RSS Brain is a modern RSS Reader. Check the official website for more details.
- Java 11 or above
- Scala 2.13 or above
This version uses a custom branch of doobie to resolve this issue.
Build the this branch locally with:
git clone
git checkout stream-leak-patch
sbt +publishLocal
Then find the built version at ~/.ivy2/local/org.tpolecat/doobie-postgres_2.13
and assign the version to
in RSS Brain's build.sbt
sbt clean generateGRPCCode
sbt compile
sbt assembly
cd ./bin && ./
sbt compile generateRsshubRules
sbt validateRsshubRules
Run unit test with coverage:
sbt test coverageReport
Check dependency vulnerabilities:
sbt dependencyCheck
TODO: There are some false positives needs to be excluded. See doc.
Start GRPC server:
java -Xmx2G -cp target/scala-2.13/rss_brain-assembly-0.1.jar me.binwang.rss.cmd.GRPCAndHttpServer --grpc --http --frontend
Start fetch server:
java -Xmx1G -cp target/scala-2.13/rss_brain-assembly-0.1.jar me.binwang.rss.cmd.FetchServer