A powerful toolkit for running your CI tests.
Allows you to:
- Easily view and edit files in your CI pipelines
- Re-run tests remotely using a web terminal
- Browse websites running locally in the pipeline runner
The wrap.sh client runs a provided testing command, reporting any output.
If the command fails, the client outputs a link to an online debugging suite for the pipeline.
Enabling wrap.sh in your repository is fast and simple. Just wrap your testing command in one of two ways:
Replace "npm run tests" with your testing command in the following:
bash <(curl -Ls https://get.wrap.sh) "npm run tests"
The script (found in this repository as wrap.sh) downloads the latest version of the wrap.sh client and uses it to run your testing command.
If you prefer, you can install the client seperately:
go get github.com/layer-devops/wrap.sh/src/wrap
Then the command to start your tests would resemble the following:
wrap "npm run tests"
See the quick-start guide for more details: https://wrap.sh/quickstart
Issues, PRs and comments are welcome!
To set up for wrap.sh development:
- Install go
- Install the Sanic build tool from https://sanic.io
- Clone this repository and run the following in it:
sanic env dev
sanic run setup_for_development
To build the application, run the following in the repository folder:
sanic run build
To run the tests:
sanic run gotest