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This module builds an Alfresco amp which logs more information for a solr query. It is especially useful for distributed search, to analyze performance per shard.

The functionality can be controlled with the boolean parameter solr.useDebug=true.

Tested and tailor-made for alfrescoVersion = ''.

warning Using this amp for any other version as specified above can have unforeseen consequences.

Technical implementation

This AMP module uses AOP to intercept the calls located in the searchServiceSubsystemProxy bean. When a call to the "query" method is detected and solr.useDebug=true then the Debug parameter will be added to the API call to SOLR, causing SOLR to return a lot more debug data.

When the API call from SOLR returns, we will again be in the intercepted flow, where we retrieve the SOLR response (JSONObject jsonresponse) parse it, and write it to the solrquery.log file.

warning We have to note that we are overriding the SolrJSONResultSet.class file with our own variant. Our variant has an additional function (namely getResponseBodyAsJSONObject) Before intercepting the query method, we will check if this function exists. In the build.gradle you can find the sourceSets directive that will copy our class to the classes directory in tomcat, effectively overriding the existing one. You can find the overriding class here inside the running alfresco container:


The risk exists in the fact that, when we upgrade alfresco, we no longer know if the copy we took of SolrJSONResultSet.class to add our getResponseBodyAsJSONObject function to is still correct. This can lead to very hard to troubleshoot issues like methodDoesNotExist

Alfresco's and configures a separate appender for its logger, json-based, whose output is solr debug information.

Integration tests show how to send the logs to elasticsearch, via filebeat, for a stack with 1 Alfresco node and 2 solr shards. Multiple (combinations of) versions for Alfresco and Solr can easily be added and tested.

A sidecar container is added to Alfresco, having as output solr debug lines, parsed with a custom filebeat module and sent to a separate index in ES.

Filebeat is configured to use docker autodiscovery based on container/image labels. Example of filebeat-related labels:

  • co.elastic.logs/module=json-alfresco - to use module json-alfresco for parsing
  • co.elastic.logs/enabled=false - to not send logs to ES
  • eu.xenit.index=solrlogs - custom ES index to send log lines to


The SolrQueryParser utility extracts properties from the search query. This extraction allows to gather insights about which property is regularly searched upon. This information aides in property relevancy tuning for search interfaces used to query Alfresco.


query= TYPE:"{}site\" AND cm:name:"test"
result= [TYPE, cm:name]

Properties after the NOT keyword or contained in the NOT brackets are left out of the extraction.

query= test cm:name:test AND NOT (TYPE:"{}dictionaryModel" OR TYPE:"{}issue") 
result= [FullText, cm:name]

Lucene search options are removed if present.

query= +TYPE:"{}site\" AND !cm:name:"test"
result= [TYPE, cm:name]

How to start


  • filebeat/ needs ot be owned by root and should only be writable by owner
  • virtual memory has to be increased: sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
  1. Start up elasticsearch and kibana.

     cd integration-tests/src/main/compose/
     docker-compose -f docker-compose-elk.yml up -d
  2. Once elasticsearch container are fully started, run the script.

     cd elasticsearch

This script takes care of the index lifetime management for the custom index where logs are being written, also of fields mapping for this index. The name of this index should be the same with the label eu.xenit.index. In an ansible setup, the will be done via ansible.

  1. Start alfresco (with version 74) and solr

        ./gradlew integration-tests:alfresco-enterprise-74:cU
  2. Trigger some searches

     cd integration-tests/src/main/compose
  3. Access kibana at localhost:5601 (username=elastic,password=changeme)

Use discovery mode and explore using fields like


There are also some dashboards available with information about performance per shard and properties searched for. The dashboards are "injected" by Filebeat, if they are not visible, try restarting the Filebeat container, it will re-initialize the dashboards.

Alfresco is available at http://localhost/alfresco. A finder has been included in the stack, available at http://localhost/finder.


The amp will override the original SolrJSONResultSet.class by being unpacked by the amp in: /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/classes/org/alfresco/repo/search/impl/lucene

  • only logger lines need to be changed, depending on the useSolrDebug variable:

For efficiency, it is possible to only send to ES a subset of the debug information, for example total number of hits, total time elapsed and information per shard.