Quickly generate contact sheets containing thousands of images.
git clone https://github.com/worosom/contact-sheet && cd contact-sheet
pip install -r requirements.txt
python main.py --help
Usage: main.py [OPTIONS]
--filelist TEXT List of paths to image files. Paths must be relative
to the path of the filelist. [required]
--thumb_size INTEGER Resolution of the images contained in the contact
sheet. Default is 256.
--output_dest TEXT Destination of the contact sheet. [required]
--hilbert Use Hilbert curve for image arrangement. Default is
--help Show this message and exit.
--filelist TEXT
: A required parameter that specifies the path to a text file containing a list of image file paths. The paths must be relative to the location of the filelist.--thumb_size INTEGER
: An optional parameter to set the resolution of the thumbnails in the contact sheet. The default value is 256.--output_dest TEXT
: A required parameter that specifies the destination path for the generated contact sheet.--hilbert
: An optional flag to arrange images using a Hilbert curve. The default isFalse
cd contact-sheet
find ../../example/dir -name "*.jpg" > filelist.txt
head < filelist.txt
# Output:
# ../../example/dir/0.jpg
# ../../example/dir/1.jpg
# ../../example/dir/2.jpg
# ../../example/dir/3.jpg
# ../../example/dir/4.jpg
# ../../example/dir/5.jpg
# ../../example/dir/6.jpg
# ../../example/dir/7.jpg
# ../../example/dir/8.jpg
# ../../example/dir/9.jpg
python main.py --thumb_size 64 --filelist filelist.txt --output_dest ../../example/contactsheet.jpg
# Output:
# 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 250336/250336 [02:20<00:00, 1780.89it/s]