Mediasite Powershell Module
The module is generated using: ModuleCreator.ps1
It gets the metadata for the Mediasite Api from /api/v1/$metadata on the Mediasite server and then generates functions for each of the available Resources (eg. Recorders, Presentations and Home). Each resource supports the GET, POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE verbs for routes that support it (GET is the default if not specified). Sub routes are handled by arguments passed to the resource function. For example Folders supports the arguments UpdatePermissions, UpdateOwner and DeleteFolder.
open powershell and cd to the folder you want to clone it to
> git clone
Load module and follow prompts:
> Import-Module .\MediasitePS\MediasitePS\mediasiteps
WARNING: Auth file not submitted. Either re-import with the auth file specified or follow the prompts to create a new
Example import with auth file: import-module MediasitePS -ArgumentList .\tmp\auth.xml
mediasite uri(https://<servername>/mediasite): https://<yourserver>/mediasite
Info on the API can be found here: https://<yourserver>/mediasite/api/v1/$metadata#top
Go here to create a API key: https://<yourserver>/mediasite/api/Docs/ApiKeyRegistration.aspx
Enter API Key: <your api key>
What is your username?: <your username>
What is your password?: <your password>
get Application Ticket?(Y/n): y
username to use for ticket (leave blank to use current username): MediasiteAdmin
finding profile id for MediasiteAdmin
write authfile?(Y/n): y
auth file: testauth.xml <enter a filename for the auth info>
check it is working
> Home
odata.metadata : https://<your server>/Mediasite/Api/v1/$metadata#Home/@Element : https://<your server>/Mediasite/Api/v1/Home
[email protected] : https://<your server>/Mediasite/Api/v1/Home('')/NowPlaying
[email protected] : https://<your server>/Mediasite/Api/v1/Home('')/RecentlyViewed
#ChangePassword : @{target=https://<your server>/Mediasite/Api/v1/Home('')/Chang
ApiVersion :
ApiPublishedDate : 2020-03-20T16:25:12.485241Z
SiteName : Mediasite
SiteDescription :
SiteVersion : 7.2.2
SiteBuildNumber : 3914
Next time you load it use:
> Import-Module .\MediasitePS\MediasitePS\mediasiteps -ArgumentList .\testauth.xml
Description: Lists presentations related to this one
API Route: GET /api/v1/Presentations('id')/RelatedPresentations
PowerShell: Presentations -id "000bc599961f42eb9f073cfef3b5567b1d" -relatedpresentations
Description: Lists presentations in a folder
API Route: GET /api/v1/Folders('id')/Presentations
PowerShell: Folders -id "008f12080cf94cffaa3c828abced39c914" -presentations
Description: Create folder
API Route: POST /api/v1/Folders
PowerShell: Folders -post -data @{"Name"="New Folder";"ParentFolderId"="572ac9bbd7954bdcae91421ac88f0b2d14"}
Description: Get tag for presentation specified by id2
API Route: GET /api/v1/Presentations('id1')/Tags(id2)
PowerShell: Presentations -id "001b651ea7dc4e288d331a1a225270901d" -Tags -id2 34
Additional supported switches on resources
Switch | Description |
all | returns all pages |
next | returns next data page |
full | uses $select=full |
rawoutput | returns raw data from api |
noaddmethod | skips the adding of methods |
Additional Arguments
Argument | Description | Type |
filter | OData formated filter | string |
top | Size of page. API Default 10 | int |
cmd | Full route command | string |
data | Hashtable data for POST,PUT,PATCH | hashtable |
The module will need a authentication xml file when loaded. The file contains the Mediasite api key (sfapikey), the uri for the server (uri) and either a basic auth(authorization) or ticket(MediasiteApplicationTicket). If it isn't supplied it will prompt for the required info and allow you to save it to a xml file. There are also some examples of the auth file in examples. The prompt generated file with a ticket will encrypt the ticket under the "SecMediasiteApplicationTicketTxt" entry. The credentials should only work on the computer and computer user the the ticket was originally created under.
Loading example:
PS C:\> cd .\devel\mediasiteps
PS C:\devel\mediasiteps>Import-Module .\MediasitePS -ArgumentList ".\tmp\authma.xml"
Loading auth from: .\tmp\authma.xml
PS C:\devel\mediasiteps>
Methods are added to the returned objects.
