Tumblr theme based on Bootstrap 3 framework and integrated with Bootswatch themes
Credits to these websites:
- Tumblr: http://tumblr.com/
- Bootstrap 3: http://getbootstrap.com/
- Bootswatch themes: http://bootswatch.com/
- Font-awesome 4: http://www.fontawesome.io/ (for icon fonts)
- Subtle Patterns: http://subtlepatterns.com/ (for background images in demo link)
Demo can be checked from here: http://bootstrap-theme-demo.tumblr.com/
This theme is tuned for following post types:
- Text
- Photo
- PhotoSet
- Quote
- Link
- Chat
- Audio
- Video
Also for following components on the Tumblr blog:
- Tags
- Pagination
- Search box
- Responsive design (thanks to Bootstrap's grid structure)
The installation procedure is simple as general custom Tumblr themes.
- Login your Tumblr account and select the blog you want to adapt the theme
- Click on "Customize"
- Click "Edit HTML" under your existing theme name
- Copy and paste all the code from theme.html to the "Edit HTML" field
Feel free to change the HTML code after installation :)
You can easily change the values of:
- Bootswatch Theme (names can be found from its hompage, e.g. "flatly", "united")
- Background (image or color)
- Disqus
- Social icons: Facebook, Google+, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, Foursquare, GitHub, Vimeo
- Google Analytics