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Releases: wpsharks/comet-cache

Comet Cache v160629-RC

29 Jun 11:51
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  • New Feature! Apache Optimizations. This release includes a completely new option panel for Apache Performance Tuning. Current options for Apache tuning include GZIP Compression, Leverage Browser Caching, Enforce Canonical URLs, and Send Access-Control-Allow-Origin Header (for Static CDN Filters). These options automatically add or remove from your .htaccess file the appropriate configuration based on the options you enable or disable (all options are disabled by default, so your .htaccess file is not modified unless you say so). If you prefer to update your .htaccess file manually, the necessary configuration can be viewed beneath each option. Props @jaswsinc, @renzms. See Issue #789.
  • New Feature! A new "Enable GZIP Compression" option has been added to the new Apache Optimizations panel. This option will automatically add the appropriate configuration to your .htaccess file to enable GZIP compression. This option is disabled by default. The old "GZIP Compression" panel has been removed in favor of the new option inside Apache Optimizations. Props @renzms, @jaswsinc. See Issue #764.
  • New Feature! Multisite Host Exclusion Patterns. It's now possible to exclude entire sites from the cache in a Multisite Network environment. Domain mapping is also supported! See Comet Cache → Plugin Options → Host Exclusion Patterns. If you're running a Multisite Network with Sub-Directories, you can exclude sites using the existing URI Exclusion Patterns feature. Props @kristineds. See Issue #754.
  • New Feature (Pro)! A new "Leverage Browser Caching" option has been added to the new Apache Optimizations panel. This option will automatically add the appropriate configuration to your .htaccess file to enable Browser Caching. This option is disabled by default. Props @renzms, @jaswsinc. See Issue #764.
  • New Feature (Pro)! A new "Enforce Canonical URLs" option has been added to the new Apache Optimizations panel. This options adds the appropriate .htaccess code to enforce the correct canonical URLs according to your WordPress Permalink settings (Comet Cache detects if the Permalink Structure ends with a trailing slash, or without a trailing slash). Props @renzms, @jaswsinc. See Issue #554.
  • Bug Fix: In some scenarios the Cron Event that cleans up expired cache files (_cron_comet_cache_cleanup) would never run, or the Next Run time would constantly reset to 1 minute away from running every time a page was reloaded. We suspect this is a race condition and in attempt to work around this issue we now skip all of our Cron-related checks if Cron is currently in the middle of running a process. Props @xberg and @lkraav for help reporting. See Issue #653.
  • Bug Fix: If your site uses aliased domains, Comet Cache now properly considers all possible domain variations when it clears the cache on WP Standard installations. Props @kristineds, @jaswsinc, @yoffe, and @VR51. See Issue #608.
  • Bug Fix (Pro): Fixed a bug where Comet Cache would appear to prevent WordPress from redirecting Permalinks that don't include a trailing slash, to the URL that does include a trailing slash. This was due to the fact that Comet Cache loads very early on (for caching purposes) and as a result the WordPress redirect_canonical() function never gets run. This was fixed by adding an option to the new Apache Optimizations panel that allows you to Enforce Canonical URLs. Props @renzms, @jaswsinc. See Issue #554.
  • UX Bug Fix (Pro): If you had your WordPress Dashboard login details saved by your browser, the browser autofill would automatically fill in the Pro Plugin Updater fields with those details, which then needed to be replaced with your actual Pro license details. The browser autofill has been disabled for those fields (tested in Chrome, Firefox, and Safari). Props @renzms. See Issue #741.
  • Enhancement: Added links the Options Page for the Comet Cache Twitter and Facebook accounts. Props @renzms. Issue #771.
  • Enhancement: Added full support for UTF-8 (multibyte strings). This release adds full support for UTF-8 throughout the Comet Cache codebase, greatly enhancing Comet Cache's ability to deal with file paths and URLs that may contain UTF-8 characters. Props @jaswsinc. Issue #703.
  • UI Enhancements: Improved the Logged-In Users and the Client-Side Caching options panels to dim additional options when the feature is disabled. Additionally, the "Enable HTML Compression for Logged-In Users?" option has been relocated from the HTML Compressor option panel to the more appropriate Logged-In Users option panel. See Issue #768.
  • UX Enhancement: Improved the inline docs for Auto-Clear List of Custom URLs to clarify that full URLs must be provided. Props @renzms. See Issue #781.
  • Enhancement (Pro): The Pro Plugin Updater has been improved to allow for better compatibility with hosting platforms that use Apache's ModSecurity. In some cases, site owners were seeing a 404 error when attempting to update the Pro version using the Pro Plugin updater because certain ModSecurity rules were blocking the Pro Updater requests. The Pro Plugin Updater now uses WP Transients to store the necessary metadata, which works around the issue with ModSecurity. Props to @seozones for reporting and @jaswsinc for help fixing this. Issue #416.
  • Enhancement (Pro): When Static CDN Filters are enabled, it's now possible to disable the automatic insertion of rules into your .htaccess file that are designed to prevent issues with CORS. See Apache Optimizations → Send Access-Control-Allow-Origin Header? See Issue #789.
  • Enhancement (Pro): The HTML Notes added to the bottom of a cached page now specify if the page was cached as the result of an HTTP Request or if it was cached by the Auto-Cache Engine. Props @kristineds. See Issue #292.
  • Enhancement (Pro): The Auto-Cache Engine now supports a fallback to cURL using the WP HTTP API. If your PHP configuration has allow_fopen_url=0, the Auto-Cache Engine will use the fallback to download the XML Sitemap and parse it from a temporary file. If you want to force the use of this fallback even when allow_fopen_url=1, you can use a filter. See Issue #440.
  • UI Enhancement (Pro): A second button has been added to the bottom of the Pro Plugin Updater page that allows you to "Save and Update Comet Cache Pro" in one step. Props @renzms. See Issue #741.
  • UI Enhancement (Pro): The "Cache Stats" button in Admin Bar is now linked to the Cache Stats page. Instead of hovering over the button and then clicking "More Info" inside the popup panel, you can now just click the "Cache Stats" button to go directly to the Cache Stats page. Props @Presskopp, @renzms. See Issue #780.
  • Comment Mail Compatibility: Improved compatibility with the Comment Mail plugin by automatically clearing the cache whenever Comment Mail options are changed. Many of the Comment Mail options affect front-end portions of the site, so it's important that the cache is cleared whenever Comment Mail options change. See Comment Mail Issue #278.
  • PHP Compatibility: Improved compatibility back to PHP 5.2 (the lowest version allowed by WordPress). Comet Cache still requires PHP 5.4+, but if you install Comet Cache on a site running PHP 5.2, it will now fail gracefully with a Dashboard notice indicating PHP 5.4+ is required, instead of producing a fatal error. See Issue #784.
  • WP-CLI Compatibility: Fixed a bug with deactivating Comet Cache using WP-CLI. Doing so was producing a "Invalid argument; host token empty!" error message. This has been resolved. Props @MarioKnight @jaswsinc @renzms. See Issue #728.
  • Renamed COMET_CACHE_ALLOW_BROWSER_CACHE constant to COMET_CACHE_ALLOW_CLIENT_SIDE_CACHE. Backwards compatibility has been maintained.
  • Renamed allow_browser_cache plugin option to allow_client_side_cache.


