pyramid_cas allows your application to authenticate against a Jasig CAS server. It takes borrowed concepts from different packages like django.cas, anz.client, and collective.cas.
pyramid_cas is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
pip install pyramid_cas
Include pyramid_cas under pyramid.includes directive in your .ini file like this:
pyramid.includes = [... other packages ...] pyramid_casOr, in your application file:
config.include("pyramid_cas")Set the cas server that will be used for authentication:
pyramid_cas.cas_server = your-cas-serverSet the route names to redirect to, if you fail to specify it manually when calling the cas-login or cas-logout views:
pyramid_cas.route_on_login = route name pyramid_cas.route_on_logout = route nameOptional:
In your web app view, you can get the current authenticated user with:
from import authenticated_userid def my_view(request): username = authenticated_userid(request)To get a real user object, for example a SQLAlchemy model, put this in
from import authenticated_userid from import User from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound def get_user(request): username = authenticated_userid(request) if username is not None: try: return session.query(User).filter_by(username=username).one() except NoResultFound: return None config.add_request_method(get_user, "user", reify=True)Then you can use the request.user object
pyramid_cas.route_on_login = profile # redirects to profile page on successful authentication pyramid_cas.route_on_logout = homepage # redirects to homepage on successful authenticationUse the following route names for login and logout in your application:
cas-login cas-logout config.add_route("cas-login", "/login") config.add_route("cas-logout", "/logout")Redirect to login page if the permission is denied (and redirect back to the exact denied page when authentication is successful):
@forbidden_view_config(renderer="templates/forbidden.jinja2") def forbidden_view(request): if request.authenticated_userid: # Already authenticated: just display a normal forbidden page return {} else: redirect_url = request.host_url + request.path return HTTPFound(location=request.route_url("cas-login", _query={"next": redirect_url}))Logging:
In your .ini file:
[loggers] keys = [ ... some keys ... ], pyramid_cas [logger_pyramid_cas] level = DEBUG handlers = qualname = pyramid_cas
- Implement CAS 1.0 protocol
- Add tests
- Add demos