Read and write call detail records and alerts to an influxdb database.
Import a function and invoke it with the ip address of the influxdb database and a pino logger.
const {
} = require('@jambonz/time-series')(pinoLogger, '');
await writeCdrs([{
from: 'me',
to: 'you',
sip_callid: '[email protected]',
answered: true,
duration: 22,
attempted_at: new Date( - (3600 * 1000)),
answered_at: - (3590 * 1000),
termination_reason: 'caller hungup',
direction: 'inbound',
host: '',
remote_host: '',
trunk: 'device',
account_sid: 'xxxx',
call_sid: 'foo'
Reading is pagination-based: request a page of data, providing the page number and count of records (i.e page size).
Begin by querying page 1 and a count of records >= 25 and <= 500. The response will include a "total" property indicating the total number of records meeting the supplied criteria; based on this you can calculate the total number of page and then provide pagination.
result = await queryCdrs({account_sid: 'yyyy', page: 1, page_size:50});
"total": 1,
"page_size": 50,
"page": 1,
"data": [{cdr 1}, {cdr 2}, .. {cdr 50}]
CDR data has these tags, of which you must provide at least account_sid
in your query, and you may optionally filter the data further by providing any of the other tags and associated values to filter on:
- account_sid
- host (IP address of SBC that generated the CDR)
- trunk (carrier name)
- direction (inbound or outbound)
- answered (true or false)
result = await queryCdrs({account_sid: 'yyyy', direction: 'inbound', page: 1, page_size:50});
await writeAlerts([{
alert_type: AlertType.WEBHOOK_STATUS_FAILURE,
account_sid: 'yyyy',
url: '',
status: 404
alert_type: AlertType.TTS_NOT_PROVISIONED,
account_sid: 'yyyy',
vendor: 'google'
alert_type: AlertType.CARRIER_NOT_PROVISIONED,
account_sid: 'yyyy',
alert_type: AlertType.CALL_LIMIT,
account_sid: 'yyyy',
count: 50,
result = await queryAlerts({account_sid: 'yyyy', page: 1, page_size:50});
"total": 1,
"page_size": 50,
"page": 1,
"data": [{alert 1}, {alert 2}, .. {alert 50}]
Alert data has these tags, of which you must provide at least account_sid
in your query, and you may optionally filter the data further by providing any of the other tags and associated values to filter on:
- account_sid
- alert_type
result = await queryAlerts({account_sid: 'yyyy', alert_type: AlertType.CARRIER_NOT_PROVISIONED, page: 1, page_size:50});