20 May 23:39
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  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug that, in some scenarios, resulted in "PHP Fatal error: Undefined class constant 'CACHE_PATH_NO_PATH_INDEX'". This also affected the Cache Statistics feature (Comet Cache Pro), resulting in a blank panel when hovering over the Cache Stats button in the menu bar. See Issue #752.
  • Bug Fix: When the PHP OPCache extension is active, the OPCache is now cleared when a WordPress plugin is upgraded, activated, or deactivated. This works around an issue that could produce a fatal error when the PHP OPCache contains cached PHP code that conflicts with new PHP code introduced by an update. See Issue #740.
  • Enhancement (Pro): It's now possible to disable the WordPress Admin Toolbar when Logged-In User Caching is enabled with a new option in Comet Cache → Plugin Options → Logged-In Users → Disable the Admin Toolbar for Logged-In Users & Comment Authors? Props @renzms and @KTS915. See Issue #690.
  • Enhancement: The the option to automatically clear the cache for Custom Term Archive Views (see Comet Cache → Plugin Options → Automatic Cache Clearing → Auto-Clear "Custom Term Archives" Too?) is now enabled by default. This feature was previously disabled by default, which lead to confusion about why those cache files were not being cleared automatically when a Custom Post Type with a Custom Term Archive View was being used. Props @renzms. See Issue #693.
  • Enhancement (Pro): A new filter allows overriding the default behavior to clear the user cache upon login and logout when caching for Logged-In Users is enabled. See this article for details. Props @KTS915. See Issue #756.

