Welcome to Brain Storming, the ultimate writing companion for anyone looking to improve their writing skills or unleash their creativity. Our app is designed to help you push through writer's block and achieve your writing goals.
With Brain Storming, you'll be challenged to write for a specific amount of time, and if you stop before reaching your goal, your writing will be lost forever. But if you push through and achieve your goal, you'll be able to save your masterpiece and take it to the next level.
Whether you're a professional writer, a student, or simply someone who loves to write, Brain Storming is the perfect tool to help you take your writing to the next level.
- MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architectural pattern
- Repository pattern
- OkHttp & Retrofit
- Room Database
- DataBinding
- StateFlow
- Navigation graphs
- Coroutine
- Hilt dependency injection
- handle dependency using HILT library
- add domain layer
- migrate to compuse ui