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Camel K Basic Example

Camel K CI

This example demonstrates how to get started with Camel K by showing you some of the most important features that you should know before trying to develop more complex examples.

Before you begin

Make sure you check-out this repository from git and open it with VSCode.

Instructions are based on VSCode Didact, so make sure it's installed from the VSCode extensions marketplace.

From the VSCode UI, click on the file and select "Didact: Start Didact tutorial from File". A new Didact tab will be opened in VS Code.

Make sure you've checked all the requirements before jumping into the tutorial section.

Checking requirements

Validate all Requirements at Once!

VS Code Extension Pack for Apache Camel

The VS Code Extension Pack for Apache Camel by Red Hat provides a collection of useful tools for Apache Camel K developers, such as code completion and integrated lifecycle management.

You can install it from the VS Code Extensions marketplace.

Check if the VS Code Extension Pack for Apache Camel by Red Hat is installed{.didact}

Status: unknown{#extension-requirement-status}

OpenShift CLI ("oc")

The OpenShift CLI tool ("oc") will be used to interact with the OpenShift cluster.

Check if the OpenShift CLI ("oc") is installed{.didact}

Status: unknown{#oc-requirements-status}

Connection to an OpenShift cluster

You need to connect to an OpenShift cluster in order to run the examples.

Check if you're connected to an OpenShift cluster{.didact}

Status: unknown{#cluster-requirements-status}

Apache Camel K CLI ("kamel")

Apart from the support provided by the VS Code extension, you also need the Apache Camel K CLI ("kamel") in order to access all Camel K features.

Check if the Apache Camel K CLI ("kamel") is installed{.didact}

Status: unknown{#kamel-requirements-status}

1. Preparing a new OpenShift project

Go to your working project, open a terminal tab and type the following command:

oc project userX-lab-basic

(^ execute{.didact})

Upon successful creation, you should ensure that the Camel K operator is installed. We'll use the kamel CLI to do it:

kamel install --skip-operator-setup --skip-cluster-setup --trait-profile OpenShift

(^ execute{.didact})

Camel K should have created an IntegrationPlatform custom resource in your project. To verify it:

oc get integrationplatform

(^ execute{.didact})

If everything is ok, you should see an IntegrationPlatform named camel-k with phase Ready.

2. Running a basic integration

This repository contains a simple Camel K integration that periodically prints a "Hello World..." message.

The integration is all contained in a single file named (open{.didact}).

Note: the file contains a simple integration that uses the timer and log components. Dependency management is automatically handled by Camel K that imports all required libraries from the Camel catalog via code inspection. This means you can use all 300+ Camel components directly in your routes.

We're ready to run the integration on our camel-basic project in the cluster.

Use the following command to run it in "dev mode", in order to see the logs in the integration terminal:

kamel run --dev

(^ execute{.didact})

If everything is ok, after the build phase finishes, you should see the Camel integration running and continuously printing "Hello World!..." in the terminal window.

When running in dev mode, you can change the integration code and let Camel K redeploy the changes automatically.

To try this feature, open the file{.didact} and change "Hello World" into "Ciao Mondo", then save the file. You should see the new integration starting up in the terminal window and replacing the old one.

To exit dev mode and terminate the execution, just click here{.didact} or hit ctrl+c on the terminal window.

Note: When you terminate a "dev mode" execution, also the remote integration will be deleted. This gives the experience of a local program execution, but the integration is actually running in the remote cluster.

To keep the integration running and not linked to the terminal, you can run it without "dev mode", just run:

kamel run

(^ execute{.didact})

After executing the command, you should be able to see it among running integrations:

oc get integrations

(^ execute{.didact})

An integration named basic should be present in the list and it should be in status Running. There's also a kamel get command which is an alternative way to list all running integrations.

Note: the first time you've run the integration, an IntegrationKit (basically, a container image) has been created for it and it took some time for this phase to finish. When you run the integration a second time, the existing IntegrationKit is reused (if possible) and the integration reaches the "Running" state much faster.

Even if it's not running in dev mode, you can still see the logs of the integration using the following command:

kamel log basic

(^ execute{.didact})

The last parameter ("basic") is the name of the running integration for which you want to display the logs.

Click here to terminate the log stream{.didact} or hit ctrl+c on the terminal window.

Note: Your IDE may provide an "Apache Camel K Integrations" panel where you can see the list of running integrations and also open a window to display the logs.

2. Applying configuration and routing

The second example is a bit more complex as it shows how to configure the integration using external properties and also a simple content-based router.

The integration is contained in a file named (open{.didact}).

The routes use two configuration properties named items and priority-marker that should be provided using an external file such as the (open{.didact}).

The file shows how to inject properties into the routes via property placeholders and also the usage of the @PropertyInject annotation.

To run the integration, we should link the integration to the property file providing configuration for it:

kamel run --property-file --dev

(^ execute{.didact})

Wait for the integration to be running (you should see the logs streaming in the terminal window).

You can now open both the{.didact} file or the{.didact} file, make some changes and see the integration redeployed. For example, change the word door with *door to see it sent to the priority queue.

Click here to exit dev mode and terminate the execution{.didact}, or hit ctrl+c on the terminal window.

This will also terminate the execution of the integration.

3. Running integrations as Kubernetes CronJobs

The previous example can be automatically deployed as a Kubernetes CronJob if the delay between executions is changed into a value that can be expressed by a cron tab expression.

For example, you can change the first endpoint (timer:java?period=3000) into the following: timer:java?period=60000 (1 minute between executions). Open the file{.didact} to apply the changes.

Now you can run the integration:

kamel run --property-file

(^ execute{.didact})

Now you'll see that Camel K has materialized a cron job:

oc get cronjob

(^ execute{.didact})

You'll find a Kubernetes CronJob named "routing".

The running behavior changes, because now there's no pod always running (beware you should not store data in memory when using the cronJob strategy).

You can see the pods starting and being destroyed by watching the namespace:

oc get pod -w

(^ execute{.didact})

Click here to exit the current command{.didact}, or hit ctrl+c on the terminal window.

To see the logs of each integration starting up, you can use the kamel log command:

kamel log cron-job-routing

(^ execute{.didact})

You should see every minute a JVM starting, executing a single operation and terminating.

Click here to exit the current command{.didact}, or hit ctrl+c on the terminal window.

The CronJob behavior is controlled via a Trait called cron. Traits are the main way to configure high level Camel K features, to customize how integrations are rendered.

To disable the cron feature and use the deployment strategy, you can run the integration with:

kamel run --property-file -t cron.enabled=false

(^ execute{.didact})

This will disable the cron trait and restore the classic behavior (always running pod).

You should see it reflected in the logs (which will be printed every minute by the same JVM):

kamel log cron-job-routing

(^ execute{.didact})

Click here to exit the current command{.didact}, or hit ctrl+c on the terminal window.

You can continue to hack on the examples.


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