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X.L.LayoutHints stop windows from overlapping
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This is an improvement on the pull request "Fix render order of
LayoutHints and MultiColumns" (#186) and addresses the actual underlying

It turned out that windows can sometimes overlap also. This happens when
a window is exactly in the center along an axis. There is a special
case in the code for this, but it was not handled properly.

I removed the code that places the focused window on top since it is no
longer required, but I still preserve the window order of the underlying
layout. This interferes even less with the underlying layout.

I also removed some code paths that were no longer necessary due to this
change and generalized some types so that I could debug the code more
  • Loading branch information
ankaan committed Jun 11, 2017
1 parent 12227d3 commit 45ecd35
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* `XMonad.Layout.LayoutHints`

Preserve the window order of the modified layout, except for the focused
window that is placed on top. This fixes an issue where the border of the
focused window in certain situations could be rendered below borders of
unfocused windows. It also has a lower risk of interfering with the
modified layout.
- Preserve the window order of the modified layout, this lowers the risk of
interfering with the modified layout.
- Stop windows from overlapping when a window is exactly in the center along
an axis.

* `XMonad.Layout.MultiColumns`

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39 changes: 16 additions & 23 deletions XMonad/Layout/LayoutHints.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module XMonad.Layout.LayoutHints
) where

import XMonad(LayoutClass(runLayout), mkAdjust, Window,
Dimension, Position, Rectangle(Rectangle), D,
Dimension, Position, Rectangle(..), D,
X, refresh, Event(..), propertyNotify, wM_NORMAL_HINTS,
(<&&>), io, applySizeHints, whenX, isClient, withDisplay,
getWindowAttributes, getWMNormalHints, WindowAttributes(..))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ fitting rects = sum $ do
r <- rects
return $ length $ filter (touching r) rects

applyOrder :: Rectangle -> [((Window, Rectangle),t)] -> [[((Window, Rectangle),t)]]
applyOrder :: Rectangle -> [((a, Rectangle),t)] -> [[((a, Rectangle),t)]]
applyOrder root wrs = do
-- perhaps it would just be better to take all permutations, or apply the
-- resizing multiple times
Expand All @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ instance LayoutModifier LayoutHintsToCenter Window where
modifyLayout _ ws@(W.Workspace _ _ (Just st)) r = do
(arrs,ol) <- runLayout ws r
flip (,) ol
. changeOrder (W.focus st : (filter (/= W.focus st) $ map fst arrs))
. changeOrder (map fst arrs)
. head . reverse . sortBy (compare `on` (fitting . map snd))
. map (applyHints st r) . applyOrder r
<$> mapM (\x -> fmap ((,) x) $ mkAdjust (fst x)) arrs
Expand All @@ -158,41 +158,36 @@ changeOrder w wr = zip w' $ map (fromJust . flip lookup wr) w'
where w' = filter (`elem` map fst wr) w

-- apply hints to first, grow adjacent windows
applyHints :: W.Stack Window -> Rectangle -> [((Window, Rectangle),(D -> D))] -> [(Window, Rectangle)]
applyHints :: Eq a => W.Stack a -> Rectangle -> [((a, Rectangle),(D -> D))] -> [(a, Rectangle)]
applyHints _ _ [] = []
applyHints s root (((w,lrect@(Rectangle a b c d)),adj):xs) =
let (c',d') = adj (c,d)
redr = placeRectangle (centerPlacement root lrect :: (Double,Double)) lrect
$ if isInStack s w then Rectangle a b c' d' else lrect

ds = (fromIntegral c - fromIntegral c',fromIntegral d - fromIntegral d')
ds = ( fromIntegral a + fromIntegral c - fromIntegral (rect_x redr) - fromIntegral (rect_width redr)
, fromIntegral b + fromIntegral d - fromIntegral (rect_y redr) - fromIntegral (rect_height redr)
, fromIntegral (rect_x redr) - fromIntegral a
, fromIntegral (rect_y redr) - fromIntegral b
growOther' r = growOther ds lrect (freeDirs root lrect) r
mapSnd f = map (first $ second f)
next = applyHints s root $ mapSnd growOther' xs
in (w,redr):next

growOther :: (Position, Position) -> Rectangle -> Set Direction2D -> Rectangle -> Rectangle
growOther ds lrect fds r
| dirs <- flipDir <$> Set.toList (Set.intersection adj fds)
, not $ any (uncurry opposite) $ cross dirs =
foldr (flip grow ds) r dirs
| otherwise = r
growOther :: (Position, Position, Position, Position) -> Rectangle -> Set Direction2D -> Rectangle -> Rectangle
growOther ds lrect fds r = foldr (flip grow ds) r $ flipDir <$> Set.toList (Set.intersection adj fds)
adj = adjacent lrect r
cross xs = [ (a,b) | a <- xs, b <- xs ]

flipDir :: Direction2D -> Direction2D
flipDir d = case d of { L -> R; U -> D; R -> L; D -> U }

opposite :: Direction2D -> Direction2D -> Bool
opposite x y = flipDir x == y

-- | Leave the opposite edges where they were
grow :: Direction2D -> (Position,Position) -> Rectangle -> Rectangle
grow L (px,_ ) (Rectangle x y w h) = Rectangle (x-px) y (w+fromIntegral px) h
grow U (_ ,py) (Rectangle x y w h) = Rectangle x (y-py) w (h+fromIntegral py)
grow R (px,_ ) (Rectangle x y w h) = Rectangle x y (w+fromIntegral px) h
grow D (_ ,py) (Rectangle x y w h) = Rectangle x y w (h+fromIntegral py)
grow :: Direction2D -> (Position,Position,Position,Position) -> Rectangle -> Rectangle
grow L (pl,_ ,_ ,_ ) (Rectangle x y w h) = Rectangle (x-pl) y (w+fromIntegral pl) h
grow U (_ ,pu,_ ,_ ) (Rectangle x y w h) = Rectangle x (y-pu) w (h+fromIntegral pu)
grow R (_ ,_ ,pr,_ ) (Rectangle x y w h) = Rectangle x y (w+fromIntegral pr) h
grow D (_ ,_ ,_ ,pd) (Rectangle x y w h) = Rectangle x y w (h+fromIntegral pd)

comparingEdges :: ([Position] -> [Position] -> Bool) -> Rectangle -> Rectangle -> Set Direction2D
comparingEdges surrounds r1 r2 = Set.fromList $ map fst $ filter snd [ (\k -> (dir,k)) $
Expand All @@ -208,8 +203,6 @@ comparingEdges surrounds r1 r2 = Set.fromList $ map fst $ filter snd [ (\k -> (d

-- | in what direction is the second window from the first that can expand if the
-- first is shrunk, assuming that the root window is fully covered:
-- one direction for a common edge
-- two directions for a common corner
adjacent :: Rectangle -> Rectangle -> Set Direction2D
adjacent = comparingEdges (all . onClosedInterval)

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