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TexNative Format

Modern customizable Business Document Format for creating clean Reports, Quotations, Letters etc...


quarto use template wearetechnative/texnative

This will install the extension and create an example qmd file that you can use as a starting place for your article.


  • modern business document
  • white and dark background
  • custom letterhead en frontpage images
  • filter to create modern looking tables


Include this in your front matter.

format: texnative-pdf
  - texnative

Have a look at the temlate.qmd. This generates this pdf.

Optional Frontmatter

When set, these values are used in the cover page.

subtitle: Agreement for a typical business case
author: Jane Dean
date: last-modified
type: Report
document_version: 1
document_number: ABC013

Format Options

toc: true                                        # show table of contents
toc-title: Contents                              # title of table of contents
cover_page: true                                 # generate cover page
letterhead: true                                 # use a letterhead background
dark_background: true                            # use the dark bg or letterhead with white text
page_numbers: true                               # show page numbers
paragraph_numbers: true                          # show paragraph numbers before headers
papersize: a4
letterhead_img: bgwhite.jpg                      # path to background image
letterhead_img_darkbg: bgdark.jpg                # path to background image for dark background
cover_illustration_img: cover-ill.png            # path to cover page illustration image
cover_illustration_img_darkbg: cover-ill.png     # path to cover page illustration image for dark background
disable_justify: false                           # true: justify left and right, false: only justify left;

Custom letterhead

Change letterhead_img, letterhead_img_darkbg, cover_illustration_img and cover_illustration_img_darkbg with images which fit your Corporate Identity. At TechNative we use an extra internal extension which provides all assets with our corporate identity.

Our _quarto.yml looks like this:

  - quarto
  - texnative
dark_background: true
disable_justify: true
format: texnative-pdf
toc-depth: 4
letterhead_img: _extensions/technative-internal/quarto-technative-branding/letterhead-technative.png
letterhead_img_darkbg: _extensions/technative-internal/letterhead-technative-dia.png
cover_illustration_img: _extensions/technative-internal/quarto-technative-branding/unleash_white.jpg
cover_illustration_img_darkbg: _extensions/technative-internal/quarto-technative-branding/unleash.jpg


Illustration is created by from the 'Life' collection.