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This is the repository for the streamlit presentation.

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This is the repository for the streamlit presentation.

Repository File Dictionary

File Name Description Overview and Streamlit Docuemnetation.
irirs_model.pkl The Pickled ML Model for the Iris Dataset
iris.csv. The Dataset in csv format A partily complete copy of the app to work on The finished Streamlit App
iris_ml_example.ipynb The Complete ML Model with Pickling Code
iris_ml_model.ipynb The Not Complete Iris ML Model - Needs Piclking
requirements.txt Libraries not included in Streamlit Cloud

Streamlit Application Overview & Docuementation

ML Deployment with Streamlit

  • What stream is

  • What it allowed us to do

  • Finished Titanic ML app

App development Examples

4 Part Series on making and deploying a Streamlit Application

ML Model deployment with Pickling

Model Pickling Example & Docuementation

Charts & Programming in Streamlit

Streamlit docuementation and programing examples can be found here


Line Charts

chart_data = pd.DataFrame(
    np.random.randn(20, 3),
    columns=['a', 'b', 'c'])


Bar Charts

chart_data = pd.DataFrame(
    np.random.randn(50, 3),
    columns=["a", "b", "c"])



import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

df = pd.DataFrame(
    np.random.randn(1000, 2) / [50, 50] + [37.76, -122.4],
    columns=['lat', 'lon'])

UI Programing

Anaconda Installation

Fork and Clone Repository

Go to our 460 class GitHub and click Repositories. Search for iliwycmbd_streamlit and fork this repo to your personal GitHub.

  • Open a new window in VS code
  • Click Clone Git Repository and click Clone from GitHub.

If it says it wants to sign in using GitHub click Allow and Authorize Visual_Studio_Code. Put in your GitHub password. Then click open Visual Studio code and it will show your repositories in the search bar.

Click on your iliwycmbd_streamlit repo and save it to your 460 folder. It is crucial to save it in your class folder! This will make everything run smoothly for you today.

Docker Setup

  • In VS code install the Dev Containers extension.


Open powershell as an admin.

Navigate to your 460 folder in your powershell directory.

After getting to your 460 folder in your powershell directory then

run the following code

docker pull jupyter/all-spark-notebook

Then run one of these two options below based on your computer.


docker run -it -p 8888:8888 -p 8501:8501 -v "${PWD}":/home/jovyan/work jupyter/all-spark-notebook


docker run -it -p 8888:8888 -p 8501:8501 -v "$(pwd):/home/jovyan/work" jupyter/all-spark-notebook 

Use the url to open the allspark notebook.

Go to VS code

  • Click bottom >< thing from dev container extension.


  • Click attach to running container, this will show you that container that we ran through docker from powershell. Click that and you will be taken to a new vs code window.
  • Bring in the left side bar, to folders, and click Open folder. Then click ok to load everything in.

Note - In the work folder you will see the repository folder iliwycmbd_streamlit containing all the files from the GitHub repo that you cloned down to your 460 folder.

Open your terminal

  • Run this code to install streamlit:
pip install streamlit

In the work folder through the iliwycmbd_streamlit folder, open the file

In that file write this code to import streamlit under the written comment:

import streamlit as st

Let's put a title in our app and launch it. Write this code

st.title("This is my streamlit app")
  • Save the file

In your terminal type the command:

streamlit run "work/iliwycmbd_streamlit/"
  • Ctrl click the External URL, this will launch your app into your web browser.

If this does not work for you, you will need to go directly to it by putting this in the searchbar of your browser: localhost:8501

Now we can continually edit and save our file, and all we have to do is refresh the streamlit app tab in our browser for it to update!

Let's try this by adding a streamlit write statement to our code:

st.write("Adding more to my app")
  • save the file, and go to your streamlit app tab and refresh the page. You will see your results here.

2 Fork Repo

iliwycmbd_streamlit Reposistory - iliwycmbd_streamlit Repo Link

2.1 Clone Repo

Clone the repository to your computer and make sure to save the file in your DS460 Folder or where your docker Container is. This will allow you to work on the files within your docker enviroment.

3 Pickle

In order to be able to deploy a machine learning model in an application for real world use, it will need to be saved into a file that can be deployed. This example uses the method of pickling to make a model deployable. The code to facilitate this process is very simple and will be demonstrated in the following code chunk. The library needs to be imported first to be able to pickle the model. Then the function $pickle.dump()$ can be called to save the model. In the first term of the function that needs to be specified is the model that needs to be pickled. The next term that needs to be specified in the name of the .pkl that the model will be saved to.

import pickle

pickle.dump(model, open('model.pkl', 'wb'))

This will create a .pkl file that can be called to use the model where it is being deployed. In this example the pickled file will be used to demonstrate model deployment using a streamlit app to make the model usbale either in an organization or publicly.

Start by trying to pickle the file found within the iliwycmbd_streamlit folder. If any issues are encounterd attempting to pickle this model plesae refer to the file. This file has the model pickled within it. Please note that to continue on with the Streamlit example this file needs to pickled.

Develop Streamlit app on

If there are any questions, feel free to reference the completed steamlit app example file found here:

Iris Streamlit App Example

Deploy app Locally whil in Devlopment

This is how to deploy a local streamlit app for use during app development. In this deployment it will only be accesible on the computer that it was deployed on. It is useful to verify how th app currently looks and to view any changes made. It is also benficial after an app is deployed to view any changes before pushing to github/production.

  • Naviget working directory to app file location through terminal
  • Example code:
cd Desktop
  • run the following code
streamlit run
  • Copy & Paste URL if needed
  • Re-Run when code is updated to verify changes
  • Set re-run to automatic to update when file is saved

Publishing App on Streamlit Cloud

This section will cover how to publish an app to streamlit cloud. This is very useful for making a dashboard avaliable for internal use within an orginization or for releasing a dashboard for public use.

The first step in publishing an app with streamlit is to make sure that the necessary files have been uploaded to right github repositriy. If that has not been done, be sure to do that now.

IF you are calling any libraries that are not included in a standard pytohn file, a text file called "requirements" will need to be added to your file directory or repository. Simply create a text file and add the desired libraries to the file followed by a "-dev". The folloiwing is an example of what you would do with the pandas library.


After the files that are going to be published are pushed to github, it is time to log into streamlit. If an account needs to be created please use the following link.

This is an example of this app published on the streamlit cloud app: Iris_Example_App

After logging in please navigate to the home page. This will look like the image below. To deploy a new app begin by selecting the button titled "New app". This button is highlighted in the image below.


After clicking the buttom to create a new app you will be directed to this page. This is where you will naviage through your github account to find the app that you want to publish and select the desired pyton file. After the file is selected all you need to do is hit delpoy and your app will launch shortly!



This is the repository for the streamlit presentation.






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  • Jupyter Notebook 96.9%
  • Python 3.1%