This was my CMSE 202 Honors Project. The project aims to analyze the responses from SOCT data in conjuction with data from in order to answer the following questions:
- Is there a correlation between the responses students provide on SOCT survey questions and the grades they receive?
- How do the SOCT survey responses vary between subjects? Do certain subjects receive more favorable responses, on average?
- How do the SOCT survey responses and average grades vary between course levels?
For a detailed description of the project (along with the code and analysis), see Final_Project.ipynb. This file describes in detail how to run the code. As an overview, here are some key steps:
- Install any packages in the import cell that are not currently installed. Note that OLSplots is by Jason Sadowski, and a modified copy of the code is present in this repository.
- The webscraping does not need to be performed; instead, the data can be loaded from the data folder. Simply run all the cells excluding the one beginning with the initialization of soct_driver up until the one beginning with a call to log_in.
- If webscraping is to be performed, a proper webdriver agreeing with the user's browser must be added to the directory containing the notebook. The name of the driver should be changed in the initialization of soct_driver to match the filename of the driver. Then, valid credentials must be passed to the log_in function when it is called. If the full site is to be scraped, the argument "True" in subjects_iterate should be changed to "False".
- If any errors occur while performing the webscraping, it may be necessary to modify the starting index of the loop in subject_iterate in order to restart the scraper from where the user left off. More details of this are provided in Final_Project.ipynb.
- The rest of the code should be run in order (running the cells out of order may cause errors).
Any questions should be directed to [email protected].