v160514-RC (Release Candidate)

13 May 23:56
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  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug that, in some scenarios, resulted in "PHP Fatal error: Undefined class constant 'CACHE_PATH_NO_PATH_INDEX'". This also affected the Cache Statistics feature, resulting in a blank panel when hovering over the Cache Stats button in the menu bar. See Issue #752.
  • Bug Fix: When the PHP OPCache extension is active, the OPCache is now cleared when a WordPress plugin is upgraded, activated, or deactivated. This works around an issue that could produce a fatal error when the PHP OPCache contains cached PHP code that conflicts with new PHP code introduced by an update. See Issue #740.
  • Bug Fix (Pro): The WordPress Admin Toolbar was not being automatically disabled when Logged-In User Caching was enabled, which was preventing Logged-In User caching from working as expected on the front-end of the site due to the presence of Nonce values in the page source (Nonce values are generally NOT cache-compatible; see this article for details.) Props @renzms. See Issue #690.
  • Enhancement (Pro): It's now possible to enable the WordPress Admin Toolbar when Logged-In User Caching is enabled with a new option in Comet Cache → Plugin Options → Logged-In Users → Enable the Admin Toolbar for Logged-In Users & Comment Authors? Props @renzms. See Issue #690.
  • Enhancement: The the option to automatically clear the cache for Custom Term Archive Views (see Comet Cache → Plugin Options → Automatic Cache Clearing → Auto-Clear "Custom Term Archives" Too?) is now enabled by default. This feature was previously disabled by default, which lead to confusion about why those cache files were not being cleared automatically when a Custom Post Type with a Custom Term Archive View was being used. Props @renzms. See Issue #693.
  • Enhancement (Pro): A new filter allows overriding the default behavior to clear the user cache upon login and logout when caching for Logged-In Users is enabled. See this article for details. Props @KTS915. See Issue #756.


17 Apr 21:08
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  • Bug Fix: Fixed a "PHP Fatal error: Undefined class constant 'CACHE_PATH_NO_SCHEME'" introduced by the previous release (v160416). This issue only affected sites where Feed Caching was enabled (Comet Cache → Plugin Options → RSS, RDF, and Atom Feeds). Props to MassimoD and @emanwebdev for reporting. See Issue #739.


