HIgh performance AM/FM RDS software-defined radio signal processing tuner with TEF6686HN/V102 and I2C Arduino Controller for XDR/NXP/TEF GTK user interface
( for old "historical" versions visit rdi.boards.net ! )
* by default audio output level is fixed -> 0dB or +3dB
* On genuine XDR-GTK interface the de-emphasis switch is acting now this way:
50uS => NORMAL ( 50 uS );
75uS => FLAT ( 0 uS );
0uS => MPX out mode ( DAC_Left : FM MPX (DARC) signal / DAC_Right : mono audio );
* XDR-GTK Antenna Switch option:
Ant A = Normal
Ant B = iMS enabled ( FM multipath suppression when the receiver is in a moving vehicle )
Ant C = EQ enabled ( FM channel equalizer for improved field performance )
Ant D = Both enabled
* For AM the following four bandwidth settings are supported:
3 / 4 / 6 / 8 kHz.
* For FM the following sixteen bandwidth settings are supported:
56 / 64 / 72 / 84 / 97 / 114 / 133 / 151 / 168 / 184 / 200 / 217 / 236 / 254 / 287 / 311 kHz.
Other bandwidth parameter values are rounded to the nearest supported bandwidth in XDR-GTK genuine user interface but in the TEF-GTK modified user interface the bandwidth parameter values fits well.
In some third party XDR-GTK altered versions available on internet the word "Ant" has been replaced by others such as the funny "DX", which, apart from the word itself on a button, doesn't bring a real plus of performance on weak fringe RF signals, being only just to impress the fools :)
Great special thanks to Konrad Kosmatka, author of the original & brilliant version for Sony XDR-F1HD
and also to ( in alphabetical order ):
- ace919
- Brian Beezley
- dxhdtv
- eggplant886
- fmdxbp
- Jan Kolar
- Marcin Woloszczuk
- Mihai Popa https://github.com/stailus/tef6686_rds
- makserge https://github.com/makserge/tef6686_radio
- Nicu Florica http://nicuflorica.blogspot.com/2020/02/radio-cu-tef6686.html
- ODJeetje
- Olivier Guillaume
- Przemyslaw Korpas
- VoXiTPro https://github.com/voxit1512/Tef6686
and many other enthusiasts ...
Tested on Arduino Nano V3.0 at 5V
Feel free to add your own contribution to this nice project !