focused Quality of Life mod.









  • Java 100.0%