16 Apr 13:35
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  • Enhancement: Several PHP 5.4+ enhancements, most notably a conversion from PHP Closures to PHP Traits. See Issue #635.
  • Enhancement: Dashboard notices generated by Comet Cache now use the WordPress-style dismiss button to keep things consistent. See Issue #719.
  • Enhancement: Dashboard notices generated by Comet Cache are now compacted into a single notice that can be expanded to view details. This helps reduce the number of messages that appear when, for example, a Post is published or updated and several cache files are automatically cleared. Instead of showing a separate notice for each type of cache file that was cleared, a single notice is shown with a link to toggle the details. See Issue #118.
  • Enhancement (Pro): Improved the way the Auto-Cache Engine figures out the URL scheme (http vs https) that should be used when fetching the XML Sitemap. Instead of forcing http, whatever scheme is configured with the Home URL is now used. See Issue #715.
  • Enhancement (Pro): The Pro Plugin Updater page now includes a "Save All Changes" button at the bottom, allowing you to save changes to the updater configuration without actually running the plugin updater. Props @bridgeport @NoahjChampion @1wdtv. See Issue #681.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a duplicated row of links on the Pro Plugin Updater page. See Issue #696.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where some browsers would report "Failed to parse SourceMap" errors in their console when browsing the Comet Cache Options page. This was related to sourceMappingURL comments in the minified JS/CSS files that were intended for development purposes. Props to @1wdtv for reporting. See #732.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a UI bug in the Pro Preview that was causing the Manual Cache Clearing panel to not appear as part of the Pro Preview. Props @renzms. See Issue #711.
  • Bug Fix (Pro): Fixed a bug related to the Pro Updater where some users who had migrated from ZenCache Pro to Comet Cache Pro were seeing an invalid new version message. Props @renzms @jaswsinc. See Issue #727
  • Bug Fix (Pro): Fixed a bug with the Pro Plugin Updater that resulted in "Unknown error. Please wait 15 minutes and try again." when attempting to update Comet Cache Pro. The issue affected sites on servers running an old version of cURL (< v7.36) and/or an old version of OpenSSL, which made them unable to connect to the Comet Cache Pro update server. The Pro Plugin Updater now attempts to connect to a secondary update server that is more compatible with older versions of cURL and OpenSSL. See Issue #678.
  • Hooks/Filters: Comet Cache now hooks into plugins_loaded instead of after_setup_theme when calling its own setup routine. This improves integration with other plugins that may be expecting the Comet Cache API functions to be available after plugins_loaded. Props to Frank Goossens (@futtta) from Autoptimize for helping with this. See Issue #716.
  • Compatibility: Fixed a compatibility issue for some themes and plugins that were using old AC Plugin code designed to work with Quick Cache. This fix adds some backwards compatibility support for Quick Cache, but note that the first release of Comet Cache dropped support for Quick Cache backwards compatibility in favor of ZenCache backwards compatibility. See Issue #710.
  • Compatibility: Query Monitor. The Query Monitor plugin was reporting false-positive errors indicating that many Comet Cache methods did not exist. This was due to how the Comet Cache codebase was utilizing PHP Closures, which Query Monitor had a hard time handling. The codebase has been refactored to use PHP Traits instead of Closures and now the Query Monitor plugin has no problem recognizing Comet Cache methods. Props to @NoahjChampion for reporting. See Issue #686.
  • Compatibility: WP-CLI. When installing Comet Cache via WP-CLI, Comet Cache is now automatically enabled. There's no need to manually enable Comet Cache from within the plugin options after installing. Props @jaswsinc. See Issue #464.
  • Required WordPress Version is now v4.2. The minimum required WordPress version has been bumped from v4.1 to v4.2. See Issue #706.


