This library is experimental.
- Entity Framework based and fully compatible (v6 only currently).
- Dynamic model (entities, fields, ...) generation from metadata tables.
- Metadata/model manipulation. Thats mean you can CRUD your own entities and allows, for exemple, custom fields support.
- Runtime usage of entites. Using of entities without know their name and fields at runtime (with dynamic/reflection).
- Static usage of entites at compile time via classes proxy.
- Auto creation of metadata tables.
using (var context = Context.New("Name=ConnectionStringName"))
var users = context.Set("User") as IEnumerable<dynamic>;
var xavier = users.Where(u => u.FirstName == "Xavier").Single();
using (var context = Context.New("Name=ConnectionStringName"))
var xavier = context.ProxySet<IUser>() // IUser must be declared in metadata
.Where(u => u.FirstName == "Xavier")