This repository contains the script I developed during PhD to process data. Used packages includes: matplotlib, glob, os, pandas, numpy, scipy, skimage, h5py and ORS packages from Dragonfly etc.
- Align projection images from X-ray nano-tomography by segmentation and using center of mass
- Calculate connectivity of labeled phase from 3D stacked images
- Calculate the volume fraction of labeled phase from 3D stacked images
- Fit circle and get the radius of each slices in 3D stacked images using multiple CPU
- Calculated Interfacial Shape Distribution from 3D images
We kindly appreciate that you cite this code and the following article when you use the program:
- Xiaoyin Zheng, Xiaoyang Liu, Yu-chen Karen Chen-Wiegart (2022). Interfacial shape distribution calculation (Version 1.0.0) [Computer software].
- Kammer, D. Three-Dimensional Analysis and Morphological Characterization of Coarsened Dendritic Microstructures. Northwestern University, 2006.
- Python script used in software Dragonfly for 3D images: batch load, segment and mesh the 3D dataset to calculate interfacial area and volume
- Error function fitting of SIMS data
- Plot X-ray diffraction data: plot in situ integrated diffraction patterns in one plot
- Do 2D Gaussian fit on 2D image to find the beam position (x,y). Then use the relative position difference to shift image.