Lightweight and flexible calendar component which satisfies the most complicated needs of our clients
npm install react-css-calendar
yarn add react-css-calendar
import React from 'react';
import {CalendarGrid} from 'react-css-calendar'
import moment from 'moment'
const SimpleExample = () => (
<CalendarGrid events={[
title: 'voopty',
start: moment.utc().set('hour', 8),
end: moment.utc().set('hour', 9),
title: 'calendar',
start: moment.utc().set('hour', 8),
end: moment.utc().set('hour', 10),
title: 'says',
start: moment.utc().set('hour', 9).set('minutes', 30),
end: moment.utc().set('hour', 11),
title: 'hello',
start: moment.utc().set('hour', 12),
end: moment.utc().set('hour', 14),
Name | Type | Default | Description |
startHour* | number | 0 | hour when vertical timeline begins |
endHour* | number | 24 | hour when vertical timeline ends |
events* | array | [] | calendar events to display. The order doesn't matter. Required fields of an event to be displayed correctly is {start: moment, end: moment} |
columns* | array | [moment.utc()] | calendar columns to render(doesn't have to be dates see example with custom grouping) |
renderTime* | (moment) => UIComponent | (date) => date.format('LT') |
what to render on the timeline for each hour |
renderColumnName* | (column) => UIComponent | (date) => date.format('D MMM') |
what to render for each calendar column |
renderEvent* | (event) => UIComponent | (event) => event.title |
what to render for each calendar event |
dimensions* | { tenMinutesHeight: number, timeLineWidth: number, headerHeight: number, groupedEventsMargin: number } |
{ tenMinutesHeight: 20, timeLineWidth: 70, headerHeight: 50, groupedEventsMargin: 0 } |
calendar dimentions constants |
colorScheme* | { background: color, divider: color, hover: color, header: color} |
{ background: '#fff', divider: '#DCDCDC', hover: '#E6E6E6', header: '#F5F5F5'} |
calendar color settings |
getColumnDate* | (column) => moment | (date) => date | what date should be used to each column (see example with custom grouping) |
getColumnEvents* | (column, {events: array}) => array | (date, {events}) => (events.filter(({start, end}) =>moment(start).isSameOrBefore(date, 'day') && moment(end).isSameOrAfter(date, 'day'))) |
return array of events to be displayed in the column |
onTimeSlotClick | (moment) => () | how to handle click on empty timeslot |
In the example, the date is fixed, but columns are represented by people who are teaching the class.
For that we have to override default values of following props:
- an array of people who are teaching the classes during the fixed daterenderColumnName
- display info about the person who is teaching the classgetColumnDate
- return the fixed date for any columngetColumnEvents
- return list of the events taught by the person in the column