ARCHIVED - I am not actively updating this repo anymore. Be sure to audit and review dependencies if you use it.
This app has a very specific use-case: rapid doctor's schedule creation. Source data varies from notes in emails, to spreadsheets, to actual sheets of paper with random people's writing stuff :-) WIP Screens available on my website.
- React
- Redux
- xlsx-populate
- Firebase
- FontAwesome Icons
- Google Fonts
- Balsamiq for the initial mockup
- Clone/Download
- NPM Install While In PhysicianSchedules Folder
- NPM Start
- Currently building out an Auto-Fill feature that uses business logic to fill in parts of the calendar automatically
- After that, I will clean up the styling and verify cross-browser compatibility
- Add the calendarView portion of the app
- I have a 'helpful files' folder that I need to clean up and make into a standard thing that I import for all of my projects
Also, currently digging into for UI testing.