I'm Walter Fan , a full stack engineer who loves writing code and poem, enjoys researching MDD, design patterns and real-time communication.
I'm writing something on blog posts and 简书, and write some tools and minutes here.
Also wrote a book of MDD - Metrics Driven Development for Micro Service.
- Metrics Driven Development: Samples for my book "Metrics Driven Development" 度量驱动开发
- The Tao of Agile: 敏捷之道
- The Security Handbook : 安全指北
- WebRTC Primer: WebRTC 笔记与示例
- DevOps cookbook: DevOps 笔记
- GStreamer cookbook: GStreamer 笔记
- Beautiful Pattern: Beautiful Patterns 模式之美
- Unforgettable Cheat Sheets: 容易忘记的速查表
- Web Diagram: A Web App for generating UML, Mindmap and flow chart based on flask, graphviz and plantuml in Python
- GStreamer Pipeline Verifier: GStreamer Pipeline Verify Tool in C++
- Regex Helper: A Java Swing App as a Regular Expression helper in Java
- Encoding Helper: A Java Swing App as an Encoding conversion and random generation tool in Java
- gtest2html: A tiny Script to covert google test xml report to markdown or html in Python
- WebRTC Stats Tool: A Web App to parse WebRTC internals dump file of Chrome in Python
- Video Codec Analyzer: H264 Codec analyzer in C++
- Daily Sticky Note: A simple sticky note with tomato timer in Python
- OCR Web App: A Web App to recognize the text on uploaded picture based on libtesseract in Python
- lazy-mock-server: A tiny mock server based on flask in Python
- lazy-log-server: A tiny log server based on boost in C++
- video_to_text: A tiny tool to extract audio from video file, and translate the text as a subtitile file
- WebRTC Snippets: WebRTC related snippets
- WebRTC Video Chat: An example of video chat based on WebRTC
- WebRTC Remote Sharing: An example of remote sharing
- Code Kata: kata(功夫套路) of code - cpp, java, python, js, etc.
- kata of c++: C++ code snippets
- kata of java: Java code snippets
- kata of python: Python code snippets
- kata of go: Golang code snippets
- kata of web including js, ts, html and css: Web(TS, JS, HTML, CSS) code snippets
These are some of the technologies and tools that I work with: