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Releases: wpsharks/comet-cache

ZenCache Lite v160216-RC (Release Candidate)

16 Feb 18:30
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  • Announcement: ZenCache is changing its name to Comet Cache! Learn more about this upcoming change here.
  • Announcement: This version of ZenCache requires PHP 5.4+. As announced in the previous release, the minimum PHP version required to run ZenCache has changed to PHP 5.4+ as of December 1st, 2015. Please see announcement with further details: New Minimum PHP Version: PHP 5.4
  • Announcement: This version of ZenCache does not support the PHP APC Extension. As announced in the previous release, ZenCache no longer runs with the PHP APC extension enabled as of December 1st, 2015. Please see announcement with further details: PHP APC Extension No Longer Supported
  • Announcement: Restructured Codebase. The entire ZenCache codebase has been restructured to improve performance, enhance flexibility, and make it easier to build in new features! This release of ZenCache Lite has been built from the ZenCache Pro codebase, which is more polished and up-to-date. This release includes many changes and improvements that were released as part of ZenCache Pro releases over the past 6 months and are now being included in the Lite version. See the full changelog below for a complete list of changes.
  • The following changes were released with ZenCache Pro v160103
  • Enhancement: It's now possible to override the ZenCache Nonce exclusion globally (dangerous) or only for Logged-In Users (safer). Please see this article for full details. Issue #637.
  • Akismet Compatibility: Fixed a bug with Akismet compatibility where ZenCache was not properly disabling the Akismet Comment Nonce, which resulted in pages being unnecessarily excluded from the cache due to the presence of the akismet_comment_nonce in the markup. Props @Kalfer. See Issue #642.
  • The following changes were released with ZenCache Pro v151220
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug with clearing cache files for paginated pages where the pagination_base had been changed from the default page to something else (e.g., a translated string). The WP Rewrite API is now used to include pagination_base and comments_pagination_base when building paths to cache files to determine which cache files should be cleared. Props @renzms. See Issue #607.
  • Bug Fix: This release attempts to resolve reports of Error 500 and Internal Server Error issues when running with PHP 5.6 + OPcache. Instead of clearing the entire Opcode cache whenever the plugin options are saved, we only invalidate the advanced-cache.php file, which is rebuilt each time you update your configuration options. Props @jaswsinc. Also props to @MarioKnight and @CotswoldPhoto for helping us narrow this down. See Issue #624.
  • Enhancement: Improved WP Cron-related configuration and validation of custom cron schedules. See PR #197.
  • Enhancement: ZenCache now clears the cache whenever a WordPress plugin is activated or deactivated. Many WordPress plugins change content on the front-end of the site, so this enhancement ensures that an old cache file is never served to visitors. If you want to disable this automatic behavior, see this article. Props @renzms. See Issue #424.
  • Enhancement: When activating ZenCache for the first time, a new Dashboard message now includes a helpful link to the options page to enable caching and review the options. Props @kristineds. See Issue #112.
  • Enhancement: The automatic Cache Cleanup schedule that cleans up (deletes) expired/stale cache files has been changed from once every day to once every hour. Running the cleanup hourly makes ZenCache smarter when configured in certain ways and saves disk space. Props @kristineds. See Issue #472.
  • bbPress Compatibility: This release improves compatibility with bbPress when ZenCache Logged-In User caching is enabled. In this scenario, bbPress may generate links for Admins that contain time-sensitive _wpnonce values which could expire if cached and result in certain admin-related actions failing. ZenCache no longer caches pages that contain _wpnonce in the markup. This ensures that pages containing time-sensitive nonce values are not cached. Props @kristineds, @jaswsinc, and @clavaque. See Issue #601.
  • Akismet Compatibility: ZenCache no longer caches pages that contain akismet_comment_nonce in the markup. This ensures that a page that contains a time-sensitive nonce value does not get cached. Props @kristineds and @jaswsinc. See Issue #601.
  • Akismet Compatibility: ZenCache now automatically disables the Akismet Comment Nonce using the akismet_comment_nonce filter, which improves compatibility between Akismet and the page caching functionality provided by ZenCache. This ensures that pages do not contain time-sensitive nonce values that should not be cached. If you'd like to revert this behavior, please see this article. Props @kristineds and @jaswsinc. See Issue #601.
  • WooCommerce Compatibility: This release improves compatibility with the WooCommerce Product Stock feature. When the Product Stock changes, ZenCache will now clear the cache file for the associated Product to ensure that the stock quantity that appears on the site remains up-to-date. See Issue #597.
  • The following changes were released with ZenCache Pro v151114
  • New Feature! A new watered-down Regular Expression syntax is now supported in several existing ZenCache features, including XML Sitemap Patterns, URI Exclusion Patterns, HTTP Referrer Exclusion Patterns, and User-Agent Exclusion Patterns. (It is also supported in the Pro-only Custom URLs to Auto-Clear, and the HTML Compressor CSS Exclusion Patterns and JavaScript Exclusion Patterns.) This new syntax greatly increases the power and flexibility of each of these features and makes things possible like the much-requested ability to Auto-Clear the Home Page or Posts Page of a site whenever a post cache is cleared. For more information on this new watered-down Regular Expression syntax, this KB Article. Props @kristineds @jaswsinc. See Issue #191.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where a PHP Notice was generated when an inactive WordPress component was being upgraded. This issue did not have any adverse affect on the site, but this fix resolves the issue so that the notice won't appear in PHP logs. See Issue #589.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where a commented-out WP_CACHE definition in wp-config.php (such as what WP Super Cache leaves behind) was being incorrectly ignored and resulted in caching being silently disabled. Props @davidfavor. See Issue #591.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where in some scenarios a page might not be cached due to a stray AUTH_COOKIE or SECURE_AUTH_COOKIE cookie, even when the user is not logged in. Props @jaswsinc @renzms. See Issue #592.
  • Enhancement: When the Cache Directory location is changed, ZenCache now cleans up the old Cache Directory and any old cache files instead of leaving them behind. Props @clavaque @renzms. See Issue #580.
  • Enhancement: Added a new API Function that allows a site owner to clear the cache for a specific URL via zencache::clearUrl($url);. See this article for further details. Props @kristineds. See Issue #590.
  • Enhancement: Improved the HTML Notes generated by ZenCache when s2Member (a membership plugin for WordPress) is specifically disabling caching. s2Member automatically disables caching on certain pages that are required to remain dynamic. The HTML Notes generated by ZenCache now explain when this is happening. Props @renzms. See Issue #504.
  • The following changes were released with ZenCache Pro v151002
  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue related to a popular NGINX server configuration (try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?q=$uri&$args;) that was preventing the entire site from being cached. ZenCache disables caching by default for all requests that include a query string (see Dashboard → ZenCache → Plugin Options → GET Requests) and this particular NGINX configuration passes all requests to WordPress with a ?q= query variable, which was resulting in ZenCache disabling caching on all pages. This release implements better detection for NGINX and works around this scenario. Props @jaswsinc. See Issue #561.
  • Enhancement: M...
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20 Jan 03:03
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v160120-RC Pre-release
  • Announcement: This version of ZenCache requires PHP 5.4+. As announced in the previous release, the minimum PHP version required to run ZenCache has changed to PHP 5.4+ as of December 1st, 2015. Please see announcement with further details: New Minimum PHP Version: PHP 5.4
  • Announcement: This version of ZenCache does not support the PHP APC Extension. As announced in the previous release, ZenCache no longer runs with the PHP APC extension enabled as of December 1st, 2015. Please see announcement with further details: PHP APC Extension No Longer Supported
  • Announcement: Restructured Codebase. The entire ZenCache codebase has been restructured to improve performance, enhance flexibility, and make it easier to build in new features! This release of ZenCache Lite has been built from the ZenCache Pro codebase, which is more polished and up-to-date. This release includes many changes and improvements that were released as part of ZenCache Pro releases over the past 6 months and are now being included in the Lite version. See the full changelog below for a complete list of changes.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug with clearing cache files for paginated pages where the pagination_base had been changed from the default page to something else (e.g., a translated string). The WP Rewrite API is now used to include pagination_base and comments_pagination_base when building paths to cache files to determine which cache files should be cleared. Props @renzms. See Issue #607.
  • Bug Fix: This release attempts to resolve reports of Error 500 and Internal Server Error issues when running with PHP 5.6 + OPcache. Instead of clearing the entire Opcode cache whenever the plugin options are saved, we only invalidate the advanced-cache.php file, which is rebuilt each time you update your configuration options. Props @jaswsinc. Also props to @MarioKnight and @CotswoldPhoto for helping us narrow this down. See Issue #624.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug in the Dynamic Version Salt filter that was generating PHP notices and warnings. See Issue #522.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue with backwards compatibility that was preventing some AC Plugins from working properly. See Issue #514.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where saving a Post/Page as a Draft as a user with an Editor role would unnecessarily clear the Home Page cache. See Issue #625.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where a PHP Notice was generated when an inactive WordPress component was being upgraded. This issue did not have any adverse affect on the site, but this fix resolves the issue so that the notice won't appear in PHP logs. See Issue #589.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where a commented-out WP_CACHE definition in wp-config.php (such as what WP Super Cache leaves behind) was being incorrectly ignored and resulted in caching being silently disabled. Props @davidfavor. See Issue #591.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where in some scenarios a page might not be cached due to a stray AUTH_COOKIE or SECURE_AUTH_COOKIE cookie, even when the user is not logged in. Props @jaswsinc @renzms. See Issue #592.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue related to a popular NGINX server configuration (try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?q=$uri&$args;) that was preventing the entire site from being cached. ZenCache disables caching by default for all requests that include a query string (see Dashboard → ZenCache → Plugin Options → GET Requests) and this particular NGINX configuration passes all requests to WordPress with a ?q= query variable, which was resulting in ZenCache disabling caching on all pages. This release implements better detection for NGINX and works around this scenario. Props @jaswsinc. See Issue #561.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where, in some rare cases, wp-config.php would end up with two WP_CACHE definitions. Props @jaswsinc. See Issue #509.
  • Bug Fix: Saving a Post as a Draft was incorrectly purging XML Sitemap cache files. Props @jaswsinc. See Issue #368.
  • Multisite Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where the Clear Cache button wouldn't clear Child-Site Logged-In User Home Page cache files on WordPress Multisite Networks. Props @jaswsinc. See Issue #409
  • Multisite Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where the Home Page cache was not clearing on Child Sites in a Multisite Network. Props @jaswsinc. See Issue #409
  • Multisite Bug Fix: Fixed a bug with 404 Request caching on Multisite Networks where ZenCache Pro was not considering that each child blog in a multisite network will have its own 404 error page. Props @jaswsinc. See Issue #539.
  • Multisite Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where clearing the cache from the main site of a multisite network, when there are child blogs in sub-directories, resulted in all child blogs being cleared from the cache, not just the main site as would be expected. This has been resolved and only the main site is cleared when clicking the Clear Cache button. Note that the Wipe Cache button can still be used to clear the cache for all sites in a Multisite Network. Props @jaswsinc. See Issue #540.
  • Multisite Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where Wiping the cache on a multisite network resulted in the very next page view being cached incorrectly. Props @jaswsinc. See Issue #541.
  • Enhancement: It's now possible to override the ZenCache Nonce exclusion globally (dangerous) or only for Logged-In Users (safer). Please see this article for full details. Issue #637.
  • Enhancement: Improved WP Cron-related configuration and validation of custom cron schedules. See PR #197.
  • Enhancement: ZenCache now clears the cache whenever a WordPress plugin is activated or deactivated. Many WordPress plugins change content on the front-end of the site, so this enhancement ensures that an old cache file is never served to visitors. If you want to disable this automatic behavior, see this article. Props @renzms. See Issue #424.
  • Enhancement: When activating ZenCache for the first time, a new Dashboard message now includes a helpful link to the options page to enable caching and review the options. Props @kristineds. See Issue #112.
  • Enhancement: The automatic Cache Cleanup schedule that cleans up (deletes) expired/stale cache files has been changed from once every day to once every hour. Running the cleanup hourly makes ZenCache smarter when configured in certain ways and saves disk space. Props @kristineds. See Issue #472.
  • Enhancement: Improved compatibility with any Custom Post Type that uses hierarchies. Props @jaswsinc.
  • Enhancement: When the Cache Directory location is changed, ZenCache now cleans up the old Cache Directory and any old cache files instead of leaving them behind. Props @clavaque @renzms. See Issue #580.
  • Enhancement: Added a new API Function that allows a site owner to clear the cache for a specific URL via zencache::clearUrl($url);. See this article for further details. Props @kristineds. See Issue #590.
  • Enhancement: Improved the HTML Notes generated by ZenCache when s2Member (a membership plugin for WordPress) is specifically disabling caching. s2Member automatically disables caching on certain pages that are required to remain dynamic. The HTML Notes generated by ZenCache now explain when this is happening. Props @renzms. See Issue #504.
  • Enhancement: Manual Cache Clearing options have now been separated from Automatic Cache Clearing options inside the ZenCache Plugin Options to improve the differentiation between these.
  • Enhancement: New icons in the ZenCache Plugin Options help improve the visual representation of each panel.
  • Enhancement: The installed plugin version is now shown at the top of the ZenCache Options Page. Props @renzms. See Issue #502.
  • Enhancement: New transition in/out effects on the Cache Cleared Dashboard notifications. Props @jaswsinc. See Issue #538.
  • New Feature! A new watered-down Regular Expression syntax is now supported in several existing ZenCache features, including XML Sitemap Patterns, URI Exclusion Patterns, HTTP Referrer Exclusion Patterns, and User-Agent Exclusion Patterns. (It is also supported in the Pro-only Custom URLs to Auto-Clear, and the HTML Compressor CSS Exclusion Patterns and JavaScript ...
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v151107 (Lite)

07 Nov 05:33
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  • Announcement: The next version of ZenCache will require PHP 5.4+. As of December 1st, 2015, the minimum PHP version required to run ZenCache will change to PHP 5.4+. This release of ZenCache will be the last version to support PHP 5.3. Please see announcement with further details: New Minimum PHP Version: PHP 5.4
  • Announcement: The next version of ZenCache will not support the PHP APC Extension. As of December 1st, 2015, ZenCache will no longer run with the PHP APC extension enabled. Please see announcement with further details: PHP APC Extension No Longer Supported
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where a commented-out WP_CACHE definition in wp-config.php (such as what WP Super Cache leaves behind) was being incorrectly ignored and resulted in caching being silently disabled. Props @davidfavor. See Issue #591.


30 Sep 02:48
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  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where, in some rare cases, wp-config.php would end up with two WP_CACHE definitions. See Issue #509.
  • Enhancement: Updated Text Domain throughout codebase in preparation for plugin import to See Issue #576.


18 Jul 17:14
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  • Bug Fix: Fixed a Fatal Error when upgrading from v150629 to the latest version of ZenCache. This fatal error only occurred on sites that had WP_DEBUG enabled, at which point ZenCache failed to properly update advanced-cache.php. When WP_DEBUG was disabled, the new version of ZenCache was able to properly update advanced-cache.php and therefore the temporary failure was silent and inconsequential. This bug fix ensures that no fatal error will be produced when upgrading from v150629, even if WP_DEBUG is enabled. See Issue #524.

v150709 (Lite)

10 Jul 02:52
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  • Bug Fix: This update reverts the codebase restructure released in the previous version (v150626). That release received several reports of Fatal Errors, however those issues only affected a small subset of ZenCache users. After extensive research, we discovered that this issue was related to a bug in PHP's APC Extension (which is commonly used on systems running PHP 5.3 and PHP 5.4). The restructured codebase in the previous release utilized a newer PHP feature (Closures) and that increased the likelihood of exposing that existing PHP bug. Since we can't fix the PHP bug directly and we want to continue supporting PHP 5.3.2+ and PHP 5.4 for now, we're reverting the ZenCache Lite codebase restructure to the previous version (v150409). The new ZenCache Lite features that were included in the previous release are still available in this release--only the structure of the codebase itself has changed. To read more about the PHP APC bug, see Issue #511.
  • Enhancement: The Pro Preview feature has been enhanced to improve usability. We also updated the Static CDN Filters section of the Pro Preview to include several new Static CDN Filter features.


27 Jun 00:11
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  • Restructured Codebase: The entire ZenCache codebase has been restructured to improve performance, enhance flexibility, and make it easier to build in new features!
  • New Feature! The free version of ZenCache now supports several new options that were previously only available in the Pro version. You can now toggle the Auto-Clear Cache routines for the Home Page, Posts Page, Author Page, Category Archives, Tag Archives, Custom Term Archives, RSS/RDF/Atom Feeds, and XML Sitemaps. This gives you more control over exactly when ZenCache purges the cache for these parts of your site. See ZenCache → Plugin Options → Clearing the Cache for further details.
  • New Feature! URI Exclusion Patterns are now available in ZenCache Lite! This previously Pro-only feature is now available in the free version of ZenCache and allows you to exclude a list of URIs from being cached by ZenCache. See ZenCache → Plugin Options → URI Exclusion Patterns for further details.
  • New Feature! HTTP Referrer Exclusion Patterns are now available in ZenCache Lite! This previously Pro-only feature is now available in the free version of ZenCache and allows you to define a list of referring URLs or domains that send you traffic. When ZenCache sees a request coming from one of those URLs or domains, it will not cache that particular request. See ZenCache → Plugin Options → HTTP Referrer Exclusion Patterns for further details.
  • New Pro Feature!: HTML Compression now supports compressing JSON (in addition to the already supported HTML, JavaScript, and CSS compression). Props @jaswsinc. See Issue #469.
  • New Pro Feature!: Static CDN Filters now supports multiple CDN hostnames. This allows you to configure more than one CDN hostname, also referred to as Domain Sharding. This makes it possible for site owners to work around web browser concurrency limits, allowing the browser to download many resources simultaneously, which increases overall speed. Props to @isaumya and @jaswsinc. See Issue #468.
  • Enhancement (Pro): Static CDN Filters now includes proper support for WordPress Multisite Networks, including support for subdomains (full support for Domain Mapping coming in the next release). If you're running a WordPress Multisite Network and want to configure a CDN, see this KB Article for further details.
  • Enhancement (Pro): Static CDN Filters now also apply to any static files that are referenced inside CSS files. Props @jaswsinc. See Issue #461.
  • Enhancement: Completed a major restructure of the entire codebase to improve modularity and dependency management. Props @jaswsinc.
  • Enhancement (Pro): Static CDN Filters now supports the ability to configure separate CDN hostname(s) for each domain (or subdomain) that you run in a WordPress Multisite Network. Props @jaswsinc. See Issue #475.
  • Enhancement (Pro): Static CDN Filters now support subdomains when ZenCache is running inside a WordPress Multisite Network. Props @jaswsinc. See Issue #439.
  • Bug Fix (Pro): Static CDN Filters were not being applied to the primary site on WP Multisite installations that used subdomains. Props to @isaumya for discovering this bug. See Issue #470.

v150605 (Release Candidate)

