DV Hotels is a small project made by Vujke and DS360!
The project features fully functional Log in & Register functionality & dynamic routes for each hotel.
Hope you like it :)
Figma Design: DV-Hotels Design
The project is, at the moment, unfinished, but it is very close to initial plan's finish. Here are some of our the ideas for improvement:
- Create loading functionality for each page that needs it.
- Create functionality that allows the user to create a new hotel.
- Create user's page to enable the user to see what hotels he/she added(could also add it through the navbar modal).
- Build onto the Hotel Details page to enable user to actually reserve the viewed hotel and to finally checkout.
First, run the development server:
npm start
# or
yarn start
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
Next step is to set up the backend. Clone the backend repo: Backend Repo.
In root folder of the backend repository folder, create a .env file in which a variable for MongoDB is needed to be added.
Next step is to actually create a MongoDB Cluster which I'm not going to explain how to do here. There is plenty of youtube tutorials on how to do it.
After the Cluster is created, create a collection and add the collection shell key to the .env variable. It should look something like:
DATABASE_MONGODB = mongodb+srv://<your_username>:<your_password>@cluster0.erpf0.mongodb.net/DatabaseName?retryWrites=true&w=majority
That's it! The project should be up & running completely.