This is a module for transmitter data using LoRa Radios.
Available for Nerves Project with Semtech SX1276/77/78/79 based boards.
Example using Raspberry Pi and Adafruit RFM9xx Radio
The package can be installed in your Nerves Project by adding LoRa
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:lora, "~> 1.0"}
Can be set the parameters of SPI and GPIO pin for the reset of radio.
standard values: spi: "spidev0.0", spi_speed: 8_000_000, rst: 25
{:ok, lora_pid} = LoRa.start_link([spi: "spidev0.1", rst: 27])
iex> LoRa.begin(lora_pid, 433.0e6)
iex> LoRa.set_spreading_factor(lora_pid, 8)
iex> LoRa.set_signal_bandwidth(lora_pid, 62.5e3)
iex> LoRa.send(lora_pid, [value: 10])
When the radio receives some data it sends a message to the process that started the link.
iex> flush()
packet: "hello world",
rssi: -90,
snr: 6,
time: ~U[2020-05-06 21:13:11.161125Z]