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Repo for SAM artifact generation


  • Getting Started (5 human-minutes + 10 compute-minutes)
  • Run Experiments:
    • Run Top-Level Script (5 human-minutes + 1 compute-hour)
    • Run Figure 15: ExTensor Memory Model (5 human-minutes + up to 50 compute-hours)
  • Validate All Results

  • [Optional] How to Reuse Artifact Beyond the Paper (10+ human-minutes + 10+ compute-minutes)
  • [Optional] Detailed Explanation of What the Top-Level Script Does
    • Run and Validate Table 1: SAM Graph Properties (5 human-minutes + 1 compute-minutes)
    • Run and Validate Table 2: TACO Website Expressions (10 human-minutes + 10 compute-minutes)
    • Run Figure 11, 12, 13: (2 human-minutes + 10 compute-minutes)
    • Run Figure 14: Stream Overhead (5 human-minutes + 15 compute-minutes)

Getting Started

This guide assumes the user has a working installation of Docker and some version of python 3 installed.

  • Run the following commands to build the docker image named sam-artifact locally from the files in this GitHub repo.

    git submodule update --init --recursive
    docker build -t sam-artifact .

    NOTE: If when running this you get an error about the CMakeCache.txt please run rm -rf sam/sam/compiler/taco/build/* from the sam-artifact repo.

  • Once the image is built, run a docker container with a bash terminal

    docker run -d -it --rm sam-artifact bash
    • The above command should print out a CONTAINER_ID
  • Attach to the docker container using the command below and the CONTAINER_ID from the previous step

    docker attach <CONTAINER_ID>
  • IMPORTANT: Do not type exit in the docker terminal as this will kill the container. The proper way to exit the docker is the sequence CTRL-p, CTRL-q.

Run Top-Level Script (5 human-minutes + 1 compute-hour)

We provide a script to generate all of the results within the container and an additional script that will copy out the results for viewing on the user's local machine.

  • Within the Docker container, run the following commands to generate all results:
    source /sam-artifact/scripts/
  • Once this completes, you can extract the tables/figures from the Docker container by following the instructions in the section Validate All Results in this README.

Run Figure 15: Memory Model (10 human-minutes + between 30 compute-minutes to 92 compute-hours)

  • Run the following command which creates a /sam-artifact/sam/extensor_mtx directory and generates pre-tiled synthetic matrices (about 8 compute-minutes).
    cd /sam-artifact/sam/
    • The synthetic matrices are uniformly randomly sparse and vary across the number of nonzeros (nnz), NNZ, and dense dimension size, DIMSIZE. We assume the matrices are square as in the Extensor evaluation. The files follow the naming scheme extensor_mtx/extensor_NNZ_DIMSIZE.mtx

Next, choose one of the three options to run:

  1. Run ./scripts/ to run a restricted set of experiments (8) from Figure 15 on page 12 of our paper that will take 8 compute-hours to run.

    ./scripts/ memory_config_extensor_17M_llb.yaml 0
    • The second argument of this script can either take a 0 or 1, where 0 omits checking against the gold numpy computation and 1 checks against gold.
    • NOTE: Running with gold (1 as the second argument) will take 20 compute-hours.
  2. Run ./scripts/ to run the full set of points from Figure 15 on page 12 that will take 64 compute-hours. The full command is:

    ./scripts/ memory_config_extensor_17M_llb.yaml 0
    • The second argument of this script can either take a 0 or 1, where 0 omits checking against the gold numpy computation and 1 checks against gold.
    • NOTE: Running with gold (1 as the second argument) will take 92 compute-hours.
  3. Run ./scripts/ to run a single point from Figure 15 on page 12 that will take variable time depending on which point is chosen. The full command is:

    ./scripts/ extensor_<NNZ>_<DIMSIZE>.mtx
    • where NNZ is the number of nonzeros for each matrix (and point plotted in Figure 15). NNZ can be values [5000, 10000, 25000, or 50000]
    • where DIMSIZE is the dense dimension size for each matrix (and point plotted in Figure 15). DIMSIZE can be values (TODO, list all the dense dimensions sizes).
    • This script runs with gold checks on by default.
    • NOTE: This script may take anywhere from 20 minutes (for NNZ=5000, DIMSIZE=1024) to 17 hours (NNZ=50000, DIMSIZE=15720) to compute
  • The following is true for the above 3 scripts:

