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Renée Kooi edited this page Sep 21, 2016 · 6 revisions


These commands can only be executed by Administrators.

Command Description Example
!listplugins Show available plugins and their enabled status. !listpluginschat-log ✔, emotes ✔, greetings ✔, karma ✔
!enable <plugin> Enable a plugin. !enable emotes
!disable <plugin> Disable a plugin. !disable emotes


These commands can be used by everyone:

Command Description Example
!emotes List available emotes. !emoteshaha, slap
!e <emote> Use an emote. !e haha
!e <emote> <user> Use an emote. !e haha @kool_panda

These commands can only be used by moderators:

Command Description Example
!addemote <emote> <url> Add a new emote link. !addemote lol
!delemote <emote> Remove an emote.


Command Description Example
!bump <user> <reason> Give someone 1 karma. !bump @Kelly-QT for this cool song
!thump <user> <reason> Take 1 karma away. !thump @ReAnna for this weird song
!karma Check how much karma you collected during the past 7 days. !karma@ReAnna you have 2 karma from the past 7 days.
!karma <timespan> Check how much karma you collected during some custom timeframe. !karma f@ReAnna you have 106 karma.


Triggers are simple custom commands, intended eg. for quick access to otherwise difficult URLs.

Command Description Example
!trigger <name> "<response>" Add a custom trigger. !trigger respond "response text"
!deltrigger <name> Delete a custom trigger. !deltrigger respond
!<name> Use a custom trigger. !respond

The response text can contain some variables:

Variable Substitution
$user Name of the user who used the trigger.
$bot Name of the bot user.
$anyone Name of a random user in the channel the trigger was used in.
$target Name of the user this trigger was directed at, when used as !triggername @targetUser. Defaults to the name of the user who used the trigger if they did not enter a target.
$target{default} Name of the user this trigger was directed at, but with a custom default if no target was entered. e.g., $target{nobody} to print "nobody", or $target{$anyone} to default to a random user.

Time Spans

SekshiBot uses a simple format to express time spans (durations). Combine a number with a span character to express a duration:

  • 2h = 2 hours
  • 7m = 7 minutes
  • 7M = 7 months
  • w = 1 week
  • f = Forever
Character Duration
s second
m minute
h hour
d day
w week
M month
y year

Time spans can be chained for even more specific control. For example, 3M2w translates to 3 months + 2 weeks. hh translates to two hours. Time spans can contain spaces, but in that case they have to be surrounded by quotes: "1w 3d" for 1 week + 3 days.

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