OMERO.web provides a web based client and plugin infrastructure.
Direct dependencies of OMERO.web are:
- ZeroC IcePy
- Pillow
- NumPy
- A WSGI capable web server
See: `OMERO`_ documentation
See: `OMERO`_ documentation
See: `OMERO`_ documentation
The tests are located under the test directory. To run all the tests, use the test target of run from the root of your repository:
./ -f components/tools/OmeroWeb/build.xml test
Unit tests are stored under the test/unit folder and can be run by calling:
./ -f components/tools/OmeroWeb/build.xml test
Integration tests are stored under test/integration and depend on the OMERO integration testing framework. They can be run by calling:
./ -f components/tools/OmeroWeb/build.xml integration
Reading about Running and writing tests in the `OMERO`_ documentation is essential.
OMERO.web is released under the AGPL.
2009-2016, The Open Microscopy Environment, Glencoe Software, Inc.