    • The scripts generate a directory called tiles with the pre-tiled matrix for the current test
    • The scripts create a directory called memory_model_out with a json and csv file for each experiment (NNZ_DIMSIZE matrix)
    • All csvs in memory_model_out are then aggregated into a single final csv called `matmul_ikj_tile_pipeline_final.csv in the same directory
    • The data in memory_model_out will not be deleted unless you run the following clean command. This means that running can be combined with to aggregate more experiments into the final matmul_ikj_tile_pipeline_final.csv.
      • Running the below command removes all collateral directories (tiles/, memory_model_out/, and extensor_mtx/) created from this section, which means running the below command will stop accumulating experiments into the final matmul_ikj_tile_pipeline_final.csv.
  • Once all desired points are run and stored in to matmul_ikj_tile_pipeline_final.csv, run a plotting script to generate (the full/partial) Figure 15 on page 12 as a PNG.

    python ./scripts/ memory_model_out/matmul_ikj_tile_pipeline_final.csv memory_model_plot.png
    • The memory_model_plot.png filename argument (#2) can be changed to another name.
    • The script will create a plot by default at the location /sam-artifact/sam/fig15.pdf anyways so that the validation plot script in the Validate All Results section does not error.
    • The creates plots via matplotlib and saves those images to the file memory_model_plot.png

Validate All Results

  • Exit the docker (CTRL-p, CTRL-q)

  • To extract all of the images/figures from the docker to your local machine for viewing, run the following command. This needs to be done from outside the docker, starting at the top directory of this repository (sam-artifact).

    python sam/scripts/ --output_dir <OUTPUT_DIRECTORY> --docker_id <CONTAINER_ID>
    • runs a series of docker cp commands to pull the figures from their default locations, renaming them to be clear which figure they correspond to in the main manuscript.
    • --output_dir is used to specify an output directory on the local machine for the figures to be stored in. The script will create the directory if it does not exist. All the files referenced in the next few steps will be found at this directory.
    • --docker_id is used to identify the docker container ID. This should have printed when the docker was created and is the same ID used to attach to the container. You may also retrieve the CONTAINER_ID again by running docker ps in your terminal.
  • Validate that the log in tab1.log matches Table 1 on page 10.

  • Validate that the log in tab2.log matches Table 2 on page 10.

  • Validate that the plot in fig11.pdf matches Figure 11 on page 10.

  • Validate that the plot in fig12.pdf matches Figure 12 on page 10.

  • Validate that the plot in fig13a.pdf matches Figure 13a on page 12.

  • Validate that the plot in fig13b.pdf matches Figure 13b on page 12.

  • Validate that the plot in fig13c.pdf matches Figure 13c on page 12.

  • Validate that the plot in fig14.pdf matches Figure 14 on page 12.

  • Validate that the plot in fig15.pdf matches Figure 15 on page 12.

[Optional] How to Reuse Artifact Beyond the Paper

Please note that all active development beyond this paper is located in the sam repository and not the sam-artifact (this) repository. The sam repository is already included as a submodule within this repository.

The Custard Compiler

Our Custard compiler takes concrete index notation (or Einsum notation) and generates SAM graphs represented in the Graphviz DOT file format. In the artifact evaluation our Dockerfile calls make sam which uses Custard to generates the multiple SAM graphs for Table 1. All DOT files generated can be found at /sam-artifact/sam/compiler/sam-output/dot/ and all PNG visualizations of the DOT graphs can be found at /sam-artifact/sam/compiler/sam-output/png/. If you would like to view one of the PNGs, please copy them over from the Docker to your local machine by modifying the /sam-artifact/sam/scripts/ Python script.

Beyond the graphs generated in the evaluation, you can try running the following commands to envoke Custard

cd /sam-artifact/sam/compiler/taco/build
./bin/taco <EXPRESSION> <FORMAT> <SCHEDULE> --print-sam-graph=<FILE.gv>
dot -Tpng <FILE.gv> -o <FILE.png>		# Converts DOT graph to PNG

NOTE: <FILE> cannot have hyphens (-) or underscores (_) in the name. Use ./bin/taco --help for specific instructions on arguments to the compiler. Generally, EXPRESSION is a concrete index notation expression, FORMAT defines the tensor formats using the TACO format language, and SCHEDULE defines a schedule using the TACO scheduling language.

An example command for SpM*SpM IJK dataflow would be

cd /sam-artifact/sam/compiler/taco/build
./bin/taco "X(i,j)=B(i,k)*C(k,j)" -f=X:ss -f=B:ss -f=C:ss:1,0 -s="reorder(i,j,k)" --print-sam-graph=matmul.gv
dot -Tpng matmul.gv -o matmul.png

Formatting Datasets

Before running a SAM simulation, we need to make sure the tensors are properly formatted. By default SuiteSparse and most other dataset tensors come in a coordinate (COO) file format, however, SAM simulations need tensors to be stored in level-based COO, CSR, CSC, DCSR, or DCSC format where each level is a separate file. We have already committed two example tensors under the /sam-artifact/sam/data/ for reference.