12 Apr 02:53
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v160412-RC Pre-release
  • Enhancement: Several PHP 5.4+ enhancements, most notably a conversion from PHP Closures to PHP Traits. See Issue #635.
  • Enhancement: Dashboard notices generated by Comet Cache now use the WordPress-style dismiss button to keep things consistent. See Issue #719.
  • Enhancement: Dashboard notices generated by Comet Cache are now compacted into a single notice that can be expanded to view details. This helps reduce the number of messages that appear when, for example, a Post is published or updated and several cache files are automatically cleared. Instead of showing a separate notice for each type of cache file that was cleared, a single notice is shown with a link to toggle the details. See Issue #118.
  • Enhancement (Pro): Improved the way the Auto-Cache Engine figures out the URL scheme (http vs https) that should be used when fetching the XML Sitemap. Instead of forcing http, whatever scheme is configured with the Home URL is now used. See Issue #715.
  • Enhancement (Pro): The Pro Plugin Updater page now includes a "Save All Changes" button at the bottom, allowing you to save changes to the updater configuration without actually running the plugin updater. Props @bridgeport @NoahjChampion @1wdtv. See Issue #681.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a duplicated row of links on the Pro Plugin Updater page. See Issue #696.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where some browsers would report "Failed to parse SourceMap" errors in their console when browsing the Comet Cache Options page. This was related to sourceMappingURL comments in the minified JS/CSS files that were intended for development purposes. Props to @1wdtv for reporting. See #732.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a UI bug in the Pro Preview that was causing the Manual Cache Clearing panel to not appear as part of the Pro Preview. Props @renzms. See Issue #711.
  • Bug Fix (Pro): Fixed a bug related to the Pro Updater where some users who had migrated from ZenCache Pro to Comet Cache Pro were seeing an invalid new version message. Props @renzms @jaswsinc. See Issue #727
  • Bug Fix (Pro): Fixed a bug with the Pro Plugin Updater that resulted in "Unknown error. Please wait 15 minutes and try again." when attempting to update Comet Cache Pro. The issue affected sites on servers running an old version of cURL (< v7.36) and/or an old version of OpenSSL, which made them unable to connect to the Comet Cache Pro update server. The Pro Plugin Updater now attempts to connect to a secondary update server that is more compatible with older versions of cURL and OpenSSL. See Issue #678.
  • Hooks/Filters: Comet Cache now hooks into plugins_loaded instead of after_setup_theme when calling its own setup routine. This improves integration with other plugins that may be expecting the Comet Cache API functions to be available after plugins_loaded. Props to Frank Goossens (@futtta) from Autoptimize for helping with this. See Issue #716.
  • Compatibility: Fixed a compatibility issue for some themes and plugins that were using old AC Plugin code designed to work with Quick Cache. This fix adds some backwards compatibility support for Quick Cache, but note that the first release of Comet Cache dropped support for Quick Cache backwards compatibility in favor of ZenCache backwards compatibility. See Issue #710.
  • Compatibility: Query Monitor. The Query Monitor plugin was reporting false-positive errors indicating that many Comet Cache methods did not exist. This was due to how the Comet Cache codebase was utilizing PHP Closures, which Query Monitor had a hard time handling. The codebase has been refactored to use PHP Traits instead of Closures and now the Query Monitor plugin has no problem recognizing Comet Cache methods. Props to @NoahjChampion for reporting. See Issue #686.
  • Compatibility: WP-CLI. When installing Comet Cache via WP-CLI, Comet Cache is now automatically enabled. There's no need to manually enable Comet Cache from within the plugin options after installing. Props @jaswsinc. See Issue #464.
  • Required WordPress Version is now v4.2. The minimum required WordPress version has been bumped from v4.1 to v4.2. See Issue #706.


27 Feb 20:40
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  • Bug Fix: Fixed a ZenCache Backwards Compatibility bug that was preventing calls to $GLOBALS['zencache'] from working properly with Comet Cache. See Issue #689
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a ZenCache Backwards Compatibility bug that was preventing ZENCACHE_ALLOWED from working properly with Comet Cache. See Issue #683.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a Quick Cache Backwards Compatibility bug that was preventing calls to $GLOBALS['quick_cache'] from working properly with Comet Cache. Props to @Kedakai for reporting. See Issue #691.
  • Bug Fix (Pro): Fixed an Auto-Cache Engine bug that was preventing the Auto-Cache Engine from generating cached pages. Props @digitalhexcode for reporting. See Issue #679.
  • Enhancement: Improved the way Comet Cache handles file locking in an effort to improve compatibility with various environments. There were reports of issues with PHP FPM/FastCGI and this release attempts to address those. See Issue #671
  • Enhancement (Pro): A new HTML Compression option allows you to define whether or not HTML Compression should be enabled for Logged-In users (when Logged-In User caching is enabled). See Comet Cache → Plugin Options → HTML Compression → Enable HTML Compression for Logged-In Users?. Props @renzms. See Issue #650.
  • Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Compatibility: Added full support for Accelerated Mobile Pages via the AMP plugin. Comet Cache now works great alongside the AMP plugin. AMP-generated pages will be cached and those cache files will be intelligently cleared when necessary to keep things up-to-date. See Issue #688.