09 Jun 19:46
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  • New Feature! The free version of ZenCache now supports several new options that were previously only available in the Pro version. You can now toggle the Auto-Clear Cache routines for the Home Page, Posts Page, Author Page, Category Archives, Tag Archives, Custom Term Archives, RSS/RDF/Atom Feeds, and XML Sitemaps. This gives you more control over exactly when ZenCache purges the cache for these parts of your site. See ZenCache → Plugin Options → Clearing the Cache for further details.
  • New Feature! URI Exclusion Patterns are now available in ZenCache Lite! This previously Pro-only feature is now available in the free version of ZenCache and allows you to exclude a list of URIs from being cached by ZenCache. See ZenCache → Plugin Options → URI Exclusion Patterns for further details.
  • New Feature! HTTP Referrer Exclusion Patterns are now available in ZenCache Lite! This previously Pro-only feature is now available in the free version of ZenCache and allows you to define a list of referring URLs or domains that send you traffic. When ZenCache sees a request coming from one of those URLs or domains, it will not cache that particular request. See ZenCache → Plugin Options → HTTP Referrer Exclusion Patterns for further details.
  • New Pro Feature!: HTML Compression now supports compressing JSON (in addition to the already supported HTML, JavaScript, and CSS compression). Props @jaswsinc. See Issue #469.
  • New Pro Feature!: Static CDN Filters now supports multiple CDN hostnames. This allows you to configure more than one CDN hostname, also referred to as Domain Sharding. This makes it possible for site owners to work around web browser concurrency limits, allowing the browser to download many resources simultaneously, which increases overall speed. Props to @isaumya and @jaswsinc. See Issue #468.
  • Enhancement (Pro): Static CDN Filters now also apply to any static files that are referenced inside CSS files. Props @jaswsinc. See Issue #461.
  • Enhancement: Completed a major restructure of the entire codebase to improve modularity and dependency management. Props @jaswsinc.
  • Enhancement (Pro): Static CDN Filters now supports the ability to configure separate CDN hostname(s) for each domain (or sub-domain) that you run in a WordPress Multisite Network. Props @jaswsinc. See Issue #475.
  • Enhancement (Pro): Static CDN Filters now support sub-domains when ZenCache is running inside a WordPress Multisite Network. Props @jaswsinc. See Issue #439.
  • Bug Fix (Pro): Static CDN Filters were not being applied to the primary site on WP Multisite installations that used subdomains. Props to @isaumya for discovering this bug. See Issue #470.


09 Apr 23:48
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  • Enhancement (includes improved CloudFlare support): Improvements to IP address detection, including added support for CloudFlare IP forwarding, multiple IPs in a single header, and the ability to customize the lookup order and/or add/remove sources that are searched when looking for the current IP address. It's also possible to revert to the old IP address detection behavior (see How do I customize remote IP detection?). Props @jaswsinc. Issue #449
  • Enhancement (Pro): Files being served by the HTML Compressor were being sent without a Vary: Accept-Encoding header, which caused some page speed testing services to give a lower rating to sites using ZenCache. ZenCache now ensures this header is sent via an .htaccess file inside the HTML Compressor cache directory (requires Apache 2.1+). Props @jaswsinc. Issue #436.
  • Enhancement (Pro): Static CDN Filters now also filter any static resources inside Text Widgets, so that those resources can be cached by your CDN. Props @jaswsinc. Issue #430
  • Enhancement (Pro): Static CDN Filters now apply to minified and compressed CSS/JS files generated by the HTML Compressor; these files will now be cached by your CDN. Props @jaswsinc. Issue #429
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug related to the Quick Cache migration that resulted in caching being disabled despite ZenCache being enabled. Uninstalling Quick Cache was removing define('WP_CACHE', TRUE); from the wp-config.php file. ZenCache now makes sure that caching remains enabled after uninstalling Quick Cache during the ZenCache migration process. Issue #450.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a minor UI issue where the ZenCache Dashboard icon would occasionally flash to a black color when refreshing the Dashboard. Props @jaswsinc. Issue #453.
  • Bug Fix: When ZenCache was running on an installation of PHP with open_basedir restrictions applied, calls to is_dir() were triggering a PHP Warning while looking for a writable temporary directory. This bug has been fixed. Issue #456.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where changing the permalink for a published post would result in the cache file for the old permalink being left behind and as a result both the old and the new permalink would be accessible, instead of WordPress redirecting the old permalink to the new one. This has been fixed and ZenCache now properly clears the old cache file when changing the permalink on a published post. Issue #359.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where transitioning a Published post back to Pending or Draft would not automatically clear the cache file. This resulted in the post remaining accessible on the frontend despite being set as Pending or Draft. ZenCache now properly clears the cache file automatically when transitioning from Published to Pending or Draft, which prevents access to the post as expected. Issue #441.
  • Bug Fix (Pro): Some users reported seeing Warning: trim() expects parameter 1 to be string. This was produced by a low-impact bug that has been fixed in this release. Issue #455.
  • Bug Fix (Pro): Some users running the HTML Compressor reported seeing 403 Forbidden errors related to loading the compressed/minified files. This was a permissions-related issue that has been resolved in this release. Props @superian and @jaswsinc. See Issue #50.
  • Bug Fix (Pro): Some HTTP requests made by the HTML Compressor to servers configured to reject HTTP requests that don't include a User-Agent were failing. A User-Agent is now always used in all requests. Props @jaswsinc. See Issue #49.
  • Minimum Required PHP Version Bumped to PHP v5.3.2+: The minimum PHP version required for ZenCache has been bumped up to PHP v5.3.2+ (from PHP v5.3+). The ZenCache cache locking mechanism, specifically the use of flock(), requires behavior introduced in PHP v5.3.2. Issue #444.