- 'get' script blocks for @odata.navigationLinkUrl links
- 'post' script block for # links
- folders: folders script for getting list of subfolders
- home: rootfolder script for getting root mediasite folder
Example showing added script methods and usage of folder.Parent() method
PS C:\devel\mediasiteps> $f = folders
Folders: 1916 of 1926 remaining. Use> Folders -next
PS C:\devel\mediasiteps> $f[0] | Get-Member -Type ScriptMethod
TypeName: System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject
Name MemberType Definition
---- ---------- ----------
DeleteFolder ScriptMethod System.Object DeleteFolder();
Folders ScriptMethod System.Object Folders();
Parent ScriptMethod System.Object Parent();
Presentations ScriptMethod System.Object Presentations();
UpdateOwner ScriptMethod System.Object UpdateOwner();
UpdatePermissions ScriptMethod System.Object UpdatePermissions();
PS C:\devel\mediasiteps> $f[0].Parent()
odata.metadata : https://<your server>/Mediasite/Api/v1/$metadata#Folders/@Element : https://<your server>/Mediasite/Api/v1/Folders('9caa20f3ab1a4563a303f6
[email protected] : https://<your server>/Mediasite/Api/v1/Folders('9caa20f3ab1a4563a303f6
#UpdatePermissions : @{target=https://<your server>/Mediasite/Api/v1/Folders('9caa20f3ab1a4
#UpdateOwner : @{target=https://<your server>/Mediasite/Api/v1/Folders('9caa20f3ab1a4
#DeleteFolder : @{target=https://<your server>/Mediasite/Api/v1/Folders('9caa20f3ab1a4
Id : 9caa20f3ab1a4563a303f6104113ae2714
Name : Mediasite Users
Owner : MediasiteAdmin
Description : User Home Folder Root
CreationDate : 2014-08-13T15:01:52
LastModified : 2014-08-13T15:01:52
ParentFolderId : c3191d7bcf5d43fa97253d0e222efdfc14
Recycled : False
Type : Folder, MyMediasiteRoot
IsShared : False
IsCopyDestination : False
IsReviewEditApproveEnabled : False
PS C:\devel\mediasiteps> $nf =Folders -id "f5c5f11ae3b34f0593a793767f19a89014"
PS C:\devel\mediasiteps> $nf.DeleteFolder()
odata.metadata : https://<your server>/Mediasite/Api/v1/$metadata#Jobs/@Element : https://<your server>/Mediasite/Api/v1/Jobs('81b20d5c-adf6-4c93-864c-f010d66b98ac')
Id : 81b20d5c-adf6-4c93-864c-f010d66b98ac
Status : Queued
StatusMessage :
JobType : Mediasite.System.DeleteFolder.7_0_0
PS C:\devel\mediasiteps>
Paging is accessed through either a '-next' argument for that particualar resource or 'next' command that runs next for the last resource used.
PS C:\devel\mediasiteps> $f = folders
Folders: 1916 of 1926 remaining. Use> Folders -next
PS C:\devel\mediasiteps> $f += folders -next
Folders: 1906 of 1926 remaining. Use> Folders -next
PS C:\devel\mediasiteps> $f += next
Folders: 1896 of 1926 remaining. Use> Folders -next
PS C:\devel\mediasiteps>
The '-all' switch can be used to pull all pages at once
PS C:\devel\mediasiteps> $r = Recorders -all
Recorders: 5 of 15 remaining.
Recorders: 0 of 15 remaining.
PS C:\devel\mediasiteps> $r.count
PS C:\devel\mediasiteps> ($r |sort -Property name).name
Filter example:
PS C:\devel\mediasiteps> $prec =Presentations -filter "Status eq 'Recording'" -all -full
Presentations: 17 of 27 remaining.
Presentations: 7 of 27 remaining.
Presentations: 0 of 27 remaining.
PS C:\devel\mediasiteps> $prec[0].status
PS C:\devel\mediasiteps>
Post example:
Required data is passed as a hashtable
PS C:\devel\mediasiteps> Folders -Post -data @{"Name"="New Folder";"ParentFolderId"="572ac9bbd7954bdcae91421ac88f0b2d14"}
odata.metadata : https://<your server>/Mediasite/Api/v1/$metadata#Folders/@Element : https://<your server>/Mediasite/Api/v1/Folders('f5c5f11ae3b34f0593a793767f19a89014')
[email protected] : https://<your server>/Mediasite/Api/v1/Folders('f5c5f11ae3b34f0593a793767f19a89014')/Presentations
#UpdatePermissions : @{target=https://<your server>/Mediasite/Api/v1/Folders('f5c5f11ae3b34f0593a793767f19a89014')/UpdatePermissions
#UpdateOwner : @{target=https://<your server>/Mediasite/Api/v1/Folders('f5c5f11ae3b34f0593a793767f19a89014')/UpdateOwner}
#DeleteFolder : @{target=https://<your server>/Mediasite/Api/v1/Folders('f5c5f11ae3b34f0593a793767f19a89014')/DeleteFolder}
Id : f5c5f11ae3b34f0593a793767f19a89014
Name : New Folder
Owner : MediasiteAdmin
Description :
CreationDate : 2020-03-06T13:45:57.0000519
LastModified : 2020-03-06T13:45:57.0000519
ParentFolderId : 572ac9bbd7954bdcae91421ac88f0b2d14
Recycled : False
Type : Folder
IsShared : False
IsCopyDestination : False
IsReviewEditApproveEnabled : False