Spring Cloud gateway application, that implements a login and register server as Open-ID connect hub to web-services in the cloud. Spring security's Oauth2-client is used for the OpenId-Login (OIDC) and Spring Webflux is used to serve a register endpoint (see below).
- Java 20
- Spring Cloud Gateway 4.0.6
- Spring Boot 3.1.1 Oauth-client
- Spring Boot 3.1.1 Webflux
- Spring AOT native image on GraalVM
- Gradle 8.1.1
- Tests with Spring Security
Native image Cloud Gateway app based also on Spring-Oauth2Client for OIDC login on authorization_code workflow and token relay, that is supposed to run in our kubernetes cluster to gateway incoming requests to their destination services.
After logging in once, the user is able to consume all connected service routes via Single-Sign-On. Also a scope consent page is displayed to a user after login.
As Oauth2-provider we use the new Spring Oauth2-AuthorizationServer, that also does the user registry and persistent User management.
recipe-service under
, that is token-relayed and prefixed by"/api"
.greeting-service under
that is just some hello-world service greeting the user by her principal.more coming up soon
To register a new user, the Webflux served endpoint
POST /api/register (unauthenticated)
{ "email": "[email protected]", "password": "password" }
is used.
While this must currently be done vie curl
, http
(ie) or Postman, we will soon provide a Thymeleaf
based register form.
Project started on 26.06.23
26.06.23 Initial setup
01.07.23 Minimal working gateway and Oauth2-client setup, that serves two routes:
02.07.23 First functional complete version, where user registration is persisted by this Gateway app (rudimentary frontend still to come up), while the connected (by redirect-uri) Spring authorization server uses this info via the Postgres-service to authenticate OIDC-login requests.
09.12.23 Migrated project to use new 2023.0.0 Spring Cloud Gateway Mvc together with Spring Boot 3.2. Migration effort mainly was
- rewriting the GatewayConfig,
- adapt the WebSecurityConfig from Webflux to Mvc and
- replacing the
in the integration tests.
Faced problems were some CGLIB inconsistency with Spring framework 6.1, that prevented the use of @MockBean in test-AOT as well as some proxy generation in processAOT steps. Also I ended up disabling Spring Boot Devtools as they prevented stable application startup.