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Releases: wpsharks/phings

WebSharks Phings v170512.19140

12 May 05:20
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  • Adding LESS (e.g., .less) to the list of ignored files when packaging.
  • Adding Semantic UI (e.g., semantic.json) to the list of ignored files when packaging.
  • Adding TypeScript (e.g., typings.json, tsconfig.json, .ts, and .tsx) to the list of ignored files when packaging.
  • Bug fix. Wrong directory for version tokens. See: d6e5c6d

WebSharks Phings v170316.2094

16 Mar 00:36
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  • The Phing release system now generates a version-ars.txt file; ARS = Any Release State, which includes RC and other official development states, but excludes bleeding edge releases. This new version-ars.txt file will be generated automatically for each project upon the next RC or formal release that you perform using the Phing release system.

    The file will exist here:[slug]/version-ars.txt. This can be used to check for the latest version, in any release state, instead of checking only for the latest stable release.

    The new version-ars.txt file is automatically updated by the Phing build system whenever you perform any RC or formal release. In other words, version-ars.txt always points to the latest available release, without being filtered by development state; i.e., it will consider alpha, beta, RC, and formal releases also. The only exception is that version-ars.txt excludes bleeding edge releases, which are in a separate directory and are not considered to be an actual 'release'.

  • Updating to PHPCS v2.7.1 (previously using v2.5.1).

  • Adding support for Elite packages (one above pro).

  • Use 777 permissions on /tmp/.websharks/phings. See Issue #156.

WebSharks Phings v170105.65238

05 Jan 18:08
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  • Enforcing a . in numbered/prioritized .build.php files. See Issue #127 (comment).
  • Enhancing and documenting support for $v in changelog headings. See this wiki article.
  • Adding and documenting support for vXXXXXX-RC changelog heading replacement (as first line in changelog). See this wiki article.
  • Enhancing export ignores and other regex patterns.

WebSharks Phings v161222.732

22 Dec 00:13
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  • Adding support for new .build.props property: project_issues_slug. Allowing a separate repo to be used for issues.
  • Developers can now create src/includes/translations/.generate to enable an i18n translation file for projects that would otherwise not require them.
  • Lite build with pro Composer dependencies. Fixed in this release. See Issue #146.
  • Exclude composer.json and composer.lock from final distros. See Issue #141.
  • Strip unnecessary files from final distros. See Issue #150.
  • New Ad-Hoc command: <adHocGitHubGetJson /> for retrieving data from the GitHub API; e.g., issue data, user data, etc.
  • Updating this wiki article. Documented new force=true alternative for finishing a feature branch locally instead of remotely. See Issue #110.
  • PR title (when starting a new feature branch) should contain the associated issue title. See Issue #149.
  • Adding support for prioritized .build.*.php files. See Issue #127.

WebSharks Phings v160908.63229

08 Sep 17:34
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  • Adding project_slack_channel as a valid build property. See: #132
  • Automate bleeding edge on official release. See: #142
  • Update to latest i18n tools. See: #144

WebSharks Phings v160824.8847

24 Aug 02:28
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  • Adding new export-ignore rules for files, PsySH stubs, and for IDE helpers. See: #134 and #128
  • Enhancing @since replacements and adding support for @deprecated. See: #130 and #133
  • Adding support for //php-required-functions//. See: #131
  • Slack notification channel. See: #132
  • RV notice replacements. See: #129

WebSharks Phings v160707.2080

07 Jul 00:35
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WebSharks Phings v160628.26132

28 Jun 07:17
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  • Enhancing macOS Notification Center integration.
  • Adding support for token replacement in .bash scripts.
  • Enhancing version token replacement patterns.

WebSharks Phings v160627.38807

27 Jun 10:48
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Most Important Changes

  • 000000-dev now dev: See: #124
  • IMPORTANT: New required .build.props property: project_text_domain
  • IMPORTANT: New required .build.props property for lite variation: project_lite_text_domain
  • IMPORTANT Dotfiles Update: While not required, whenever you upgrade to this release of the Phings project, please update to the latest copy of our .gitignore and .gitattributes file also. You can get them from websharks/dotfiles.
  • IMPORTANT: As noted below, many of the pattern sets were updated in this release. Please review your next build carefully in case there are any new bugs. In particular, please be sure to review the files that make it into the final ZIP distro, as well as the final Lite repo at GitHub. I don't believe there are any problems and it should be more accurate now), but given the number of changes to the pattern sets in this release, it's worth your time to do a quick review just to be sure.

Additional Changes in This Release

  • New Wiki Article:
  • New Feature: If you're on a Mac and you have terminal-notifier installed, a completion notification will now be displayed on success. Chances are, you already have this installed. You can type $ which terminal-notifier to check. If not, install it via Homebrew by typing: $ brew install terminal-notifier. Note also that Terminal Notifier can be configured from your system settings on a Mac; i.e., you can disable this if you'd like, or silence them, etc. See: System Preferences → Notifications → terminal-notifier for details.
  • Reorganized all pattern sets. Now using a layered approach that is based on our .gitignore and .gitattributes file for better consistency and easier maintenance.
  • Adding defaultExcludes="false" to all <fileSet> tags now that there is a more comprehensive approach being taken with exclusions (i.e., pattern sets were drastically improved in this release).
  • Refactor: _is_wp_core_framework_project now _is_core_project.
  • Refactor: _is_lite_build now _doing_lite_build.
  • Refactor: _has_lite_build_props now _has_lite_variation.
  • Adding GitHub credential validator. Now required to finish a release.
  • Adding Slack credential validator. Now required to finish a release or update bleeding edge.
  • Correcting indentation in all files; i.e., no need to indent inside <?xml> tag.
  • Adding phingVersion="2.14.0" to main project; i.e., this version of Phing is now a strict requirement.
  • Bug fix. The _target property during a lite-only build should be set to build-lite.

Full List of All Changed Files

WebSharks Phings v160624.36916

24 Jun 10:16
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  • Nasty bug related to @since getting mangled during a release build. Fixed in this release. Referencing: #109