3.1.4 (2024-10-29)
- ✨ migrate from docker action to composite action (#498)
- 👷 (#432) support major/minor tags (#433) (eb942cf)
- 🚀 (#328 #316) add params for git user.name, user.email a… (#330) (6038fdf)
- ✨ (#204) gpg sign (#436) (99aefe5)
- ✨ (#401) add option to force file deletion (#435) (e68941f)
- ✨ gpg sign with passphrase (#460) (cec582e)
- ✨ migrate from docker action to composite action (#498) (29d0434)
- ✨ Set token to the default provided by GitHub workflow (#483) (c1e7561)
- AndreasAugustin#467: ✨ hooks now within action inputs (#489) (0e55c08)
- AndreasAugustin#468: ✨ enable usage of github env variables within hooks (#469) (17d4603)
- AndreasAugustin#472: ✨ define output (#473) (a19cd8d)
- AndreasAugustin#477: ✨ add input parameter for pr body (#488) (481cc21)
- AndreasAugustin#478: ✨ possible to execute single steps (#516) (6b9bd88)
- AndreasAugustin#482: ✨ add option to force push and pr (#499) (cbef7ee)
- AndreasAugustin#523: ✨ delete branches on pr cleanup (#525) (d957348)
- AndreasAugustin#547: ✨ add option to include git tags (#561) (01f7623)
- AndreasAugustin#567: Add the name of the .templatesyncignore file as a parameter (#568) (03661a8)
- ability to add reviewers for pull requests (#362) (964b161)
- action: add parameter for gh action configuration (#129) 🚀 (55484dc)
- add configurable PR title and branch prefix (2d80a8a)
- allow for pruning of older PRs (#438) (0e51714)
- config files inside .GitHub folder (#252) (8aa35f1)
- docker: push image to registries (7e8787a)
- docker: push image to registries (93d70a3)
- docker: push image to registries 🚀 (5bab502)
- docker: push image to registries 🚀 (8310801)
- docker: push image to registries 🚀 (a54c0ff)
- docker: push image to registries 🚀 (f88b658)
- docker: push image to registries 🚀 (5f162c8)
- fix input (9d6fafe)
- gh-auth: add gh auth login and credential helper (#239) (7a33121)
- hooks: added precommit hook (#439) (4a42410)
- hostname: add hostname 🚀 (cb89c88)
- make commit msg configurable (#237) (764e725)
- self: add self as action template 🚀 (80f10a5)
- Use GITHUB_TOKEN for PR operations (c2751f4)
Bug Fixes
- 🐛 (#375) fix edge case with .templatesyncignore (#378) (1eede30)
- 🐛 (#380) small fix related to remote file mode changes (#383) (ff25f8c)
- 🐛 fix condition (5563bf1)
- 🐛 run of workflows in forked repos (#312) (#313) (53177e2)
- 🐛 try catch for edge cases (#465) (95ce4e4)
- (lint) fix md lint issue 🐛 (a95853f)
- AndreasAugustin#461: 🐛 issue with pull request labels with emoji and space (#462) (89b8d21)
- AndreasAugustin#476: 🐛 output variable edge cases (#479) (ab4153b)
- AndreasAugustin#507: 🐛 pr title and body internal variable substitution (#508) (912b4e0)
- AndreasAugustin#510: 🐛 issue with blank lines within .templatesyncignore (#512) (814f456)
- AndreasAugustin#528: 📝 small docs update (4eb71ce)
- AndreasAugustin#529: 🐛 edge case with branch cleanup and force push (#534) (ab9498f)
- AndreasAugustin#536: 🐛 issue with comments within .templatesyncignore (#538) (aba0971)
- checkout action using a github pat (#358) (9e4223d)
- ci: 🐛 (#388) issues within ci (8649015)
- ci: 🐛 (#388) issues within ci (dd57314)
- ci: 🐛 (#388) issues within ci (e063b29)
- ci: 🐛 (#387) issue with docker push (#392) (a94785c)
- ci: 🐛 issues within ci (2793a56)
- config: fix pr_labels -> now complete optional (#207) 🚀 (f9de1ad)
- cve: (#168) fix bug related to CVE-2022-24765 🔒 (e231a7b)
- cve: fix bug related to CVE-2022-24765 🔒 (6a6128f)
- divergent_branches: (#142) fix issue with divergent branches 🐛 (40d1558)
- docs: 🐛 (#387) fix missing documentation about .templatesyncignore paths (3130f5b)
- Explicitly use SYNC_TOKEN for GitHub authentication (5d5f0c4)
- github pat in documentation examples (#423) (aea6128)
- incorrect argument passing to git push (#574) (44e59ba)
- quote PR title (bcf13f1)
- sync-template: fix issue with .templatesyncignore conflicts (#251) (dd6bb2c)
- sync-template: IF order (#269) (00e2f35)
- sync-template: typo in TEMPLATE_SYNC_IGNORE_FILE_PATH variables (#268) (67b630b)
- token fix (24ed043)
- token fix (a7d0941)