v150403 (Release Candidate)

03 Apr 19:39
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  • Enhancement (includes improved CloudFlare support): Improvements to IP address detection, including added support for CloudFlare IP forwarding, multiple IPs in a single header, and the ability to customize the lookup order and/or add/remove sources that are searched when looking for the current IP address. It's also possible to revert to the old IP address detection behavior (see How do I customize remote IP detection?). Props @jaswsinc. Issue #449
  • Enhancement (Pro): Files being served by the HTML Compressor were being sent without a Vary: Accept-Encoding header, which caused some page speed testing services to give a lower rating to sites using ZenCache. ZenCache now ensures this header is sent via an .htaccess file inside the HTML Compressor cache directory (requires Apache 2.1+). Props @jaswsinc. Issue #436.
  • Enhancement (Pro): Static CDN Filters now also filter any static resources inside Text Widgets, so that those resources can be cached by your CDN. Props @jaswsinc. Issue #430
  • Enhancement (Pro): Static CDN Filters now apply to minified and compressed CSS/JS files generated by the HTML Compressor; these files will now be cached by your CDN. Props @jaswsinc. Issue #429
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug related to the Quick Cache migration that resulted in caching being disabled despite ZenCache being enabled. Uninstalling Quick Cache was removing define('WP_CACHE', TRUE); from the wp-config.php file. ZenCache now makes sure that caching remains enabled after uninstalling Quick Cache during the ZenCache migration process. Issue #450.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a minor UI issue where the ZenCache Dashboard icon would occasionally flash to a black color when refreshing the Dashboard. Props @jaswsinc. Issue #453.
  • Bug Fix: When ZenCache was running on an installation of PHP with open_basedir restrictions applied, calls to is_dir() were triggering a PHP Warning while looking for a writable temporary directory. This bug has been fixed. Issue #456.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where changing the permalink for a published post would result in the cache file for the old permalink being left behind and as a result both the old and the new permalink would be accessible, instead of WordPress redirecting the old permalink to the new one. This has been fixed and ZenCache now properly cleared the old cache file when changing the permalink on a published post. Issue #359.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where transitioning a Published post back to Pending or Draft would not automatically clear the cache file. This resulted in the post remaining accessible on the frontend despite being set as Pending or Draft. ZenCache now properly clears the cache file automatically when transitioning from Published to Pending or Draft, which prevents access to the post as expected. Issue #441.
  • Bug Fix (Pro): Some users reported seeing Warning: trim() expects parameter 1 to be string. This was produced by a low-impact bug that has been fixed in this release. Issue #455.
  • Minimum Required PHP Version Bumped to PHP v5.3.2+: The minimum PHP version required for ZenCache has been bumped up to PHP v5.3.2+ (from PHP v5.3+). The ZenCache cache locking mechanism, specifically the use of flock(), requires behavior introduced in PHP v5.3.2. Issue #444.