Releases: winwiz1/crisp-bigquery
Implement SRI, move to eslint, upgrade dependencies
Maintenance release
Maintenance release. Includes updates.
Maintenance release.
Maintenance release. Includes updates and minor fixes.
Bugfix release
Fixes for tests and containerisation.
Auto-pagination and export to CSV file
Additional functionality is available:
After having set the data page size (from the default 100 rows to 2000 rows) you can start new query by auto-paginating in order to fetch the desired number of data pages, up to 100. All data pages are saved in the cache for delay-free browsing.Alternatively start a new query by manually fetching a couple of data pages. Then review the fetched data, ensure the search criteria used is optimal and continue the existing query by auto-paginating.
Export to CSV.
Export all the fetched data, up to 200,000 rows, to a CSV file for subsequent import into the analytical or statistical package of your choice like Excel, SAS etc. No need to export the data into a cloud storage bucket and download it from there.