Simple Dynamic DNS client for updating hostnames on dyndns2
I needed a simpler solution than ddclient
that would support dyndns2
servers. It also had to support updating multiple hostnames at once, since I am using a dyndns2
implementation on AWS Route 53, which cannot update multiple hostnames in one request.
- Runs as a simple systemd service.
- Only supports updating hostnames over the
protocol. - Private IP hostnames not supported.
- Multiple hostnames can be updated using a single set of credentials.
- Multiple URLs can be selected for external IP checkers.
- When all IP checker URLs are down, it will keep retrying and log the errors.
- By default, waits 60 seconds before it starts over and checks the IP again.
Prerequisite: Python 3.
Add a new user and fetch the project files:
$ sudo useradd -r -s /bin/false dd2s
$ cd ~
$ git clone
Copy the project files:
$ sudo cp dd2s/dd2s.service /etc/systemd/system/
$ sudo cp dd2s/dd2s.conf.example /etc/dd2s.conf
$ sudo mkdir /usr/local/lib/dd2s
$ $ sudo cp dd2s/dd2s /usr/local/lib/dd2s/
Change permissions:
$ sudo chmod 644 /etc/systemd/system/dd2s.service
$ sudo chown dd2s:dd2s /etc/dd2s.conf
$ sudo chmod 600 /etc/dd2s.conf
$ sudo chown -R dd2s:dd2s /usr/local/lib/dd2s
$ sudo chmod 700 /usr/local/lib/dd2s/dd2s
Edit configuration file:
$ sudo vim /etc/dd2s.conf
Optionally, if using SELinux:
$ sudo restorecon -rv /usr/local/lib/dd2s
Load the service, enable it, start it and check the status:
$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
$ sudo systemctl start dd2s
$ sudo systemctl status dd2s
Example output:
May 24 03:03:25 [localhost] systemd: Started Simple Dynamic DNS client.
May 24 03:03:26 [localhost] dd2s: DEBUG - Updating IP for host good
May 24 03:03:26 [localhost] dd2s: DEBUG - Updating IP for host good
May 24 03:03:27 [localhost] dd2s: DEBUG - Updating IP for host good