Electron app simple and easy to use download manager, support for multiple downloads
- Simple to use, few call parameters
- No electron window object is required
- Support for multiple downloads (Associate by url)
- Support timeout
- Perfect compatibility with electron api
npm i electron-dl-downloader
const Downloader = require('electron-dl-downloader');
const dl = new Downloader({url:'https://xx.exe', filePath:'D:\\Downloads\\oo.exe'});
//const dl = new Downloader({url:'https://xx.exe', directory:'D:\\Downloads'});
//const dl = new Downloader({url:'https://xx.exe', directory:'D:\\Downloads', fileName:'oo.exe'});
const item = await dl.download()
const state = await dl.whenDone()
if (state === Downloader.STATES.completed) {
console.log('Download successfully')
} else {
console.log(`Download failed: ${state}`)
Electron DownloadItem events and methods are also supported.
const item = await dl.download()
item.on('updated', (event, state) => {
if (state === Downloader.STATES.interrupted) {
console.log('Download is interrupted but can be resumed')
} else if (state === Downloader.STATES.progressing) {
if (item.isPaused()) {
console.log('Download is paused')
} else {
console.log(`Received bytes: ${item.getReceivedBytes()}`)
It can only be used in the main process.
params: {
url: string,
filePath: string, //such as "D:\\Downloads\\oo.exe"
directory: string, //such as "D:\\Downloads". default:Directory for a user's downloads.
fileName: string, //such as "oo.exe". default:Electron downloadItem.getFilename()
timeout: number, //second. default 60
options: object //Electron downloadURL options
Starts a file download. Returns the DownloadItem
of the download.
download(): Promise<DownloadItem>
Wait for the "done" event for DownloadItem and returns state string
whenDone(): Promise<string>
Returns arg url
Returns arg filePath
Returns downloadItem state object