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WMDE Fundraising banners

This project is bundling all assets and dependencies of WMDE fundraising banners with Webpack.

Installing dependencies

To install all dependencies run

npm install

Starting the preview

You can preview the banners by running the built-in server.

npm run dev

The preview server is at http://localhost:8084/

It will display a selection of banners to preview in their respective channel (German Wikimedia / mobile German Wikipedia /

While the preview is running, you should be able to see changes immediately via hot reload.

If you want to work on the "thank you" banners, run

npm run thankyou

Check the sources

To verify the code is correct and up to our coding standards. These tests will also run in CI.

npm run test
npm run lint:js
npm run lint:css

Building the assets

All build commands will clear out the dist/ directory.

Building all the banners

To build minified versions of all the banners into the dist directory run

npm run build

Building a set of banners for a specific channel or campaign

To build the assets for a specific channel, run

npm run build:channel CHANNEL_NAME

CHANNEL_NAME is the name of the channel in campaign_info.toml, e.g. desktop, mobile, pad, english, etc.

You can also use the campaign name (from the campaign key in the TOML file) as the argument to build a specific campaign.

npm run build:campaign CAMPAIGN_NAME

Building the "Thank You" banners

If you want to build the "thank you" banners for all the channels, run

npm run build:thankyou

Using the compiled JavaScript on CentralNotice

After you have built the assets, the dist directory contains .wikitext files that you can insert 1:1 in CentralNotice.

Configuring campaigns, banners and tracking

The file campaign_info.toml contains the metadata for all banners and campaigns. The information is organized into channels. A "channel" is a combination of Website ( or, platform (desktop, mobile, ipad) and language (German, English).

Webpack uses campaign_info.toml to determine the unique file names of the output and the input files, the so-called entry points. Entry points are the local files (configured with the setting filename) which Webpack will compile to pure JavaScript code ( or JavaScript code wrapped in wikitext for banners on The CentralNotice banner names (which Webpack will also for the devbanner parameter in the preview) come from the pagename setting.

Webpack uses the campaign_tracking and tracking parameters in campaign_info.toml to create the tracking information inside the banner code. Webpack passes the tracking information to the form fields and event tracking pixels inside the banner.

The Banner Screenshots software uses the .test_matrix subsection of each channel to determine which browser platforms and resolutions to test each banner on.

Creating new campaigns

  1. Duplicate an existing folder with banner entry points, e.g. banners/desktop/C24_WMDE_Desktop_DE_02.
  2. Create a new campaign and its banner configuration in campaign_info.toml.

Developing and building "thank you" banners

The "thank you" banners have a special configuration file, campaign_info.thank_you.toml. Edit this file for the necessary campaign and tracking parameters.

To use this file instead of the standard campaign_info.toml file, run npm run thankyou instead of npm run dev. This environment does not use nodemon to watch for changes in campaign_info.thank_you.toml. If you change that file or one of the webpack configuration files, you need to restart the server.

To build the "thank you" banners, run npm run build:thankyou instead of npm run build.

Creating A/B tests

TODO: Rewrite this section for different types of tests (text changes, style changes, different behavior)

Directory structure

  • banners/: Contains subdirectories for each channel and the campaigns in each channel. Subfolder names should match the channel names (top-level configuration sections in campaign_info.toml) and campaigns names, but are not required to match. Example: banners/desktop/C24_WPDE_Desktop_01: contains the entry points and the banner components for the desktop campaign.
  • dashboard/: Dashboard UI that displays the overview of the banners in development mode.
  • dist/: compiled banner code
  • src/: All TypeScript code and components shared between banners
    • components/: Vue single-file components. Each component can be in a subdirectory.
  • test/: Unit and component tests
    • unit: Unit tests for small library functions.
    • components: Unit tests for components
    • features: Collections of banner feature tests. They are not standalone, but a library for the tests in test/banner
    • banner: Banner feature tests for each banner. File structure follows the pattern test/banner/CHANNELNAME/CAMPAIGN_NAME
  • themes/: Theme style files
    • theme1/: Theme folder for one theme, containing files for components. The directory structure inside the theme folder should replicate the directory structure in src/components/
  • webpack/: Files related how we build the banners with webpack: Webpack plugins and loaders, a class that can process information from campaign_info.toml into smaller chunks.

Banner themes

Each component in src/components defines their "layout" style (positioning, flex, padding reset, etc) inside its <style> section.

You must put all other styling (colors, fonts, borders, etc.)in a theme file of the same name as the component.
Example: The theme files for the themes foo and bar for the component src/components/Icons/CloseIcon.vue are themes/foo/Icons/CloseIcon.scss and themes/bar/Icons/CloseIcon.scss

Each banner has a styles.scss file that imports all the component styles. You must import this style file in the <style> section of the top-most component, e.g. banners/desktop/components/MainBanner.vue:

@use "../styles/styles";

At the moment, you have to know which components a banner uses and add and remove the right @use statements for the component theme files to styles.scss. In the future we might use Webpack to validate the imports.

Conventions when writing unit tests

  1. All test files must end in .spec.ts
  2. Component tests must match the directory structure in src/components/. test file name must match component file name (PascalCase) with .spec.ts instead of .vue suffix.
  3. Unit tests should replicate the directory structure and names (snake_case) in the src/ directory.
  4. Component tests should test:
    • Props have an effect. If a prop has a limited value range, e.g. boolean or a set of strings, test all possible values.
    • Computed properties
    • Event handlers
    • Passing props to children
    • Slots
  5. Use shallowMount instead of mount in every test where you don't need to check the values of child components.

How the preview feature works

  • The Webpack dev server loads the file dashboard/index.html, which requests a small Vue application inside the dashboard directory. The application renders an overview of campaigns and banners, generated from campaign_info.toml.
  • webpack-dev-server has the ability to act as a proxy for certain URL paths, meaning that it will fetch the content for that path from a configured URL in the background and serve it transparently from the local host. The configuration tells the web server to relay the paths /w, /wiki and /static to the German Wikipedia at
  • There are two meta banners that read the devbanner parameter from the URL and insert it in a script tag with the same host name as the Webpack server (e.g. localhost or

For offline previewing of banners for (when the banner server is not available), you can use the URL http://localhost:8084/wpde-offline?devbanner=YOUR_BANNER_NAME (replacing the placeholder by copy-pasting from campaign_info.toml). In the future, we might add an "offline mode" that's integrated into the dashboard and works without proxying.