Ephemeral in-memory store for the Ethereum 2 wallet.
is a standard Go module which can be installed with:
go get github.com/wealdtech/go-eth2-wallet-store-scratch
In normal operation this module should not be used directly. Instead, it should be configured to be used as part of go-eth2-wallet.
The scratch store has no options.
Note that because this store is ephemeral there should be no funds left in the wallet at the end of the runtime, or else they will become inaccessible due to the lack of private key
package main
import (
e2wallet "github.com/wealdtech/go-eth2-wallet"
scratch "github.com/wealdtech/go-eth2-wallet-store-scratch"
func main() {
// Set up and use an ephemeral store
store := scratch.New()
// Use e2wallet operations as normal.
Jim McDonald: @mcdee.
Contributions welcome. Please check out the issues.
Apache-2.0 © 2019 Weald Technology Trading Ltd