Author: Blommaert William
Objective: Research and log data visualisation using D3.js
29/12/2014 - Updated and tidied up my repository, started my report
- Cleaned up my repo a little bit, files are separated better
- Started writing my report of things so far
28/12/2014 - Found another useful tutorial resource
- has some nice tutorials on how to use D3.js
- It comes in 17 parts, so each section is quite extensive, definitely worth looking at.
13/12/2014 - Had a look at some reviews
- I came across some library overviews and D3.js was almost always listed as one of the top ones, if not the first
- Its popularity seems to be thanks to its SVG nature
- There seem to be projects built on top of D3.js such as NVD3 and CrossFilter
11/12/2014 - Found a first downside, maybe not as much to me
- D3.js is not something that gives you out-of-the-box graphics
- It is mainly to load data into the browser in a visually appealing way
- Nothing is pre-made, but that's not really that big an issue
24/11/2014 - Started reading through tutorials
- Found a very nice resource for tutorials at Dashing D3.js
- It pretty much shows the power of D3.js in an easily learned fashion
14/11/2014 - Had a better look at the syntax D3.js uses
- The way you write code in D3 feels like jQuery: easy, fast and readable
- Selectors feel exactly like jQuery, it's like they've known each other for years
09/11/2014 - Implementing D3.js compared to the static and svg chart
- Playing around with the D3 API to get the same result as js and svg
23/10/2014 - Made a basic sample project, trying out some things
- Created a basic project including static bar chart and svg bar chart
- Had a look at more indepth features of D3.js, quite impressive
22/10/2014 - Looked into Raphaël and Protovis
- Raphaël is more for vector graphics than data visualisation, it can still be used for the latter however
- Protovis is the predecessor of D3.js, quite interesting to see how they transitioned
- So far there have been no conflicts syntaxwise
07/10/2014 - Looked into more apis
- Processing.js and Sigma.js offer similar results like D3.js
- Combining these with D3.js can yield incredible results
01/10/2014 - Initial research
- Out of all the apis looked at, D3 offers the biggest support and community
- D3 is known for its powerful visualisations, yet with the ease of being lightweight