22 Feb 18:14
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  • Bug Fix: Fixes PHP Fatal Error when upgrading from Comet Cache v160211.

Comet Cache v160223

22 Feb 17:52
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  • Announcement: After March 1st, 2016 Comet Cache will require PHP Multibyte String support. The mbstring extension provides Multibyte String support to PHP and is required to properly handle UTF-8 characters, which many sites now use. Without Multibyte String support, caching will be unstable. For that reason we are requiring the mbstring extension to improve reliability when caching and to prevent your site from experiencing unforeseen issues in the future..
  • Bug Fix (Multisite): Fixed a bug where when Comet Cache was Network Activated the plugin settings link would show up in the plugins list for the Main Site and would lead to a 404 error. The settings link is now only shown when viewing the plugins list from the Network Admin. Props @jaswsinc. See Issue #675.
  • Enhancement: Added support-related links to the plugin options page. Props @renzms. See Issue #612.

ZenCache Lite v160222

22 Feb 15:36
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  • Announcement: ZenCache is changing its name to Comet Cache! Learn more about this upcoming change here.
  • Announcement: This version of ZenCache requires PHP 5.4+. As announced in the previous release, the minimum PHP version required to run ZenCache / Comet Cache has changed to PHP 5.4+ as of December 1st, 2015. Please see announcement with further details: New Minimum PHP Version: PHP 5.4
  • Announcement: This version of ZenCache does not support the PHP APC Extension. As announced in the previous release, ZenCache / Comet Cache no longer runs with the PHP APC extension enabled as of December 1st, 2015. Please see announcement with further details: PHP APC Extension No Longer Supported
  • Announcement: After March 1st, 2016 ZenCache / Comet Cache will require PHP Multibyte String support. The mbstring extension provides Multibyte String support to PHP and is required to properly handle UTF-8 characters, which many sites now use. Without Multibyte String support, caching will be unstable. For that reason we are requiring the mbstring extension to improve reliability when caching and to prevent your site from experiencing unforeseen issues in the future.
  • Announcement: Restructured Codebase. The entire ZenCache Lite codebase has been restructured to improve performance, enhance flexibility, and make it easier to build in new features! This release of ZenCache Lite has been built from the ZenCache Pro codebase, which is more polished and up-to-date. This release includes many changes and improvements that were released as part of ZenCache Pro releases over the past 6 months and are now being included in the Lite version. See the full changelog below for a complete list of changes.
  • New Feature! A new watered-down Regular Expression syntax is now supported in several existing ZenCache features, including XML Sitemap Patterns, URI Exclusion Patterns, HTTP Referrer Exclusion Patterns, and User-Agent Exclusion Patterns. (It is also supported in the Pro-only Custom URLs to Auto-Clear, and the HTML Compressor CSS Exclusion Patterns and JavaScript Exclusion Patterns.) This new syntax greatly increases the power and flexibility of each of these features and makes things possible like the much-requested ability to Auto-Clear the Home Page or Posts Page of a site whenever a post cache is cleared. For more information on this new watered-down Regular Expression syntax, this KB Article. Props @kristineds @jaswsinc. See Issue #191.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug with clearing cache files for paginated pages where the pagination_base had been changed from the default page to something else (e.g., a translated string). The WP Rewrite API is now used to include pagination_base and comments_pagination_base when building paths to cache files to determine which cache files should be cleared. Props @renzms. See Issue #607.
  • Bug Fix: This release attempts to resolve reports of Error 500 and Internal Server Error issues when running with PHP 5.6 + OPcache. Instead of clearing the entire Opcode cache whenever the plugin options are saved, we only invalidate the advanced-cache.php file, which is rebuilt each time you update your configuration options. Props @jaswsinc. Also props to @MarioKnight and @CotswoldPhoto for helping us narrow this down. See Issue #624.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where a PHP Notice was generated when an inactive WordPress component was being upgraded. This issue did not have any adverse affect on the site, but this fix resolves the issue so that the notice won't appear in PHP logs. See Issue #589.