Automating project documentation for KiCad
This project is not yet live!
Install KiCad 4.0 or newer.
Clone this repository.
prompts for your company info, the template and library paths, and to install the other dependency modules. It will ask if you want to use wickerlib. -
kf -n newboard
creates a new project. -
Add parts to the schematic. Add additional part information if desired.
Draw the schematic. Create netlist.
kf -b newboard
builds a bill of materials from the netlist. -
Lay out the board.
kf -m newboard
generates manufacturing files from .kicad_pcb. -
Create .pos file.
kf -a newboard
generates assembly files for quote from the .pos file. -
Edit the as desired.
kf -p newboard
creates the output zip files and PDF documentation.
Create a templates and lib directory:
mkdir ~/wickerlib
mkdir ~/wickerlib/templates
mkdir ~/wickerlib/libraries
Install the kifisher PyPi package. This will also install pandoc, among others.
pip install kifisher
Run the kifisher setup to fill in your name, company info, and the absolute paths of your template and library directories.
kifisher --setup