To download and format a SuiteSparse tensor for all matrix benchmarks run the following script:

cd /sam-artifact/sam
./scripts/ <TENSOR_NAMES.txt> 

where TENSOR_NAMES.txt is a text file containing all of the names of tensors. Example TENSOR_NAMES.txt files can be found under /sam-artifact/sam/scripts/tensor_names/.

SAM Simulator Description

In our simulation, streams are represented as Python 3 list of numbers and strings. For example, the stream 1, 2, 3, S0, D would be [1, 2, 3, 'S0', 'D'] in our SAM simulator.

The source files for each SAM block can be found in /sam-artifact/sam/sam/sim/src/ Each block is modeled using a Python 3 class of the same (or similar) name in the SAM simulator. Every block must define methods for its input connections in_<stream_type>(), output connections out_<stream_type>(), and an update() function. The update() function contains the state-machine logic on what happens at each cycle update for a given block.

Simulation testbench code instantiate objects for each block of that class and then runs a loop that models cycle ticks. Within the loop, all blocks are first connected in the proper order (inputs <--> outputs), and then all blocks are updated in topological order. Finally, any statistics are collected and the simulation is checked with the gold output (if enabled). Since simulation testbenches are run using pytest and pytest-benchmark, all tests that pass are correct.

Adding in new SAM Blocks

If a contributor would like to add in new SAM blocks, they just need to define a class with that name under /sam-artifact/sam/sam/sim/src/. The class needs to extend the Primitive base class and needs to define the appropriate methods.

Once the block is added, add a directed unit test for that primitive in /sam-artifact/sam/sam/sim/test/primitives/

Simulating SAM Graphs

Once the SAM graphs are generated and located in /sam-artifact/sam/compiler/sam-output/dot/ We automatically generate simulation tests using the All simulation testbenches can be found under /sam-artifact/sam/sam/sim/test/

Use the following command to run a simulation. NOTE: this must be done under the /sam-artifact/sam/sam/sim/ directory or any subdirectory after.

pytest <LOCATION>  

LOCATION is the directory or filename that contains the tests you'd like to run. The pytest command also takes in these useful arguments:

Argument Description
-k <TESTNAME> The test name to be run
-s Forward output to stdout
--debug-sim Pring sam debugging statements
--check-gold Enable gold checking for the testbench
-v Verbose
--cast Gold produced uses casted (integer) values
--ssname <TENSOR_NAME> Name of the SuiteSparse tensor to run

For example, to run simulations for all of the matrix (2-dimensional) tests from Table 1 on the LFAT5 SuiteSparse matrix with gold checking enabled, use the following command:

cd /sam-artifact/sam/sam/sim/
pytest test/final-apps/ --ssname LFAT5 --check-gold

NOTE: The simulations will fail if their formatted files do not exist (see Section Format Datasets)

[Optional] Detailed Explanation of What the Top-Level Script Does

Run and Validate Table 1 (5 human-minutes + 1 compute-minutes)

  • Run the following command
    cd /sam-artifact/sam/
    python scripts/
    • This script will go through each of the SAM graphs for the expressions listed in Table 1 on page 10 and counts the number of each relevant primitive in the graph.
    • The script takes an argument --sam_graphs that can be pointed to the directory containing the sam graphs. This is defaulted to a safe path for the docker environment and is unnecessary for reviewers.
    • The script also takes an argument --output_log which provides a file location to write the log to. The log is identical to the standard output of the script, but we provide this utility in any case. This argument is also defaulted to tab1.log with the docker environment in mind, so reviewers need not use it.
  • View the standard output from the script and validate that the results match the right half of Table 1 on page 10.
    • NOTE: The left half of Table 1 was analytically done (by hand) and does not have associated source code.
    • NOTE: SpM*SpM in the artifact is only shown for the ijk dataflow order, so the CrdDrop value is 2 (which is within the range 0-2 in the paper)

Run and Validate Table 2: TACO Website Expressions (10 human-minutes + 8 compute-minutes)

  • Run the following commands
    cd /sam-artifact/taco-website
    • will create two files unique_formats.log and tab2.log. These file names can be changed by changing ufname and fname, respectively, located at the top of
    • calls the file with the correct input arguments to create a log of unique expressions, format algorithms and to create each row of Table 2 on page 10.
  • Open tab2.log and validate that the results match Table 2 on page 10

