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Flipp Platform SDK Sample App

This README describes how you can integrate with the Flipp Platform SDK.

Table of Contents

About the SDK

The Flipp Platform SDK allows mobile retailer apps to render publications in two formats: in traditional print form (SFML) or in Digital Visual Merchandising form (DVM).

The DVM format renders publications in a dynamic way that maintains responsiveness and merchandising flexibility, while also providing a host of features to allow users to interact with offers.

Quick Start

  1. Clone this repo.

  2. Open dvm-sample.xcodeproj in Xcode.

  3. Insert the SDK key provided by Flipp in AppDelegate line 10.


    If you run the application without this key, it will crash indicating the issue.

// This is the key that will be used to initialize the SDK, please replace the value with the key provided by Flipp.
  private let SDKKey = ""
  1. Build and run the app.

How to Integrate the SDK

  1. Add the DVM SDK as a dependency through SPM (Swift Package Manager).
  • Navigate to Package Dependecies > Click '+' to add a package.
  • Enter the SDK repository's URL as the package URL.
  • Select the package when prompted.
  1. Initialize the SDK early in your application life cycle by providing a clientToken key, and an optional userId.
  /// SDK initialization function, provides information necessary to the SDK.
  /// Needs to be called before any other function.
  /// - Parameters:
  ///   - clientToken: Identification token for the client.
  ///   - userId: Value that uniquely identifies the user.
  public static func initialize(clientToken: String, userId: String?)


import dvm_sdk

DVMSDK.initialize(clientToken: "experimental-key-that-is-super-secret-and-secure-prd", userId: nil)
  1. Fetch a list of publications by calling DVMSDK.fetchPublicationsList(merchantId:storeCode:language:completion:):
/// Retrieves a list of publications and invokes the completion handler with the results.
/// If an error occurs during the process the error of the completion will be non nil and the publication list will be empty.
/// - Parameters:
///   - merchantId: Merchant identifier to retrieve the publications for.
///   - storeCode: Store identifier for the publications.
///   - language: The 2 characters ISO language code used to render the publication.
///   - resultsCount: number of results per page, defaults to 10.
///   - pageToken: token for pagination, needed to fetch subsequent results.
///   - completion: closure that will be called with results.
/// New in SDK 1.1.0 update: entity `Publication` now contains `renderingTypes` member, an array of `RenderingType` which indicates the available rendering modes for the publication.

public static func fetchPublicationsList(merchantId: String, storeCode: String, language: String, resultsCount: Int = 10, pageToken: String? = nil, completion: @escaping PublicationsListCompletion) throws

Example from PublicationsViewController.swift:

let publications = try await DVMSDK.fetchPublicationsList(
  merchantId: merchantID,
  storeCode: storeCode,
  language: Locale.preferredLanguageCode() ?? "en")
await { [weak self] in
  self?.publications = publications
  1. Once a publication is selected, create an instance of DVMRendererView to render the publication and set its delegate appropriately:
/// Creates and returns a rendering view for the publication with the corresponding id, respecting the requested rendering mode.
/// .No references are kept within the SDK of this view, it is the responsibility of the caller to prevent deallocation.
/// A delegate needs to be assigned to the view in order to receive callbacks from its while rendering.
/// - Parameters:
///   - publicationId: Publication id to render.
///   - merchantId: Merchant id for the publication.
///   - storeCode: Store code for the publication.
///   - renderMode: Store identifier for the publications.
///   - language: The 2 characters ISO language code used to render the publication.
///   - shouldPersistWebsiteDataToDisk: Whether website data should persist to disk (default is false).
/// - Throws: DVMSDKError.sdkNotIntialized in case this function is called before initializing the SDK
/// - Returns: A DVM renderer view.
public static func createRenderingView(
   publicationId: String,
   merchantId: String,
   storeCode: String,
   renderMode: RenderMode,
   language: String?,
   shouldPersistWebsiteDataToDisk: Bool = false
) throws -> DVMRendererView

Example for using createRenderingView within PublicationViewController.swift:

    if let rendererView = try? DVMSDK.createRenderingView(
      publicationId: publicationID,
      merchantId: merchantId,
      storeCode: storeCode,
      renderMode: renderingMode,
      language: Locale.preferredLanguageCode() ?? "en"
    ) {
      rendererView.rendererDelegate = self
      rendererView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
      self.rendererView = rendererView
  1. When the user taps on an item, the following event is called with the item details as the parameter:
/// Called when an offer item is tapped.
/// - Parameter result: The result which contains an `Offer` on success or a
/// `DVMSDKError` on failure.
func didTap(result: Result<dvm_sdk.Offer, dvm_sdk.DVMSDKError>)

Example from PublicationsViewController.swift:

func didTap(result: Result<dvm_sdk.Offer, dvm_sdk.DVMSDKError>) {
  switch result {
  case .success(let offer):
    self.pushDetailsController(for: offer)
  case .failure(let error):
    Self.logger.error("Error tapping on offer: \(error.localizedDescription)")

Delegate Methods

The Flipp Platform SDK can send events notifying your app about actions that the user has taken. The following events are supported:

/// The DVMRendererDelegate protocol defines a set of methods to handle interactions and state changes related to the rendering of offers.
/// This protocol is intended to be adopted by a delegate object to handle tap events, successful loading, and failure scenarios from an offer rendering view.
public protocol DVMRendererDelegate : AnyObject {

    /// Called when an offer item is tapped.
    /// - Parameter result: The result which contains an `Offer` on success or a
    /// `DVMSDKError` on failure.
    func didTap(result: Result<dvm_sdk.Offer, dvm_sdk.DVMSDKError>)

    /// Called when the offer rendering has finished loading successfully.
    func didFinishLoad()

    /// Called when the offer rendering failed to load.
    /// - Parameter error: The error that occurred during the loading process.
    func didFailToLoad(error: any Error)


Sample iOS app for rendering DVM publications.






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