Python bindings for the Rust implementation of age
You can install pyrage
with pip
$ python -m pip install pyrage
PEP 561-style type stubs are also available:
$ python -m pip install pyrage-stubs
See the development instructions below for manual installations.
from pyrage import x25519
ident = x25519.Identity.generate()
# returns the public key
# returns the private key
from pyrage import encrypt, decrypt, ssh, x25519
# load some identities
alice = x25519.Identity.from_str("AGE-SECRET-KEY-...")
bob = ssh.Identity.from_buffer(b"---BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY----...")
# load some recipients
carol = x25519.Recipient.from_str("age1z...")
dave = ssh.Recipient.from_str("ssh-ed25519 ...")
# encryption
encrypted = encrypt(b"bob can't be trusted", [carol, dave, alice.to_public()])
# decryption
decrypted = decrypt(encrypted, [alice, bob])
from pyrage import passphrase
encrypted = passphrase.encrypt(b"something secret", "my extremely secure password")
decrypted = passphrase.decrypt(encrypted, "my extremely secure password")
$ source env/bin/activate
$ make develop
is released and distributed under the terms of the MIT License.