Shared libraries for webOS mobile development. You can either copy these into your projects, and manually update, or symlink in from this repo.
This is a model that manages saved settings, and is used across most of my apps. Install in the models sub-folder of your Mojo app.
This is a model that implements almost everything you need to include an automatic updater in your app.
Makes it easier to access a number of platform-level features. Some functions require your App Id to start with com.palm.*
Understanding Mojo can be challenging, and some functions are overly complex. This was an early common component I developed to help.
This is a complete Helper control that implements virtually everything you need to include an automatic updater in your app.
To use, add to your depends.js and include a kind in your main app javascript:
{kind: "Helpers.Updater", name: "myUpdater" },
You can call it anywhere in your code, but I usually call it from the enyo creation function:
this.$.myUpdater.CheckForUpdate(this, "Name of your app as listed in App Museum II");
If you want more control over the user experience, you can pass in an optional call back method:
this.$.myUpdater.CheckForUpdate(this, "Name of your app in App Museum II", this.updateCallBack);
updateCallBack: function(self, message) {
enyo.log("Got an updater response: " + message);
For ultimate control, handle the UI yourself, then call the installer:
this.$.myUpdater.CheckForUpdate(this, "Name of your app in App Museum II", this.updateCallBack);
updateCallBack: function(self, message) {
enyo.log("Got an updater response: " + message);
var UIResponse = {}; //Do your own UI
if(UIResponse == true)