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Releases: vvo/iron-session


21 Nov 00:25
@vvo vvo
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We've updated the types and examples for destroy from session.destroy() => Promise<void> to session.destroy() => void. Destroy is not asynchronous, it only removes the session cookie.


20 Nov 00:40
@vvo vvo
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The v8 of iron-session focuses on reducing its API surface and bringing compatibility with the Next.js App Router.

As long as you make the required code changes, this upgrade will not disconnect your customers once deployed.

Instead of multiple opinionated wrappers (withIronSess..) There's now a single method to get sessions: getIronSession().
Use it like this:

import { getIronSession } from "iron-session";

const session = getIronSession(req, res, { password: "...", cookieName: "..." });

// or, in App Router:
const session = getIronSession(cookies(), { password: "...", cookieName: "..." });

Read more in the README:
Have a look at our new examples:

New features:

  • App Router compatibility
  • updateConfig method to change a session configuration for the next save() or destroy()
  • Single entry point, no more /next, /edge, ..


  • We've removed support for Node.js < 18
  • We've removed withIronSessionApiRoute, withIronSessionSsr, ironSession
  • added support

Gigantic thanks to:

DALL·E 2023-11-20 08 43 30 - A black and white banner with a background resembling a millimetric paper sheet, similar to a blueprint  The word v8 is prominently written in the c

The Big TypeScript Rewrite

04 Nov 13:39
@vvo vvo
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This is a BREAKING CHANGE (Major) release.

I did a full rewrite of the library in TypeScript, both as an exercise for me and to provide better types by default for consumers of the library. Since it was a full rewrite I took the opportunity to solve most of the issues from the GitHub repository along with feature requests.

Hope you like it. You'll find a migration guide in these changes.


  • The library was renamed to iron-session (since it works on all Node.js HTTP frameworks)
  • TypeScript: We have better types and you can now easily type check your session data (see usage in README). Fixes #369. Fixes #368.
  • You can access and set session data directly on req.session.* instead of having to call .get()/.set()/.unset()
  • get/set/unset methods were removed
  • The library exposes different wrappers for Next.js API Routes, Next.js getServerSideProps, and Express.js middleware (see migration guide)
  • List of passwords (rotation) must now be passed as objects like {1: 'password1', 2: 'password2'}
  • When upgrading previous sessions will be kept which means that you can safely upgrade and your users will not lose their data or be logged out
  • We now expose sealData/unsealData methods to create magic links and impersonation flows. iron-store is no more used.
  • We have updated the examples (Next.js, Next.js with TypeScript and Express.js) to use the new API
  • The library is now published as an ES module along with CommonJS
  • We now warn on bad usage (http + secure or save called after the response was sent). Fixes #8
  • We now automatically set the cookie to secure or not secure based on the protocol.
  • You can now have "session cookies" by passing {cookiesOptions: {maxAge: undefined}}. Fixes #340
  • We handle the case where the cookie has been tampered with (we generate a new one). Fixes #380

Migration guide:

1. Uninstall next-iron-session and install iron-session:

npm remove next-iron-session
npm add iron-session

2. Change import paths in your code:


import { withIronSession } from "next-iron-session";


import { withIronSessionApiRoute, withIronSessionSsr } from "iron-session/next";
import { ironSession } from "iron-session/express";

3. Change your code to use the new API:


req.session.set("user", { name: "John" });
const user = req.session.get("user");


req.session.user = { name: "John" };
const user = req.session.user; // or use req.session.user directly
delete req.session.user;

4. (Optional) Remove secure flag from your options

The cookie secure flag is now automatically set based on http/https unless you want to change it.


withIronSession(handler, {
  password: "complex_password_at_least_32_characters_long",
  cookieName: "myapp_cookiename",
  // if your localhost is served on http:// then disable the secure flag
  cookieOptions: {
    secure: process.env.NODE_ENV === "production",


withIronSessionApiRoute(handler, {
  password: "complex_password_at_least_32_characters_long",
  cookieName: "myapp_cookiename",

5. (Optional) Change the format of your password

If you were passing down a list of passwords (for password rotations) then you need to update it to:


withIronSession(handler, {
  password: [
      id: 2,
      password: "complex_password_at_least_32_characters_long",
      id: 1,
      password: "complex_password_at_least_32_characters_long",


withIronSessionApiRoute(handler, {
  password: {
    2: "another_password_at_least_32_characters_long",
    1: "complex_password_at_least_32_characters_long",

6. (Optional) Replace iron-store usage with sealData/unsealData

If you were using iron-store to create seals for magic links or impersonation flows then you can replace it with sealData/unsealData.

Because we no more needed get/set/unset methods. We completely ditched the iron-store library that was initially built for next-iron-session needs.


const store = await ironStore({
  password: "complex_password_at_least_32_characters_long",
  ttl: 14 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000

store.set("user", { name: "John" });
const seal = await store.seal();

// later on, in a different file:
const store = await ironStore({
  seal: req.query.seal,
  password: "complex_password_at_least_32_characters_long",
  ttl: 14 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000

const user = store.get("user);


import { sealData } from "iron-session";
const store = {
  user: { name: "John" },

const seal = await sealData(store, {
  password: "complex_password_at_least_32_characters_long",
  // ttl is always 14 days by default

// later on, in a different file:
import { unsealData } from "iron-session";
const store = await unseatData(req.query.seal, {
  password: "complex_password_at_least_32_characters_long",
const user = store.user;

5. (Optional) Check the best way to use TypeScript with the library

Have a look at the README to know how to do that, here:



08 Jun 08:59
@vvo vvo
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4.2.0 (2021-06-08)


  • TypeScript: Add session to handler req + example (#356) (3f506f7)


05 Jun 20:09
@vvo vvo
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4.1.14 (2021-06-05)

Bug Fixes


19 Apr 20:37
@vvo vvo
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4.1.13 (2021-04-19)

Bug Fixes

  • types: reference jshttp/cookie types (4762fc6), closes #330


22 Feb 09:59
@vvo vvo
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4.1.12 (2021-02-22)

Bug Fixes

  • TypeScript: correct typing on Session (#313) (d8d96bc)


10 Feb 09:33
@vvo vvo
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4.1.11 (2021-02-10)

Bug Fixes

  • TypeScript: document maxAge option (c354a66), closes #277


05 Nov 12:53
@vvo vvo
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4.1.10 (2020-11-05)

Bug Fixes

  • 10: fix nodejs 10 (a2b3b27)
  • compat: allow Node.js 10 compatibility (52720ef)
  • node10: really fix nodejs 10 (b26fd3e)


01 Oct 08:45
@vvo vvo
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4.1.9 (2020-10-01)

Bug Fixes

  • destroy: handle previously set cookies (1522c6f), closes #229