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csharp. |
SLI, OpenTelemetry, Metrics. |
Service level indicators (SLIs) are metrics used to measure the performance of a service. They are typically used in the context of service level agreements (SLAs), which are contracts between a service provider and its customers that define the expected level of service. SLIs are used to track the actual performance of the service against the agreed upon SLA.
There are many different types of SLIs that can be used to measure the performance of a service. Some common examples include:
- Availability: This measures the percentage of time that a service is available and functioning properly.
- Response time: This measures the amount of time it takes for a service to respond to a request.
- Throughput: This measures the amount of work that a service can handle in a given period of time.
- Error rate: This measures the percentage of requests that result in errors.
SLIs are important because they provide a way to objectively measure the performance of a service. By tracking SLIs over time, service providers can identify trends and make improvements to the service to ensure that it meets the needs of its customers.
ServiceLevelIndicators library will help emit latency metrics for each API operation to help monitor the service performance over time. The metrics is emitted via standard .NET Meter Class.
By default, a meter named ServiceLevelIndicator
with instrument name operation.duration
is added to the service metrics. The metrics are emitted with the following attributes.
- CustomerResourceId - A value that helps identity the customer, customer group or calling service.
- LocationId - The location where the service running. eg. Public cloud, West US 3 region. Azure Core
- Operation - The name of the operation.
- activity.status.code - The activity status code is set based on the success or failure of the operation. ActivityStatusCode.
ServiceLevelIndicators.Asp adds the following dimensions.
- Operation - In ASP.NET the operation name defaults to
information likeGET Weatherforecast
. - The activity status code will be "Ok" when the http response status code is in the 2xx range, "Error" when the http response status code is in the 5xx range, "Unset" for any other status code.
- http.response.status_code - The http status code.
- http.request.method (Optional)- The http request method (GET, POST, etc) is added.
Difference between ServiceLevelIndicator and http.server.request.duration
ServiceLevelIndicator | http.server.request.duration | |
Resolution | milliseconds | seconds |
Customer | CustomerResourceId | N/A |
Error check | Activity or HTTP status.code | HTTP status code |
ServiceLevelIndicators.Asp.Versioning adds the following dimensions.
- http.api.version - The API Version when used in conjunction with API Versioning package.
This library can be used to emit SLI for all .net core applications, where each operation is measured.
For measuring SLI for ASP.NET Core applications use this library that will automatically measure each API operation.
If API Versioning package is used, this library will add the API version as a metric dimension.
Register SLI with open telemetry by calling
builder.Services.AddOpenTelemetry() .ConfigureResource(configureResource) .WithMetrics(builder => { builder.AddServiceLevelIndicatorInstrumentation(); builder.AddOtlpExporter(); });
Add ServiceLevelIndicator, into the dependency injection. AddMvc() is required for overrides present in SLI attributes to take effect.
builder.Services.AddServiceLevelIndicator(options => { options.LocationId = ServiceLevelIndicator.CreateLocationId("public", AzureLocation.WestUS3.Name); }) .AddMvc();
Add the middleware to the pipeline.
Register SLI with open telemetry by calling
builder.Services.AddOpenTelemetry() .ConfigureResource(configureResource) .WithMetrics(builder => { builder.AddServiceLevelIndicatorInstrumentation(); builder.AddOtlpExporter(); });
Add ServiceLevelIndicator into the dependency injection.
builder.Services.AddServiceLevelIndicator(options => { options.LocationId = ServiceLevelIndicator.CreateLocationId("public", AzureLocation.WestUS3.Name); });
Add the middleware to the ASP.NET core pipeline.
To each API route mapping, add
app.MapGet("/hello", () => "Hello World!") .AddServiceLevelIndicator();
You can measure a block of code by boxing it in a using clause of MeasuredOperation. Example.
async Task MeasureCodeBlock(ServiceLevelIndicator serviceLevelIndicator)
using var measuredOperation = serviceLevelIndicator.StartMeasuring("OperationName");
// Do Work.
Once the Prerequisites are done, all controllers will emit SLI information. The default operation name is in the format <HTTP Method> <Controller>/<Action>. eg GET WeatherForecast/Action1
To add API versioning as a dimension use package
and enrich the metrics withAddApiVersion
builder.Services.AddServiceLevelIndicator(options => { /// Options }) .AddMvc() .AddApiVersion();
To add HTTP method as a dimension, add
to Service Level Indicator.Example.
builder.Services.AddServiceLevelIndicator(options => { /// Options }) .AddMvc() .AddHttpMethod();
Enrich SLI with
callback. The callback receives aMeasuredOperation
as context that can be used to set toCustomerResourceId
or additional attributes. An async versionEnrichAsync
is also available.Example.
builder.Services.AddServiceLevelIndicator(options => { options.LocationId = ServiceLevelIndicator.CreateLocationId(Cloud, Region); }) .AddMvc() .Enrich(context => { var upn = context.HttpContext.User.Claims .FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == "upn")?.Value ?? "Unknown"; context.SetCustomerResourceId(upn); // Set CustomerResourceId context.AddAttribute("UserPrincipalName", upn); // Add custom attribute });
To override the default operation name add the attribute
and specify the operation name.Example.
[HttpGet("MyAction2")] [ServiceLevelIndicator(Operation = "MyNewOperationName")] public IEnumerable<WeatherForecast> GetOperation() => GetWeather();
To set the
within an API method, mark the parameter with the attribute[CustomerResourceId]
[HttpGet("get-by-zip-code/{zipCode}")] public IEnumerable<WeatherForecast> GetByZipcode([CustomerResourceId] string zipCode) => GetWeather();
Or use
extension method.[HttpGet("{customerResourceId}")] public IEnumerable<WeatherForecast> Get(string customerResourceId) { HttpContext.GetMeasuredOperation().CustomerResourceId = customerResourceId; return GetWeather(); }
To add custom Open Telemetry attributes.
HttpContext.GetMeasuredOperation().AddAttribute(attribute, value);
GetMeasuredOperation will throw if the route is not configured to emit SLI.
When used in a middleware or scenarios where a route may not be configured to emit SLI.
if (HttpContext.TryGetMeasuredOperation(out var measuredOperation)) measuredOperation.AddAttribute("CustomAttribute", value);
You can add additional dimensions to the SLI data by using the
attribute.[HttpGet("name/{first}/{surname}")] public IActionResult GetCustomerResourceId( [Measure] string first, [CustomerResourceId] string surname) => Ok(first + " " + surname);
To prevent automatically emitting SLI information on all controllers, set the option,
ServiceLevelIndicatorOptions.AutomaticallyEmitted = false;
In this case, add the attribute
on the controllers that should emit SLI. -
To measure a process, run it within a
using StartMeasuring
public void StoreItem(MyDomainEvent domainEvent) { var attribute = new KeyValuePair<string, object?>("Event", domainEvent.GetType().Name); using var measuredOperation = _serviceLevelIndicator.StartMeasuring("StoreItem", attribute); DoTheWork(); )
Try out the sample weather forecast Web API.
To view the metrics locally.
- Run Docker Desktop
- Run sample\DockerOpenTelemetry\run.cmd to download and run zipkin and prometheus.
- Run the sample web API project and call the
GET WeatherForecast
using the Open API UI. - You should see the SLI metrics in prometheus under the meter
where theOperation = "GET WeatherForeCase"
,http.response.status_code = 200
,LocationId = "ms-loc://az/public/westus2"
,activity.status_code = Ok
- If you run the sample with API Versioning, you will see something similar to the following.