USB-HS-Bridge is a debug tool made by MuseLab based on WCH's CH347T/CH347F With USB 2.0 High Speed, it support USB-to-I2C/SPI/UART/JTAG/GPIO, can be used to operate various devices include MCU/DSP/FPGA/CPLD/EEPROM/SPI-Flash/LCD...
Since CH347T does not have enough pins, DTR1 and RTS1 need to be used to configure the mode when powering up.
mode | DTR1 | RTS1 | detail |
0 | 1 | 1 | UART0 + UART1 |
1 | 1 | 0 | UART1 + I2C + SPI (VCP Mode) |
2 | 0 | 1 | UART1 + I2C + SPI (HID Mode) |
3 | 0 | 0 | UART1 + JTAG |
The package of CH347F is QFN28, which has enough pins, so there is no need to switch the working mode to reuse the pins. UART0/UART1/I2C/SPI/JTAG can be used at the same time. and the IO level is adjustable by switch, the options are 3.3V/2.5V/1.8V/Vref.
there are two UART peripherals on board, UART0 and UART1, both are enabled in mode-0, and only UART1 enabled in mode-1/2/3, UART0 support all modem signals and UART1 support some modem signals, both support hardware flow control.
the I2C(note: I2C Master) is enabled in mode-1/2, the difference between mode-1/2 is that mode-1 need to install the driver provided by WCH, and mode 2 does not require driver installation (act as USB HID Device).
the SPI(note: SPI Master with 4-line) is enabled in mode-1/2, there are two CS pins, so you can control two SPI devices at once(time-sharing).
the JTAG is enabled in mode-3, include TCK/TMS/TDI/TDO/TRST, support fast-mode and bit-bang mode, uhe fastest speed up to 18Mbit/s.
there is a test demo under doc/CH347EVT/EVT/TOOLS/CH347Demo/ to test UART/I2C/SPI/JTAG/GPIO. for openocd support, please reference WCH official repo