Run Figure 11, 12, and 13: Optimizations (2 human-minutes + 10 compute-minutes)

  • Run the following commands
    cd /sam-artifact/sam/
    1. will generate a variety of data structures and matrices at /sam-artifact/sam/synthetic. These are used for the subsequent evaluation scripts and are necessary to proceed. There are no inputs to this script and it can be run repeatedly without any negative result. This should only take a minute or two.
    1. will run the pytest benchmarks that generate the data for the simulator-based cycle counts in Figures 11, 12, and 13. For each set of data, the script runs the pytest benchmark and then converts the output results into a CSV file. The pytest benchmarks include comparisons to a gold output to verify that they are correct. Three directories (./results, ./results-fusion, ./results-reorder) are created and contain the original json files from the benchmark and their conversions as CSV. This script will also create ./SYNTH_OUT_<ACCEL/REORDER/FUSION>.csv at the directory where the script was run from (in this case /sam-artifact/sam/), containing the combined results of each benchmark for each study.
    python sam/onyx/synthetic/ 
    1. will gather the data frames from each CSV file from the previous step and use matplotlib to plot each figure from the paper accordingly. The script has an argument --output_dir that can be used to identify the location to output the pdfs/svgs into, but for the purposes of artifact evaluation and later instructions in this README, this argument is unnecessary.
  • This is all that needs to be done for now, as a script is provided with the artifact to pull each figure out from the docker so that reviewers can view them on their local machine (in Section Validate All Results).

Run Figure 14: Stream Overhead (5 human-minutes + 15 compute-minutes)

  • Randomly choose 15 Suitesparse matrices to get their stream overheads. Run the following:
    cd /sam-artifact/sam/scripts/tensor_names
    • will generate ./suitesparse_benchmarks.txt which has the names of 15 suitesparse matrices that are valid (do not OOM). The script randomly chooses 5 from each of the following:
      1. suitesparse_small50.txt (the smallest 50 (based on dense dimension size) valid matrices)
      2. suitesparse_mid50.txt (the median 50 (based on dense dimension size) valid matrices)
      3. suitesparse_large50.txt (the largest 50 (based on dense dimension size) valid matrices)
    • also takes in three inputs: --seed (defaults to 0, changing this will change the randomness seed), --num (defaulted to 5, this arg changes the number of names sampled from each of the above files: small50, mid50, and large50), and --out_path (defaults to suitesparse_benchmarks.txt, changing this will change the output path for the generated list of suitesparse matrix names). Running the script with the default arguments will recreate Figure 14 on page 12. These numbers can be changed
  • Run a script to get the stream overhead data into json files for the randomly selected Suitesparse matrices above.
    cd /sam-artifact/sam/
    ./scripts/ scripts/tensor_names/suitesparse_benchmarks.txt  does the following:
    • Generates a file ./scripts/ that ONLY downloads the suitesparse matrices listed in suitesparse_benchmarks.txt.
    • Executes ./scripts/, which downloads the Suitesparse matrices using wget at the location SUITESPARSE_PATH (set in the docker). Note: the Suitesparse dataset can be found at
    • Then it untars all files in SUITESPARSE_PATH and deletes any unneccesary metadata files leaving just the Suitesparse *.mtx files.
    • Since mtx files store the matrices in coordinate (COO) format, the script also reformats them to be in compressed sparse fiber/doubly-compressed sparse row (CSF/DCSR) format
    • Then it runs the SAM Graph simulation /sam-artifact/sam/sim/test/final-apps/ for each matrix, collecting the streams and counting the types of tokens in each stream, storing the data in /sam-artifact/sam/jsons/.
      • Each test is only run for one program iteration since the SAM simulator code (in counts cycles (loop iterations), which is not system dependant.
      • It is important to note that is run using pytest with a --check-gold flag, which compares the SAM simulation output to a gold numpy calculation. If the pytest passes, then the computation is verified and functionally correct.
    • Finally, the script converts all jsons in /sam-artifact/sam/jsons/ to csvs and aggregates the data in to one final csv sam-artifact/sam/suitesparse_stream_overhead.csv
  • Run, a plotting script to visualize suitesparse_stream_overhead.csv
    python scripts/ suitesparse_stream_overhead.csv stream_overhead_plots.png  
    • The stream_overhead_plots.png filename argument (#2) can be changed to another name.
    • The script will create a plot by default at the location /sam-artifact/sam/fig14.pdf anyways so that the validation plot script in the Validate All Results section does not error.
    • The creates plots via matplotlib and saves those images to the file stream_overhead_plots.png


Repo for SAM artifact generation







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