Bachelor’s thesis to degree in Computer Engineering at CEFET-MG which consists of a implementation of a 6LoWPAN Wireless Sensor's Network sending data to a IPv6 Gateway. The Wireless sensors were Arduinos which monitored iluminity, temperature and humidity at some location. A website available at a Raspberry exhibit these data collected from the wireless network. Technologies used : C++,C, NodeJs, MongoDB.
To properly use this work, you need to set up at the mongodb database the follow schema:
Schemas to be used as Models
var relaySchema = new Schema({
date: {
type: Date, default:
In1: Number,
In2: Number
var sensorSchema = new Schema({
date: {
type: Date, default:
temperature: Number,
humidity: Number,
motion: Boolean,
light: Boolean,
iluminity: Number
After creating these schemas in mongodb it is time to set up the arduinos to full data in.