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Migration to AWS using Terraform

IaC provisioned: VNC, EC2, RDS

Why and How

Why: A company is migrating to AWS. It needs to migrate an App and its database from its on-prem server.

How: Instead of manually creating all the infrastructure and config the servers in the tediously and dangerously way, a better alternative is to automate the task using Terraform.

What it does:

  • Creates a VNC, SG, IG, RT
  • Creates a RDS and its 2 subnets
  • Creates an EC2 instance
  • Connects to EC2 and downloads the App requirements
  • Creates an S3 bucket
  • Copy on-prem data from source to S3
  • Downloads the remaining data and deploys the App
  • App accessible through Public IP


1 - Create a secret.tfvars and add to it:

ssh_cidr_blocks = [""] // ← allowed SSH connection
db_name = "<your-db-name>"
db_username = "<your-db-username>"
db_password = "<your-db-passord>"


terraform init
terraform plan -var-file="secret.tfvars"
terraform apply -var-file="secret.tfvars"

2 - Copy your ~/.aws/credentials and ~/.aws/configto the project root. Don't worry, they wont be uploaded to your Git Repo.

3 - Create afile dbpass with your db password on it. Don't worry, it wont be uploaded to your Git Repo.

4 - Change dbbatch file to your user/pass and db.

4 - Run

terraform init
terraform validate
terraform plan -var-file="secret.tfvars"
terraform apply -var-file="secret.tfvars"

Wait some minutes and be happy


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