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where a commented-out WP_CACHE definition in wp-config.php (such as what WP Super Cache leaves behind) was being incorrectly ignored and resulted in caching being silently disabled. Props @davidfavor. See Issue #591.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where in some scenarios a page might not be cached due to a stray AUTH_COOKIE or SECURE_AUTH_COOKIE cookie, even when the user is not logged in. Props @jaswsinc @renzms. See Issue #592.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue related to a popular NGINX server configuration (try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?q=$uri&$args;) that was preventing the entire site from being cached. ZenCache disables caching by default for all requests that include a query string (see Dashboard → ZenCache → Plugin Options → GET Requests) and this particular NGINX configuration passes all requests to WordPress with a ?q= query variable, which was resulting in ZenCache disabling caching on all pages. This release implements better detection for NGINX and works around this scenario. Props @jaswsinc. See Issue #561.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where, in some rare cases, wp-config.php would end up with two WP_CACHE definitions. Props @jaswsinc. See Issue #509.
  • Bug Fix: Saving a Post as a Draft was incorrectly purging XML Sitemap cache files. Props @jaswsinc. See Issue #368.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug in the Dynamic Version Salt filter that was generating PHP notices and warnings. See Issue #522.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue with backwards compatibility that was preventing some AC Plugins from working properly. See Issue #514.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where saving a Post/Page as a Draft as a user with an Editor role would unnecessarily clear the Home Page cache. See Issue #625.
  • Multisite Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where the Clear Cache button wouldn't clear Child-Site Logged-In User Home Page cache files on WordPress Multisite Networks. Props @jaswsinc. See Issue #409
  • Multisite Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where the Home Page cache was not clearing on Child Sites in a Multisite Network. Props @jaswsinc. See Issue #409
  • Multisite Bug Fix: Fixed a bug with 404 Request caching on Multisite Networks where ZenCache Pro was not considering that each child blog in a multisite network will have its own 404 error page. Props @jaswsinc. See Issue #539.
  • Multisite Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where clearing the cache from the main site of a multisite network, when there are child blogs in sub-directories, resulted in all child blogs being cleared from the cache, not just the main site as would be expected. This has been resolved and only the main site is cleared when clicking the Clear Cache button. Note that the Wipe Cache button can still be used to clear the cache for all sites in a Multisite Network. Props @jaswsinc. See Issue #540.
  • Multisite Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where Wiping the cache on a multisite network resulted in the very next page view being cached incorrectly. Props @jaswsinc. See Issue #541.
  • Multisite Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where when ZenCache was Network Activated the plugin settings link would show up in the plugins list for the Main Site and would lead to a 404 error. The settings link is now only shown when viewing the plugins list from the Network Admin. Props @jaswsinc. See Issue #675.
  • Enhancement: Added support-related links to the plugin options page. Props @renzms. See Issue #612.
  • Enhancement: It's now possible to override the ZenCache Nonce exclusion globally (dangerous) or only for Logged-In Users (safer). Please see this article for full details. Issue #637.
  • Enhancement: Improved WP Cron-related configuration and validation of custom cron schedules. See PR #197.
  • Enhancement: ZenCache now clears the cache whenever a WordPress plugin is activated or deactivated. Many WordPress plugins change content on the front-end of the site, so this enhancement ensures that an old cache file is never served to visitors. If you want to disable this automatic behavior, see this article. Props @renzms. See Issue #424.
  • Enhancement: When activating ZenCache for the first time, a new Dashboard message now includes a helpful link to the options page to enable caching and review the options. Props @kristineds. See Issue #112.
  • Enhancement: The automatic Cache Cleanup schedule that cleans up (deletes) expired/stale cache files has been changed from once every day to once every hour. Running the cleanup hourly makes ZenCache smarter when configured in certain ways and saves disk space. Props @kristineds. See Issue #472.
  • Enhancement: When the Cache Directory location is ...
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